

In a desolate solar system in a desolate star system contained within a long forgotten corner of the universe, lay a barren planet. Devoid of all life except five unfathomably mysterious figures hovering just above the planet's atmosphere.

"Marquis Surpasser, I must say.... You have simply outdone yourself this time- Truly, this little wasteland is suitable for our little bet" . Chuckled one these uncanny fellows. The individual in question was titanic in proportions, heavily muscled and covered in inky black Draconian scales. His scales were covered with golden runic imprints which seemed to writhe across his body. His presence gave off a vast and oppressive aura, as if he were a god of war entering the battlefield. His very presence was enough to turn lesser beings into dust at the sight of him...

"FUCK OFF BLACKDRAGON, YOU MISERABLE WHORESON EXCUSE OF A DUKE. We wouldn't be here if you could be a bit more reasonable..... You want half of my star systems, an entire fucking half? Why don't you just come take one of my balls instead YOU BASTARD!" . Screamed Marquis Surpasser who in a complete contrast to the subject of his verbal abuse was decidedly unremarkable. Surpasser appeared to be a 1.8 metre stick-thin humanoid figure with a long, hard face, dull green hair that reached down to his shoulders and two slug like eyestalks which were waving in rage. He was dressed in a white lab coat, adding to his appearance which was both queer and mundane.

" Marquis Surpasser, may I please ask you to behave in civil manner. Now that you have chosen a location and all parties are present, may I have both of your permissions before I start the official process on behalf of the Universe Court?" .Softly spoke a young looking woman dressed in silver robes with silver hair and silver eyes. She was beautiful in a cold, ethereal manner, like an immortal empress doted on by the heavens itself. One could look but not approach, one could listen but not speak; this was the unique aura she gave. The woman was Universe Judge D-13, assigned to carry out the judicial matters of the all-encompassing Universe Court.

" Hmphh.... We may start" Grumbled Marquis Surpasser.

"Hehehe, of course... Why don't we begin" .Grinned Duke Blackdragon as he spoke in a rapacious manner, as if already imagining the loot he would be gaining. The Duke was notorious amongst the Universe Lords for his blatant attempts to rob his peers through the legal system.

"Then we shall start. On this day, Universe Cycle Fifty-Eight- Reign of Multiverse Empress Xurien- Archaic Universe- Deshrali Star System- Unnamed Planet. I Universe Judge D-13 of the Universe Court declare that the conflict between Marquis Surpasser and Duke Blackdragon is officially witnessed and recorded by the Universe Court. The said conflict initiated by Duke Blackdragon concerns the bet between the two parties about which party in question is capable of cultivating the most powerful gladiator. The issue will be settled through gladiatorial combat. Whichever party wins shall have to pay the other exactly one half of their owned star systems" Exclaimed D-13 in a calm and authoritative tone. "The gladiators being used in this dispute will be: Warrior S-1, property of Marquis Surpasser and of the Herculean race and Warrior B-3, property of Duke Blackdragon and of the Divine Black Dragon Race.

" Official combat shall now begin , gladiators are to use the below planet as their battlefield and are not allowed to leave said planet". Commanded D-13 in an imperious tone as she stomped her foot down, teleporting the gladiators down to the surface of the planet and creating a bright, silver force-field, containing the two fighters.

" It's all up to you know my little slave....." . Whispered Surpasser as he clenched his fists. " Damn... My store-bought gladiator cannot simply compare to that of that madman Blackdragon. He hand raises every single one of them from the egg and they all have his powerful bloodline."

And indeed, the battle went as Surpasser though it would. S-1, an muscle bound titanic warrior with bronze skin and golden hair- traits characteristic to his native Herculean race, roared with all his might and dashed towards B-3. His steps shook the Earth, smashing apart mountains and readjusting the landscape with his strides. Compared to S-1, B-3 while being equally large in size , was slender with scales as black as those of his forefather's. B-3 was a true dragon. Anticipating S-1's approach he swerved his lithe body to the side, S-1 was carried forward by the momentum but quickly turned around with his fist blazing with golden light. Alas it was too late...

Using the speed afforded to him by his light frame and charging his fangs with his internal energy, B-3 snapped forward baring his fangs. Fangs absolutely dripping with malicious killing intent gripped S-1's throat, crushing it. However this was not what killed S-1. It was the internal energy coating the fangs which coursed into its victim's body, destroying it from within. S-1 crumpled to ground, an expression of pure agony and defeat on his broad, honest face. A brave warrior who had fought for millennia had passed....

B-3 let out a fearsome, draconic roar and returned to his master, coiling around his arms and entering slumber. "Hehehe Surpasser, it looks like I have won!" Laughed Duke Blackdragon as he clapped his clawed hands in glee. "I'll have your star systems now!"

Contrary to expectations, Surpasser was not fuming in rage. Instead a cold light flashed in his eyes as he threw a token representing the deed to half his star systems to Blackdragon. Surpasser then sneered at the dead body of S-1 and disappeared from sight, leaving Duke Blackdragon laughing in delight and D-13 standing in her customary silence.

In resolute silence, Surpasser arrived at a doorway located in an empty region of space. Pressing his hand on the entrance, he strode in, arriving at his personal pocket dimension. On entrance, a dim lit laboratory could be seen with a silently working team of black metallic organisms.

"We give praise to lord". Chanted the metal life-forms as they fell to their knees.

Surpasser maintained his grim silence and waggled his finger, beckoning one particular metallic being with red stripes adorning his gleaming body. " How is Project EvoSeed proceeding?"

"My lord, we are almost ready for implementation, we just need my lord to complete the final refinement"

Surpasser drew his lips back in a sickening smile and walked towards a black orb located in the centre of the laboratory. Placing his hand on this mysterious object he caressed it, causing it to unfold like a blooming flower. In this orb was a tiny colourless crystalline structure which gave off an aura of deep profoundness, as if it contained numerous constantly changing mysteries. " My beauty.... With you I will rule this multiverse. You will spawn me the most powerful gladiator known to the heavens!". Surpasser then flashed to another region within the lab-world, bereft off all matter except for a small, glowing green pond. Strange symbols flashed as he extracted the green liquid before digesting it, multiple unfathomable processes happened within in him as he constantly refined and purified the liquid. "I have truly outdone myself this time... Infinite variation.. infinite variation... HAHAHAH. Watch how the earth and heavens will tremble at my work!" The refined liquid was spat out and through Surpasser's will merged with crystalline seed, the two substances merged rapidly as if they were originally one.

Finally it was over. The Marquis tenderly stroked the now luminescent green crystal seed as then teleported to one his many galaxies. In fact it was.... The Milky Way! As he approached a random Solar System he found one with a life bearing planet. " This will be perfect for my trial! Hmmmm..... I'll plant this here for now. I'll come back in a few trillion years and see how everything has turned out. Hopefully a suitable candidate will have emerged by then". Surpasser shrugged as he said "If not I'll just extract the seed and plant it somewhere else. After all... I do have all the time in the world!" With that he flicked the seed to this unknown planet and faded away.

It was the year 2018 on the Planet Earth when a minuscule green seed arrived, unbeknown to the local fauna and flora. As it the touched the surface of this planet the seed burrowed down until it reached the core. Unperturbed by the intense heat the seed went to the very centre before fixing in place. Green light suddenly exploded from the seed! It went everywhere and affected everything in a molecular level. This was change. Unimaginable change. Change that would change the course of this little planet and give birth to an eternal legend....

What do you guys think? Any feedback is welcome :)

underlord1234creators' thoughts