
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · เกม
68 Chs

Chapter 5

In Ascendance, there is a damage system, but it's pretty simple, your HP is not a measure of how much damage you can take, but how healthy you are. Thus, no matter how much you upgrade your stats, your HP will permanently remain at 10. This is also how the durability sytem works.

The system measures how damaged an entity is, then expresses that in numerical form.

Instead of increasing HP, adding stat points into Constitution will make it harder for enemies to pierce your skin, as well as raising your resistance to status conditions.

This stands true for monsters as well, very few monsters can survive a solid stab through the neck, and this very fact was what Aura planned to take advantage of.

Since all the horned rabbits were gathered around the bait, all Aura would have to do is cloak himself in void energy and then walk over to the bait. The void energy will mask his presence as well as give his dagger strikes an additional sharpness.

When it comes to weapon reinforcement, all forces work equally, so when Aura waltzed in between the adorable bunnies and gave a quick slash across five fuzzy necks, there wasn't much resistance.

Five down and a good forty more to go.

The horned rabbits wouldn't just wait for death though. They all turned towards him and began a charge, holding their signiature bone spike towards their enemy.

Aura gathered some magic energy and cast a basic force field, blocking the first few fuzzballs and causing the ones behind to stab their horns into their comrades. He then gathered some nature energy and cast another spell.

Vines rapidly pushed themselves out of the ground and began to strangle the remaining twenty, choking them until all life had left their bodies.

Since all the horned rabbits were dead and there was still bait on the ground, the queen would probably show up in just a few minutes, so Aura tossed all the corpses into his Item Box and channeled a bit of nature energy into the air, letting it absorb the blood puddles and seep into the ground. This was a technique that allowed someone to give back nutrients to the forest, and was commonly used by druids to get rid of corpses they didn't feel like cleaning up.

A swift slash finished off the rabbit queen and Aura moved on to the next area, repeating the process until his quest was complete and he had reached LV 8.


Aura LV 8


Class: None

HP: 10/10

Force: 10/10

Force Ratio: 1F

STR: 11 (x4)

AGI: 11 (x4)

INT: 11 (x4)

WIS: 11 (x4)

Stat Points: 0


Vital Strike LV 6 (New!)

Nature Magic LV 3 (New!)

Void Magic LV 5 (New!)


Force Manipulation LV 10 (New!)

Status Manipulation LV 10 (New!)

Item Box LV - (New!)

Appraisal LV - (New!)




Player - Access to the Reincarnation System


Aura's status was still extremely overpowered, what with him having 44 in all stats at only level eight.

A normal player at level eight would have 25 points in their main stat and 17 in their secondary, with 8 points to place freely. But this advantage wouldn't last forever, when players advancex their force manipulation skills, they too would gain a status amplification skill, although one that would only multiply their main and secondary stats by 4.

Aura didn't have time to waste, he had to advance his blacksmithing skill to master level and quickly, but 10 gold was nowhere near enough.

After turning in his quest through the system, Aura headed back into Merinford, using his hand to block the early morning sunshine.

The quest reward was 1 gold, a bit high for such an easy task, but it was troublesome and time consuming, making such a reward actually quite low.

After dismantling the 400 or so rabbits and putting them on the market, they would probably fetch a total of 100 gold, mostly due to the queens.

By the end of the day, Aura had sold his bunnies and purchased the things he needed, a pickaxe and axe, as well as some alchemical supplies, and with everything in his Item Box, he set off to collect materials.