

Year 2020, The year when it all began a big project has been going on for 4 years having funded by the US president. Project Artificial has been launched the aim of the project is to create AIs that would fight in replacement of the army. At the day of the launch a weird miscalculation happened. The AIs started to attack the civilians watching in the event. 10 days later the whole west is in shambles humans are already beginning to be extinct when an organization who has the best scientist in the world at the time begun trying to make an AI that could fight the AIs yarim cha from south korea. She made yuu an AI with human emotions. an AI so powerful that is said to blast a large mountain effortlessly. 6 months later humanity is already on the brink of extinction the AI made for fighting AIs didn't work instead he is now hailed as the AI emperor. The ruler of all AIs another year passed by when humanity only has a total of 25,000 people alive. A rift around the space opened it was a beautiful crack in the sky one that humanity has never seen before a large meteor came out of it immediately landing on earth. A month later humanity was fighting back. How you ask? when the meteor hit it wasn't really a normal meteor it started to give powers to the humans they decided to call it Celestial Energy. A year later yuu was cornered and they tried to take his powers but yuu was still too strong even for the top celestialist before they could reach yuu he used an unknown dark energy that made him self destruct ending the invasion once and for all.
