
World view

J:when I get out of VS, I see a woman come to me and lift me ,she open her buttons, unhook her bra and that was moment of truth,I drink milk like baby that I am , don't blame me I was so hungry that I washed shame and put it aside ,honestly it tastes really good , later I wet myself and she clean me, I don't know if she is really my mom or not but when she hug me or hold me in her hands I really feel good and safe at same time ,some time she speak to me but I don't get what she say ,for now I focus on learning language and have some good time

Next day

I woke up and

L-hey jack I have some news


L- first is that I think we go to another world ,two is that in your mom body has many times energy than you ,another thing is that I don't have any information on language she speak and she is indeed you mother you couldn't see her yesterday but don't worry I'm best in examination and I check your…

J- wait wait wait a little slower

L-sorry that was fast so let's continue I check your body and that energy is really benefiting our body it can circles in body and that's the only way we can use it now but it is really strange , I am sure it has other uses oh right I can show you your body parameters , can you read and write?

J-yes I was orphan but not idiot

L-okey here


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L-oh sorry it was my country language,now I change it to English

J-how come you know my language ?

L- I know it now , at first It was mental connection and unstable one, I stable it then read your surface mind ,and add your language in my system so that I know your language ,and why I ask you if you know how to read and write?is because it's just surface mind and thing that repeat many time in your memory , in there I see many words and listen to many people but I don't know anything but basic of your life

J- you could ask me and then read my mind you know

L-don't be such cry baby ,okay configuration complete here we go

:and then there was his state of body





Focus: 1.1

Mentally : 1.3

Mysterious energy:0.5

J-wow this,I'm so I'm powerful no?

L-if you like to think like that I can't do anything for you ,so that you know ,any of parameters are 1=average person

J- so that's how it is , now what I do?

L-just eat milk and learn language

: they focus on learning language and get more information . days pass, in half year they get many surprise

First it was one time her mother come and use some sort of magic, she make fire dance in air, it was awesome and it was using mysterious energy

,His name was jack rose, God he really don't know what to say ,

He was only son of rose family and he have older sister she was 9-10 year older than him

Half year later they have amazing birthday party ,and in that time, he find out that his father is village chief ,that's because many people come and call his father that way

, j:it seems my moms friends tell her reading stories is very good for me ,so that she and my sister,start telling me some stories

And that was start of learning season for me, now when I'm alone I go to Vs, and learn how to read and write again ,how you say?, let me ask

J-how did you Learn read and write?

L-easy when you look at book and she read I make connections between words and what she says.

J-easy huh

L-of course who do you think I am,I'm best AI ever made

J:half year later I start speaking ,it was really sight to be seen ,my parents look at me like they see kitten

Mom:say mom mo mom

Father: say daddy da da daddy

They almost killed me ,ah it was like they want feast on prey ,any way when they have their fun ,i was exhausted ,any way some days later ,I ask about magic ,she said: your really smart you know ,magic is art of manipulation of mana ,energy God bless us we can use it to fight monsters


Mom-yes there's many types of them if you want to learn magic I tell you how to do when you are 2 year old

Then I ask if she can tell me about people outside of home

She tell me many things in this days ,so much that I got headache ,so let me make it short for you

::there is many race people really much and each have ability that the other don't have ,it and differentiate make wars ,many people died and it really was bad times ,until magic school come to be ,because of terror of monsters on borders people in every region forced to back down and face common enemy so for it so that people don't ge in war a system was built ,it was this way that wars end but only on surface

System was this way

1:each region have group of people controls it that calls clan

2:clans two class dark and light

Light clan politics is people are under law and they must protect people and fight against enemies

Dark clans is that fist talk people judge base on their capacity and what they don in war against enemies

But clans are not as important then schools there are 5 schools

1 magic school :people with talent learn How to fight

2 merchants school: they get profit from buying and selling to people

3 service school: they have many services to people such as house making ,tablewares ,service in bed (you know what I mean) ,cleaning and …

4 weapons and alchemy schools

But they are not big and powerful as ultimate schools or in other name city schools

What happen when people with any talent get in one place and make schools? It's school that is beyond school but with clear bindery and its power is beyond imagination in each mega clans there is only one of such place and it's power control anything in there

1/3 of city is school area where you learn ,research,buy and sell your products in any field

Another 2/3of city is have 6 part : residents area ,management area,army area ,merchants area, factories areas and food area

Residents area is where people live Mostly people that work in area other than school

Management area is where control school city and other cities of clan and is under school supervision

Army area is where fight with monsters planed mission given

Merchants area is where that any thing you wanted can be bought

Factories area is where people make many products that people need

Food area is where any form of food is produced

Please tell me if you find any grammar mistakes I try make it better but I know It's suck in many ways

thanks for comments

mohamad24xxcreators' thoughts