

Not everyday we wake up with a smile in our face and keep that smile for the whole day. What happens when the first words you here are your worst news and will end up changing the course of your life forever. My life was good, i can say perfect as far as i see it until this fateful day, the day that changed my entire life, no ruined my life completely. This four words are my worst nightmare ' you are getting married' . I know you think am a pervert for hating marriage but you don' t know my story so please say no hate words to me. I hated marriage from the moment i saw my dad slapping my mom yet she acted like its nothing, from the moment i saw marriage couples killing each other, marriage couples cheating . What is the point of marriage if two people can't stick to each other. There is no forever and true love that is my view unless someone proves me wrong.

Lemme introduce myself to you, am Victoria Millan but i go by Tori, am just an eighteen year old girl in my freshman year of college. I have one little brother by the name Travis. So today after coming from school my mom broke the worst news to me ,she was just smilling as if she had won a trip to Seoul to see BTS the world best K- pop stars. I could not believe my ears, am still young for marriage and second i hate marriage to hell, third am going to marry a stranger i don't even. Are they even my real parents, how can a mother do this to her own daughter.

Currently am stuck in my room i just don't know what else to do but to listen to my favourite music Spring day by Bangtan boys. I knew my parents well , once they make a decision it was final. No matter how much i cry there was nothing like backing off the marriage thing, so like a caged animal i had to accept because they controlled my whole life. After composing myself i decided to go ask my parents why they wanted to marry me off, yes like everyone else i needed a reason why. They can just ruin my life. I found my mom in the kitchen so obvious my dad was in his study room working as always, you can call him a workaholic . " Mom can we talk please," that is how i started. " Yes sweetie, tell me," that is my mom acting as if she is the best mother yet she is the opposite. " Mom about the marriage thing why should you guys arrange for me to get marriage yet you of all people knows how i hate this?" I asked. " Sweetie marriage is not bad as you think, wait until you meet Julio Carson trust me you will thank me and your dad for the best choice we made." Added my mom. " But mom..." I started complaining but was cut off buy so 'sweet mom' note the irony. " Note buts my girl everything has been fixed,the Carsons will be here first thing in the morning they are talking a night flight so be prepared, meanwhile go have a nice sleep."

Did i hear that well, ofcourse i did, so the soon to be my inlaws were coming in the morning with their precious son as my mom say . Oh my God this can't be. What is my life turning to. With tears in my eyes i ran to my room and closed my door, ' You can do this Tori' i kept telling myself but whom am i kidding. Marriage freaks me out. Taking my headphone and scrolling through my playlist i chose Love sick girls by Blackpink,you wonder why, yes am a blink and an army too.

I don't remember falling asleep but was awoken by someone banging my door, not just someone offcourse it was my mom. " Tori the guest are here and you are still asleep, there is always something with first impression, you better wake your lazy ass and come down for breakfast and wear a nice dress." Can't believe they are here already, and mom has just asked me to wear a dress , wow she knows well i hate dresses, she could have said wear a nice short because well am into shorts alot. After taking a shower and wearing my 'nice dress' i headed downstairs, i was never a makeup girl so i had none except lip gloss. In the dining room i saw people whom i assumed were the Carsons but their son was not their.

I went and greeted them, and from them i learnt that their son Julio was not with them because he had some errands to run. That was good for me because i never wanted to meet him anyway. After breakfast , i went back to my room, i had several novels to read and keep myself busy, i had a collection from Anna Todd, Abbi Glines and Colleen Hoover. They are my favourite authors. I had not completed my first page when my mom called me downstairs . What is with her again, i can' t have my alone time since they have screwed my life. " Get your things together because you are leaving with the Carsons today at noon" " What? Are you for real mom, am i that bad to you, do you hate me that much, is it not enough for you to arrange my marriage to a stranger, you are also getting rid of me completely.. " I could not finish my words as tears were running down my cheeks uncontrollable . Not waiting for anyone' s response , i ran back to my room, so they wanted me out of their life completely. I took my suitcase shoving in everything that was mine without caring. In moment i was downstairs with my three suitcase ready to move out. I could see my little brother crying but i had no time for him.

"Since you want me out of here badly, am doing you that favour, am going with the Carsons because it makes you happy when am tears." I said to my parents. " Sweeties its for your own good trust me." That was from my mom. " For my own good, how mom, dad ,can you explain why you are getting reed of your only daughter, no you can' t . " I said looking straight to their faces.

Note from the author

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