
Pertaining to His Dream

The training ended but Sheloah was clearly distracted. Veon just came out of the house after distancing himself from the others for hours. This made the girl worry more, but she decided to leave him be rather than forcing him to go out of the house.

What is he even scared of? What was the dream all about anyway? Veon was obviously pertaining to his dream the other night.

Sheloah hoped that once she asked about it from Veon later, he won't avoid the question like how he usually does.

Tonight would already be the plan for them to get resources in Pampanga. The group who was assigned for this role went inside the car and they parked the vehicle somewhere and decided to walk on foot going to the mall.

They used Veon's car. The people involved in the plan are Sheloah, Veon, Kreiss, Geof, Shannara, John, Isobel, Tyler, and Erick. They added one more medic, and they decided to get Sheloah's mom.
