1 Prologue

[Floor Two Thousand cleared]

[Warning] [Warning]

[Host is in bad condition]

[Recommended Host to quickly recover]

All I could see was a creature in the distance - No, he was just another Heart broken soul trying to get Revenge against those sh*ty Gods.

Two years is it- Huh?... but here it seems like time flows way faster, it feels like centuries Now.

I wonder, have I now become like him...?


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[Location: Broken World]

Another Year in the original world

[Location: Unknown]

Another Year in the original World

[Location: Unknown].... [Location: Unknown]....[Location: Unknown]....

[Location: Earth]

"So much has changed, I-I don't feel the same have I...have I.... been forgotten....How could this- happen."

"I've tried so hard to come back, so why?"

[It has only Begun...]
