
Caressed her cheeks

she collapsed after that she didn't even manage to click send. It was almost forty minutes in shower when he finished reminiscing .He tiptoed out of shower , brushed his teeth while wiping his wet abs and shoulder.

He remembered he had left Gift sleeping , he hurried dressed up and left the bathroom . He looked at her and found himself smiling broadly . He took his trench coat , caressed her cheeks and focused on the big mole on her upper lip which made her look extra beautiful . He decided to take a walk around the park while smoking.

Rayvince was only thinking about Gift to the point that he bumped into people carelessly . He smoked four cigarettes simultaneously around the park , watched fountains when his phone rang, it was his assistant calling him for annual meeting at the office he frowned and asked him to cancel it .

The assistant was puzzled and insisted that the meeting was a crucial one which involved all stakeholders and managers all over the continent and only held once per year .Rayvince didn't care and said " you can as well represent me , I think you know what to do!" and ended the call abruptly . One the other end of the line the assistant was astonished he only managed to say " yes sir I know what to. ...." before he call was ended .

The assistant complained to himself , he wished he was just like other lower subordinates who didn't have to cope with this boss everywhere. Sometimes the boss was more of a lunatic if that is how he could explain him.
