
Chapter 1: Unknown,Left out,Last option

It was a harsh reality for her, always being the last one,being compared and being a laughing stock. Her life was different compared to other children. Charlotte used to have the perfect family, where she get to spend time with her parents until her father starts to get addicted to drugs.

Always hitting,shouting,losing temper at her Mother. Resulting her Mother to commit suicide by hanging herself...she was then only 8 years old and it was when her life was crushed.

Her father then remarried to a 2 faced wretch, Cassandra,always acting innocent infront of her father but contemptible and despicable person to charlotte. Charlotte also has a stepsister,Ema,which has the same attitude as her Mother. To conclude,Charlotte is like a real life Cinderella.

Always gets scolded,punished and abused but yet,she didn't make a sound,she cried in silence for 2 years.One day, it was her birthday. Coincidentally,it was also her stepsister's birthday so a party was planned.

But on that day,the spotlight was on Ema...no one realise that it was also Charlotte's birthday or shall I say,they didn't even know Charlotte was there. Ema get to wear the limited edition Gucci dress while Charlotte wore a plain white dress. It was really pathetic.
