
Archangel: A Forbidden Celestial Novel

A Forbidden Celestial Novel (Standalone) ~~~ "I can tell you had a long day. Let's take your mind off things." I shiver against his touch, his fingers pressing down on my most sensitive area. My eyes close in bliss when his mouth finds the tender spot on my neck, a soft moan slipping past my lips. ~~~ Talia Cardosi is a young small town woman, she only knows two things in life - working a lifeless job at the local café, and the strained relationship with her boyfriend. But, Talia is growing tired of her boyfriend's manipulative ways and craves a release from the mental drag that is the relationship. On a fateful night, Talia is graced by a very beautiful and mysterious man. They develop a growing romantic and sensual attraction towards each other; the handsome and mysterious man soon proves to be an escape for her. Never the less, She soon learns he has dark secrets himself, secrets that challenge her beliefs and faith. Will it affect her outlook on this man? Or will her desires and lust for him allow her to overlook these discoveries and slip away from the pains of her relationship?

AntonellaS_novels · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Auras, part 2

"Hey, sorry if I'm a bit late, oh–" I settle down my bags on the nearest table and catch sight of none other than Nathaniel. My heartbeat quickens, and I feel my face flush with warmth, staining my cheeks and ears with a deep pinkish tone.

"N–Nathaniel," I slightly curse myself at how nervous I must sound. He sits comfortably in front of a very amused Olivia, a cup of tea settled in her hands.

"Talia," he cocks his head towards me in acknowledgment, his beautiful eyes gleaming and enhancing his attractiveness with their expression. I chew on my bottom lip just before Olivia breaks the small trance Nathaniel holds me in.

"Just because you always arrive exactly fifteen minutes early every time doesn't mean you're late when you get here when your shift actually begins," Olivia chuckles at me. I quirk an eyebrow at her and purse my lips in embarrassment.

"I'll be back." I shuffle away from the two, slightly wondering if they might be on a secret date together. Why else would he be here having a cup of tea with Olivia of all people?

I tie my apron around my hips before walking out of the backroom to meet my coworker and the very man that accelerates my heart.

"So why our small town out of all the places?" I hear Olivia question Nathaniel.

"Well, I came from a very populated city and needed a change, something small, comfortable, and new to me," he responds smoothly.

"A city boy, that explains it," I chuckle and lean forward behind the counter. Nathaniel's attention focuses on me, his intense gaze pinning me in my spot. I had forgotten how hypnotizing he can be with just the look of his eyes.

"Explains what?" He says as he gets up and walks toward where I am behind the counter. I purse my lips as his smirk sends shivers down my spine.

"You," I shrug simply, lifting my chin slightly up to gaze at the man. "You never gave off the aura that you're from a place related to this small town; you were always so–" I pause for a second to think about the right words that could possibly describe the man before me.

"–peculiar," I smirk as I finish my sentence. He slightly leans against the counter, his dark stylish coat unbuttoned, revealing the polo sweater underneath. I pull my hand away from the counter; having it so close to his inviting warmth is too tempting for me to handle.

"You're the peculiar one around here, Talia." He winks at me, slightly challenging my position. I laugh and shake my head at his actions, his tongue skimming his bottom lip when his eyes drop to my lips.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I chew on the inside of my mouth, feeling nervous at his close proximity.

"Yes, a Christmas holiday date, with two hot cocoas and," he hums as he looks above my head and feigns interest in the menu above my head. "One muffin."

"A holiday date?" I quirk an eyebrow at his suggestion.

"Yes, I'd like to spend the holidays with you." He taps on the counter, his eyes gleaming with interest.

"I'm visiting my family next week, I–" I begin.

"Do you have a ride to get there?" My mind suddenly flickers back to Javon. He had always been my 'date' to these family gatherings, but after all he's put me through, I'm not so sure for this year.

"Let me think about it; I'll give you a call." I smile and take out my phone, opening up the contacts for him to input his information. He slides my phone out of my hand, his fingers brushing against mine for a brief moment.

"I'll be awaiting your call," he winks before sliding away from the counter. He says a brief goodbye to Olivia before stepping out completely from the shop.

"Well then; looks like someone has a date with the devil." I chuckle as Olivia gets up from her seat.

"I guess so," I smile, confirming with myself that I'd gladly accept his invitation.


As I lock up the store, the sun hanging low in the sky, my phone vibrates with an incoming call in my back pocket. My heart leaps as Nathaniel's face flashes vividly in my mind. I pull out my phone to see Javon's contact photo lighting up my screen; his face stirred different emotions within me from what it had.

The feeling feels foreign to me as I had never imagined I'd come to feel differently towards my boyfriend. I shake my head at the thoughts and will my body to relax and pull itself together.

"Javon, I wasn't expecting a call," I answer flatly, still very angry with him with the previous events. He had tried to ask for forgiveness, apologizing numerous times over text messages and voice mails.

"You've been ignoring me, Talia. I'm just checking in on you." His tone sounds strained, possibly with worry. I sigh and hold my keys in my hand before walking to the awaiting cab in front of the store.

"Javon, you've hurt me, deeply. I don't think I'll forgive you anytime soon." I compose my voice, not wanting the hurt to ring through my tone.

"And there you go pushing me away again," his laugh vibrates through the speaker, signifying his irritation. I open the door to the cab, greeting my driver before getting back to the call.

"I take it as you're canceling the holiday plans you had with me and your mother." He states rather than questions, his tone deafening this time. I pinch the bridge of my nose, not wanting to deal with him at this very moment.

"Yes, I am. Goodbye, Javon." With that, I hang up the call and watch the heavy clouds as the cab drives me safely home.

I contemplate making the second call when I unlock the door to my apartment. My eyes fall on the jacket perched beside my bed, his jacket.

I grab his jacket and fall on the bed, groaning into my pillow before thinking to myself, oh fuck it.

I scroll through my contacts before a name at the top of my contacts catches my eye. Archangel.

I furrow my eyebrows at the name choice before pressing call. The line rings for a few moments before the clear voice sounds through the earpiece.

"Talia." I close my eyes at the soothing tone his voice holds for me; the smile could be heard through the line.

"Hey, Nathaniel." I shiver as I say his name in the privacy that is my room.

"I presume you got home safely?" I smile at his worry for me, snuggling my face into his jacket. I hum a simple response. He chuckles at my actions.

"Are you tired?" He asks softly, his voice softly lulling me to sleep.

"Very," I whisper and adjust the phone against my face. "I called to ask if the chauffeur position you offered was still open?" I giggle to myself.

"Chauffeur position?" He laughs with me before continuing. "It's always open for you."

"Great, I'll let you know the time and place." I hug his jacket closer, his faint scent briefly engulfing me.

"Goodnight, Talia."

"Goodnight, Nathaniel," I smile and squeal into his jacket when the end dial tone rings out.

Snuggling under the covers after a shower, I close my eyes to welcome the very much needed sleep. Nathaniel's face flashes in my mind, his sea-blue eyes gleaming vividly like a beacon. His face starts to shift and melt into another; the same vivid eyes gleam back at me, but their intensity shifts the aura around them. It's the face of the man I encountered at the trinket shop.

His eyes are similar to Nathaniel's, shining a bright blue but are deep with intimidation, differing the two from each other. I shrug the mere similarities between the two as coincidence rather than suspicion.