
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Special Grade

"Alright what are we waiting for, let's go already" Adam said, rolling his eyes.

"No problem man" Drake said, igniting the car's engine. Without further hesitation, Drake drove the car. They drove at high-speed, exiting the Bureau's Headquarters.

While inside the car, Adam glanced into the side mirror , trying to check on Cassie. This didn't go unnoticed, as Cassie seductively winked at Adam, pulling her bright brown hair like a little child. Seeing her sudden change of attitude, caused Adam to scoff as he removed his attention.

"Seriously, Did you just scoff at me?" Cassie exclaimed in annoyance.

"What is it now Cassie?" Drake inquired, rolling his eyes.

"Hey dumbass, I wasn't talking to you, Damnit!" Cassie angrily erupted.

"I'm talking to Adam!" She promptly added.

Despite her incessant rants, Adam still remained indifferent as he slowly got lost in his thoughts.

"Are you even listening to me?" Cassie inquired.

"Just cut it out Cassie!" Drake complained.

"Fine!" Cassie angrily snorted.

"Phew... She has finally calmed down!" Adam thought to himself.

"Sometimes you can be really difficult" Drake whispered.

"I heard that!" Cassie said, glaring at Drake with wicked intentions. "Who are you calling difficult?" She inquired, trying to strangle Drake.

"No one, I was talking to myself!" Drake exclaimed in fright.


Later on,

[6:10 P.M],

Abandoned Sector 4,

Outskirts of New Chrisland City,

A Black SUV was seen parked closely to a nearly demolished building, with three youths casually exiting the vehicle. Adam, Drake and Cassie began their mission, which was to eliminate the Prime's that were detected around the area.

Not long after their descent from the car, They sensed an ominous energy, originating from the Eastern part of the sector.

"Did you guys feel that?" Drake said, staring towards the East.

"Yeah!" Cassie replied.

"Let's go" Adam calmly said, waltzing towards the area where the grotesque energy originated.

Shortly after, they intercepted five Grade-B Demon-Class Prime's. The Prime's were three times larger and taller than an average adult male. Since they were Demon-Class, The Prime's resembled actual Demons.

Primes possess six distinct Grades; Grade-E, Grade-D, Grade-C, Grade-B, Grade-A and Special Grades. As their ranks increase, the difficulty to exorcise them also increase.

"There they are!" Drake said, taking a fighting stance.

"Alright Adam, what are your orders?" Cassie curiously inquired.

"Just stand down, I'll handle this on my own" Adam said, placing his hands inside his pockets, strolling towards the Primes that were currently heading towards them.

"What do you mean you'll handle this on your own?" Cassie erupted.

"Leave him" Drake said abruptly, staring into Cassie's eyes.

"Alright!" Cassie agreed, nodding her head in affirmation.

They both stared at Adam, as he prepared to fight Five Demon-Class Primes all on his own. He still had his hands in his pockets, showing great confidence in his abilities. The apparent leader of the Prime glared at Adam, instantly puking out an immense amount of pure Demonic energy. The blast traveled rapidly, exploding right after collision with Adam.

"Did it get him?" Drake asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Cassie answered, smacking Drake in the head.

"That wasn't necessary" Drake said, caressing his bumped head.


The debris from the explosion slowly cleared up revealing a dark figure. The figure stood where Adam originally was, with darkness evolving from it's body. The Dark figure walked casually towards the Demon-Prime.

"Attacking an opponent before they're ready, how cowardly!" The Dark figure said, as the darkness that revolved around it slowly vanished, revealing Adam. He was perfectly fine, which meant the attack from The Primes failed.

"He's alright!" Drake cheerfully exclaimed.

"For attacking me, you die!" Adam said, directing his immense bloodlust towards the Demon-Primes. Despite this, Drake and Cassie were still affected by his release.

Without warning, Adam's body suddenly became immaterial, resembling a shadow. He teleported himself through small distances, heading straight towards the Primes. All of a sudden, Adam appeared behind the Demon-Primes, shocking both the creatures and Adam's colleagues.

"Now, you're done!" Adam whispered.

The Primes' body instantly got minced up into tiny particles of flesh. The minced up parts scattered and rained to the earth, releasing an offensive odor.

"Disgusting!" Adam nonchalantly said, walking towards his colleagues, who were still dumbstruck. They soon noticed that Adam still had his hand in his pocket throughout the entire assault.

"This proves it, this guy isn't a Tier Three Exorcist. With what he just did, I think he's supposed to be a Mid-level Tier Four" Drake thought to himself.

"He just keeps surprising me" Cassie thought to herself.

Unlike Adam who was presently a High-level Tier Three Exorcist, Drake was a Low-level Tier Three while Cassie was a Mid-level Tier Three.

"Hmm…Seems like their still shocked. Did I go overboard, nope. I just used a Rapid Shadow Movement, there's nothing special about that" Adam thought as he stroked his chin.

Shadow Movement, a technique where Adam freely uses his shadow as a means of transportation, teleporting to a point of darkness through long distances. Rapid Shadow Movement as the name implies, is an advancement of the previous technique, where Adam completely transforms himself into a shadow like being, reflecting from point to point, over short distances. Unlike Shadow Movement which uses little or no Negative energy, The Rapid technique consumes a huge amount of energy.

"Also, what I just pulled off isn't something a Lowly Tier Three Exorcist can do. If not for that bastard, Xavier, delaying my promotion, I'm supposed to be a Tier Four or maybe higher" He thought to himself, sensing a strange energy release.

He immediately turned around, facing the corpse of the dead Primes, spotting five crimson colored crystals levitating in mid air. Around the crystals, were the minced up body parts of the Demon-Primes. It seemed like they were regenerating their entire body.

"Damnit, I forgot to destroy their Mana Source" Adam exclaimed, pointing his right hand towards the ongoing regeneration, forming a dark orb. The orb divided itself into five smaller balls. The tiny balls of darkness, rapidly changed their overall shape, forming tiny spikes.

"What a waste of Negative energy" He said, clenching his right fist , the Dark energy spikes towards the Primes' Mana source. With pinpoint accuracy, Adam's attack struck the five crystals simultaneously, shattering it to pieces. Shattering the Mana source, discontinued the regeneration process and further caused the corpses of the dead primes to dissolve into nothingness.

"Wow!" Drake blurted staring solemnly at Adam.

"That was amazing!" Cassie commented.

"Whatever you say, let's just go back to H…" Adam said as he suddenly felt an immense pressure. Not just him, Cassie and Drake felt the strange energy which instantly froze them in place. They didn't just felt the energy but they could also see the flashes of grotesque energy, dancing haphazardly in the atmosphere.

Cassie and Drake stared at each other and simultaneously exclaimed "Special Grade!".

"Not just one, they're two of 'em!" Adam blurted as his body involuntarily shivered.

"Damnit!" He cursed. " We've got to get out of here!" He yelled at Cassie and Drake who were presently in a self induced trance.

"The energy is coming from a nearby sector" He said, noticing a sudden spike in the energy wave. The trio felt a drastic energy pulse which sent them to their knee's.

"Whatever those things are, they're not special grades. They're something worse... Shit, I've got to move" Adam said, struggling to get back to his feet's. After a period of trial and error, he finally regained a little bit of strength, staggering towards an unconscious Drake and puking Cassie.

"Come on, we've got to get out of here" He said, lifting Cassie to her feet while carrying Drake on his shoulder. Staggering for few metres, Adam finally reached the location of their SUV, which was currently imploding on itself.

"Damnit….. Damnit….. Damnit" Adam cursed in frustration. He sighted a which was still standing erect despite the destructive energy wave. He staggered towards the building, entering without hesitation.

Inside the building, he placed Drake and Cassie on the floor, while he immediately fell butt first to the floor.

"Fuck this shit!" Adam cursed.

After awhile,

[6:40 P.M],

Abandoned Sector 4.

Drake and Cassie slowly woke back to reality, immediately after the strange energy surge died down. They saw Adam, earnestly staring out the window.

"You Idiots are finally awake!" Adam said.

"What happened?" Cassie confusedly said.

"Fuck, my head is aching me!" Drake said caressing his head softly.

"You guys passed out" Adam replied.

"What were does things?" Drake curiously asked.

"I don't know" Adam said, furiously frowning. "Let's go check it out!" He added.

"Are you mad bro?" Drake angrily erupted, staggering towards Adam.

"Did you feel the amount of energy coming out from those things, we can't handle them" He roared.

"And don't you think I know that!" Adam replied.

"Then why. Right now, we should head back to the Bureau" Drake commented.

"Do what you want. I'm not forcing any of you to come with me" Adam said, quietly exiting the building. "Besides, the information I could get from this will be extremely valuable" Adam promptly added.

Cassie slowly got back to her feet, staring earnestly at Adam "Wait, I'm coming with you".

"Cassie!" Drake exclaimed.

"Adam's right, the info we could get from this will be extremely useful in our research" Cassie said, walking towards Adam who was waiting patiently by the door.

Within Drake, he was torn into two parts. One part compelled him to follow his colleagues while the other told him to back down. This mental tug-o-war continued for over a minute, with him contemplating on his two options. Finally he decided on what to do as he exclaimed "Fine, I'm coming you".

"Like I said earlier, do what you want!" Adam calmly said.

Minutes Later,

[7:20 P.M],

Abandoned Sector 5.

Adam, Cassie and Drake were seen on a massive crater with an unconscious, naked young male.

"Let's take back to the Bureau, Xavier will know what to do!"