
-241- Father

"I didn't say anything."

By the bedside, Kai'Sa handed Linwin a fruit. She had "coincidentally" entered Linwin's room, as for why she didn't leave, that's a story for another time.

"But your eyes already gave you away," Linwin gestured, and Kai'Sa first checked the door, saw it was closed, then sat by Linwin's bed.

Reaching out to gently hold Kai'Sa, Linwin continued, "Sejuani and the Winter's Wrath are crucial. We're finally making progress in the north."

"Freljord is impoverished, but there are many things we'll need from there in the future, so we can trade with them."

Linwin spoke as if to himself, but also to Kai'Sa.

In reality, everything he said was completely incomprehensible to Kai'Sa.

She could only silently listen to Linwin's words.

But Kai'Sa kept chewing her delicious fruit without any concern about metabolism or feeling unwell from overeating.

Just keep munching away!

"Well, what about Shurima? You're helping Freljord prosper, but what about Shurima?"

As if struck by a thought, Kai'Sa suddenly spoke again, "You should trade with the Shurimans too, they're also impoverished."

Seeing Sejuani's tribe in Freljord prosper, is Kai'Sa now seeking benefits for her homeland?

Her heart is truly kind. Despite being treated like a monster and driven away by the people there, she continues to think about them and protect them.

Oh, my dear Kai, you're just too kind!

"That won't work," Linwin shook his head with a smile, then reached out to tap Kai'Sa's petite nose, to which she immediately frowned.

Even now, Kai'Sa wasn't accustomed to too much affection from Linwin.

But, despite the discomfort, Kai'Sa didn't reject Linwin's gesture.

"You forgot about Azir, didn't you? The Emperor of Shurima is about to return, so I can't meddle there."

"You can still trade with them, like with ice makers and heaters. The Shurimans definitely need these things," Kai'Sa replied.

"But those things you mentioned have already been done, they just can't be sold, no matter how hard we try."

Freljord's harsh environment is one thing, but Shurima's environment isn't any less harsh.

Freljord lacks warmth and food, while Shurima suffers from scorching heat and water scarcity.

And Twin Cities' technology struggles in Shurima.

In the sandy expanse of Shurima, Twin Cities' tech products often require repairs.

This topic was quickly brushed aside by Linwin, and after chatting about other things for a while, Linwin suddenly said, "I'll leave for bilgewater tomorrow."

"Can I come with you?" Kai'Sa immediately got up from Linwin's embrace, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at Linwin, saying, "I don't care about your business in the north. I was just putting on a show because you said you were leaving, and now I finally know where you're going."

"Can I come with you?"

Linwin shook his head. "No."

"Why? You told me before that place is almost controlled by Graves, right?"

"Because compared to going to bilgewater, there's something more important I need you to do."

Linwin looked at Kai'Sa and said.

Hearing that she could contribute this time, Kai'Sa became excited, raised her fists, and said, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Find someone."

"Find someone?" Kai'Sa furrowed her brows.

"Find a man named Kassadin."

"Kassadin?" Kai'Sa suddenly froze, staring blankly at Linwin. She found this name strangely familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.

But she could be sure it wasn't in Twin Cities, nor when she was alone in Shurima.

Was it when she was still called Kaisa?

Kai'Sa looked dazed and helpless as she stared at Linwin.

Linwin thought for a moment, then sat up, put away his smile, and looked at Kai'Sa seriously.

Linwin was going to reveal everything.

Kai'Sa always thought she was alone, but in reality, her father had been searching for her all along. Wrapped in his long robe and carrying the nether blade, Kassadin, alone, went to Icathia, even though he knew his wife and children might not be there anymore. But Kassadin never gave up hope and went to that place anyway.

As a humble abandoned infant, guided by the desert, perhaps it was because of his humble background that Kassadin valued his family greatly, and Kai'Sa and his wife were everything to him.

And all of this was destroyed by the "Prophet." Kassadin went to Icathia, knowing that finding Kai'Sa was impossible, but he could plunge the Nether Blade into the chest of the "Prophet."

He was going to seek revenge, and for that, he could pay any price.

And the reason Linwin had been secretive, refusing to tell Kai'Sa about this matter, was because he feared that once Kai'Sa knew about Kassadin, she would leave without hesitation.

If it were any other champion, Linwin wouldn't have intervened.

His relationship with the champions was positive; Linwin needed to befriend them to become stronger.

But Kai'Sa was different.

This was Linwin's selfishness.

"Perhaps this name sounds somewhat unfamiliar to you, but you've definitely heard it before," Linwin sighed, then imitated the Shuriman language, "Kas-sai-a-dyn."


"How do you know this name?"

Kai'Sa suddenly stood up, looked at Linwin on the bed in surprise.

Seeing Linwin's calm expression, Kai'Sa immediately knew that Linwin knew.

Kai'Sa immediately asked, "I haven't told you anything about my origins, how did you... How did you know?"

"Kas-sai-a-dyn, Linwin, who told you this name?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly."

Kai'Sa nodded vigorously, excitedly asking, "Kas.... my father, is he still alive?"

"Yes, he's still alive."

"Then where is he now?"

"I'll tell you, Kai'Sa, don't rush!"

Linwin got up, his hands on Kai'Sa's shoulders, gently pressing her back down onto the bed, and said seriously, "He's been looking for you, always, always, looking for you."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Kai'Sa suddenly raised her head and asked, "Did you know about this a long time ago?"

Linwin paused. Indeed, when it came to Kassadin, Kai'Sa's emotions would become uncontrollable.

Perhaps if it were the Kai'Sa from her time in Shurima, she would have sighed and reflected upon hearing Kassadin's name.

But Kai'Sa wasn't the same as before now.

She became more humane, more fond of bustling environments.

Of course, she also had various emotions.

After all, no matter how strong and powerful she became, she was just a girl who had suffered hardships.

It's not that she wanted to be strong, but the world forced her to be strong.

"I've always had people looking for news of him, and once I wanted to tell you, but... we were interrupted."

Linwin said earnestly, "Don't worry, I'm telling you now because I've received news about him."

He said not to rush, but could Kai'Sa not be in a hurry?

Her childhood memories surfaced, her father was the best to her.

Her mother was a bit strict, but her father was always gentle. When Kassadin returned from work outside, he would always bring Kai'Sa some new toys, and he even handcrafted a wooden sword for Kai'Sa.

Memories of her father.

"He had appeared once at the docks of Bel'zhun, but he disappeared quickly, but I've had people searching around there."

"We'll definitely find him."

Linwin said seriously.

Kai'Sa also gradually calmed down, took a deep breath, and said, "Is he in Shurima?"

"Yes, remember Bel'zhun? It's not just Bel'zhun, I've also sent people to Kenethet and Vekaura."

Linwin placed his hands on Kai'Sa's shoulders, and said softly, "I know you must be anxious now, but Kai'Sa, your father is very powerful, much more powerful than you can imagine now."

Kai'Sa nodded.

"We'll find Father, and you'll definitely reunite with him."

Kai'Sa nodded again.


"Wait a minute, Linwin, I just realized, he's obviously my father. But why are you also calling him father?" Kai'Sa suddenly said strangely.

Linwin choked up, annoyed, "Is this the time to talk about this? Is it the time to discuss who his father is? Shouldn't we be focusing on how to find him and bring him to Zaun?"

"Besides, isn't your father my father too?"

Seeing Linwin muttering like that, Kai'Sa's tense nerves relaxed.

Yes, father is very important.

But Linwin is also important.

Looking at Linwin, Kai'Sa suddenly understood why he didn't tell her about Kassadin.

Could it be that he's afraid I'll run away?
