
apocalypse system

2 years ago the world stood still as a formless energy known as ether swept through the world brining a new age to humanity and allowing them to reach unprecedented heights. Diseases were no more. Life expectancy became 200 years!! Even food and water weren't as necessary as before. But good times didn't last. As ether become dencer and dencer a new calamity known as ether tides came to be. Giant waves of condensed ether that corroded what it came in contact with. Strange monsters ravaged the lands and alien life came to earth. In the midst of all this madness all humans awoken to a new hope: apocalyptic system has integrated to earth begining tower deployment. Let the apocalypse age begin!

crown_three · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Area clear!

Cockroaches are said to be the most resilient creature known to man, why? Because of how they live in harsh conditions such as living in a radioactive zone, or living without a head. This ability to endure physical hardships lands them a spot as the second most resilient creature on earth. Your wondering who's number 1? (Read this story and find out.) It's humans! They can live in tyranny or liberty, abundance or scarcity, normal days, harsh days, even in the apocalypse.

2 years ago the world stood still as a formless energy known as ether swept through the world brining a new age to humanity and allowing them to reach unprecedented heights. Diseases were no more. Life expectancy became 200 years!! Even food and water weren't as necessary as before. But good times didn't last. As ether become dencer and dencer a new calamity known as ether tides came to be. Giant waves of condensed ether that corroded what it came in contact with. Strange monsters ravaged the lands and alien life came to earth. In the midst of all this madness all humans awoken to a new hope: apocalyptic system has integrated to earth begining tower deployment. Let the apocalypse age begin!


On top a 20 meter tall tree stood a young man wearing a red combat suit staring at a heard of dog sized ants. He took a disk shaped device from his pocket and called his friend.

"Boss! Prepare the gate at the agreed time, I'll be there in 30 min." Said Malcom in a cheerful tone to Link.

"Don't chew more than you can bite." Link said in a worried tone.

Malcom wanted to correct Link but gave up as he was occupied with more urgent matters.

He took a deep breath and jumped off the tree toward the ants. Amidst his fall his body started glowing red and his fall became faster.

Sensing the coming threat the ants called for their companions but this was within Malcom's plan. He killed the biggest ant by crashing down on it, and the closer two with an ether shot from his finger.

He took a bone knife from his suit and dug out a stone from the three bodies and also took their antenna. Seeing the upcoming ant Herd coming for him he dashed into his predetermined rout and ran for 5 min while occasionally shooting an ant to make sure they follow him. After reaching a cave he entered cautiously and the ants followed suit, in 15 minutes a golden colored spider the size of a cow walked out the cave. Having tasted the ants he walked in the direction they came from following their scent. Inside the cave Malcom was in a corner putting more odor like the one he used to escape the spiders detection. He walked fast to the central area of cave where there was a thick spider web. Using a vial from his utility belt he sprayed the web into corrosion leaving only a hand sized stone. His expression was that of pure joy. When he held the stone a notice popped up

You have cleared the Riff area!

Difficulty: B

Number of participants: 1.

Number of sponsors: 1.

Clear time: 1 month.

You can now leave Riff area.

As per your agreement with the sponsor [link] the riff area will be lent out for 1 year in exchange for the clear rewards.

You will be transported out of the area.

It has been 2 month since the apocalypse system activated stabilizing the chaotic state of thw world and swallowing unstable areas and turning them into tower flors. Every time an area is unstable the system intervenes and seals it, then either the residents or the closest person will be tasked with clearing the area and given suitable rewards for the clear. In times where the person tasked with clearing the area is deemed too weak he can be sponsored by aliens that came to earth in exchange for what they want they give gears, potions, weapons, etc...

Malcom was originally running away from the all the crazy happenings when he was sucked into the riff area and sponsored by links who wanted to study the effect of ether on this unstable space. In exchange he gave lessons in manipulating ether and a B rank combat suit to Malcom. With this sponsorship Malcom who was originally a D rank climbed the the pinical of C rank in a month. An impressive feat considering his 19 years old.

As soon as Malcom was teleported outside he was greeted with gate into Links ship which he gladly walked through.

Leaving the gate he found himself in a dining hall with feast awaiting him. Despite his hunger for proper food he would've preferred to meet another living soul. A month alone had taken it's toll on Malcom, if it wasn't for Link and his crew talking to him in his lessons he would have been in worse condition.

After finishing his meal he went to his designed chamber guided by the ships AI. Along the way he looked outside through a window enjoying the view of earth from space. It didn't look as the pictures he saw in movies. It was more egg shaped and the ether in the atmosphere gave it a translucent glow.

Reaching his room he took a shower and went to sleep, hoping to speak to someone soon.