
apocalypse judgement

What would happen if the world as we know it became...

Sow1 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


All I wish for, I thought; it's amazing

_ "Little one, don't let yourself be fooled"

a rather solid voice said to me

It was a spirit that was now in front of me, or rather the spirit in pajamas that I thought I was imagining when I ran.

- "Listen carefully to what he is going to say" he expressed

<Old Man>

_ "Only the strongest will survive this Apocalypse, they will dominate this world which is preparing to become ruins."

An employee dressed in a suit then said:

– "Why did you choose ours, I suppose there are plenty of others

<Old Man>

– "Because your world had the most potential, but that's not the point, you only need to know four things."

a young girl in a schoolgirl outfit replied:

" Which ?"

<Old Man>

- "The first is that this test will last 20 days then the second is that the zombies that you may have seen will pursue you with the sole aim of devouring you, thirdly the zombies have a weakness and finally the test can end prematurely if the world population decreases by 4 million in two weeks."

A huge commotion began, but this strange man continued speaking and said:

- "I understand your incomprehension on this; I will leave you and one last thing, my name is Cataclysm, but you can call me Clys."

<The mind in pajamas>

- "Fire is the weakness of zombies"

I then responded reflexively:

- "How do you know ?"

– "It turns out that I'm not just anyone?"

– "Who do I have in front of me?"

- "The man who has experienced several Apocalypses, right? The one who experienced them all by reincarnating multiple times but who ended up becoming a ghost in current life"

"Can't you just give me your name?"

– "Are you lacking in humor dude?, it's Izar and you should start running away."

- "For what ?"

- "Zombies can move again and..."

A head was propelled to the foot of an old woman who fainted before being jumped on by a zombie. The whole crowd started running in the same direction; some people found themselves being eaten by zombies with others still being crushed by the crowd, for my part, I remained frozen in fear.

<The mind in pajamas>

– "If you ask me, this is the perfect time to make yourself look good by killing zombies"

– "What are you talking about? You want me to get killed"

I said in a barely audible way while closing my eyes and that's when a Zombie jumped on me, but a Bam sounded and the Zombie fell as I turned my head, I saw a policeman, but this heroic ace was the cause of his loss since a forty-year-old tried to take his weapon, but this attracted the attention of the zombies who attacked them and made short work of them

<Izar >

-" Look over there

there is a gas station "

This simple sentence had a hypnotic effect on me because I started running towards the zombies towards this station.