
Apocalypse:come back

Underneath a big oak tree a young man sat resting his life less body trying to catch his breath, blood dripped from his body leaving his clothes and the soil beneath soaked. the man thought "there coming" what's coming? a group of zombie gathered around him growling at him . Jade couldn't do anything but accept faith , such a pity . A beauty died so horribly Jade had brown fluffy hair And green eyes and small nose and soft kissable lips , a round face that tied it all together. Jade closed his eyes accepting faith he grabbed a pocket knife and stabbed his heart directly so he wouldn't fell pain , his body remained lifeless and his blood began to run cold . Jade felt his soul slipping away, everything was neutral he couldn't hear,see or speak.

Mana_Jimoh · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
44 Chs

Dangerous Forest

ahhh come on .

when are the bullets gonna finish ?

he been shooting for 10 minutes non-stop .

how many refills are left ?

I glare at him .

well I guess I have to find out .

PAUSE I whispered :

a light blue see threw Dom appeared and grew bigger at least 100 meters large .

I trapped the man and unmasked him .

an old wrinkly man with a large disfigure on his face .

for an old man you sure do have a lot of energy.

I snatched the gun out of his hands , I inspect the gun and found out he stole it from way back .

does that mean someone from our island is a mole ?

the gun was one of jade's earlier designs .

what the heck ?

when I get back I'm doing a nice screening of our survivors.

but my question now is why are they after us ?

I use sat down a on the forest floor and started to think .

I locked down to the ground and , ..... I had an idea .

I used my belt to tie him to a tree.

I un paused time and smacked him .

hey ? what do you want from me ?

why are you after us ?

what did we do yo you ?

the man looked stunned before glaring at me .

I just started to strip him down little by little starting with his pants .

I was looking for anything that could give me answers .

nothing in his pockets .

nothing in his coat .

nothing in his shoes .

I was getting annoyed .

I aimed my gun at his head.

I said " now tell me why your after us or die ".

he didn't mutter a word .

so I shoot all his joints .

knees, elbows , ankles , shoulders ...

all he could do is scream and cry .

I loved it , I will leave him for the zombies, any zombie or animal near by will be curious where the noise is coming from .

and the smell of blood will c

draw them in .

I left him there ,. as I walked away.

he finally broke .

he yelled ,I'm from a government branch , SH .

we just want to bring you back with us .

The why did you attack us ?

cause you didn't cooperate, and we had to bring you back by any means necessary.

I rolled my eyes before leaving .

I , hide within the bushes and I allowed wild predators to come near him before reducing him and rejoining the others in the mountains .

Tayo POV:

ooooaaaahhhhh come on lady this is so not fair you bullying a blind person don't you have any shame. I yelled at her .

she didn't seem to care .

she kept throwing huge boulders and large trees at me .


I pick up the pace but I was running out of room to run .

I nearly fell off a cliff .

I stop in my tracks , I couldn't sense any presence of life beyond the point I was standing.

I felt empty .

I threw my shoe towards it and only heard a thud after 9 seconds .

so around 300 meters .

I knew the lady was watching me, but man I nearly died .

and now I am about to die .

ohh this reminds me of when Edward made Rina learn how to fly by chasing her towards a a cliff over 5000 meters in the sky .

ahh LOVE BITES, ahh Edward the great vampire king .



wait a minute... for goodness sake I'm a bat .

I stand up and jumped down the cliff .

and transformed mid air .

sayonara sucker hahaha.

I flew away, smirking .


DOdge it .

come on let's run .

wait I have an idea : said Darcy.

emmmmm if you care to notice the fact that we are being chased by a crazy dude with cannons for arms i think the best idea is to run and not have any other ideas , capiche .

Mo I need you to block his sight and I will take care of the rest . she says .

she created a black hole behind the trees, I was throwing at him and he got trapped inside right after she closed it .

I looked at her and said, Well you could have done this sooner you know .

but it would be as FUN . she replied.

what are you crazy we could have died if we got hit no one will save us .

what is wrong with you ?

are you sure you don't need to see a doctor.

I growled .

she just rolled her eyes and kept on walking up the mountain.