1 Introduction


Morgan-16 year

Zack-14 years

John-47 years

Amber-43 years

Tyler (Ty)-18 years

James-43 years

Stacy-34 years

Logan-17 years

Lace-16 years

Kat- 8 years


Amber and John Winchester are married, their children are Morgan and Zack.

Stacey and James McCarthy are married, their children are Tyler, Logan and Kat.

Logan is dating Lace Lovington.

This story takes place in Salem Massachusetts. The year is 2049 A.D. The town is small nowadays, not very many people live here, but the tourism is great when it 'Harvest Fest' and Halloween and celebration of the Salem Witch trials. The celebration begins October 1 and ends November 30, so they have time to decorate and have plenty of food and even haunted houses, corn mazes and more. This town really went all for for the fest but this year it didn't go as they planned........
