
Going Out to Tattle

Thus, the alliance against Oasis No. 1 was formed smoothly.

The masters of four different oasis came together to form a temporary alliance aimed at Oasis No. 1, launching a series of meticulous plans.

They were determined to snatch Oasis No. 1 from the Changsheng Adventure Group, divide it into four parts, and share the spoils.

Seeing the cooperation from the leaders of Oasis No. 4 , No. 5 , No. 6, Wu Hongyi was quite pleased.

However, for some reason, he always felt that the way everyone looked at him was a bit odd.

Like... like hungry wolves eyeing a lamb ready for slaughter?

Especially that simple-minded Niu Mang, who, while wandering around Oasis No. 3, kept muttering, "This place ain't half bad..."

He looked like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world before, eyes full of greed.

Wu Hongyi comforted himself.

Perhaps it was just a hallucination from being too tired lately.
