

I'm feeling excited right now, because today is the time I will be released from my mother's womb. You may wondering why didn't I try meditating and try feeling chakra yet, okay first of all using chakra is limited by age, that's why when you're 5 you can safely use it but if you're a genius like Itachi, maybe around 3. Already using chakra or mana at the womb that's ridiculous, even being a cheat has a limit you know.

[<Third-Person PoV>]

Konoha Hospital. Inside of an Infirmary, A woman lays on the bed while the doctor is trying to help the mother ease it's delivery, the nurse on the side watches at the side and holding a towel for the baby to come.

"AaaAhh!" screams the mother.

While the doctor was wondering 'where is the baby!'.

[<First-Person PoV>]

....I can feel it, there's a light coming from somewhere, it's so warm but not the warm feeling a mother can give. Should I go now maybe mother is having a hard time. I swim forward leaning my head to the entrance and then a hand grab me.


UWAAHH. A large cry of a baby was heard through the infirmary and he was being hold by the nurse.

"Congratulations Mrs.Uchiha it's a boy" the nurse transferred me to my mother.

And I see this beautiful black haired woman, she was gazing at me lovingly. Okay question who is my lucky father who married this beautiful woman. If my mom is beautiful than I will grow handsome, I'm pretty sure Father will be handsome too. When I was mesmerized by mom's beauty I unknowingly smiled, which my mom screamed like a girl because of how cute I was.

"My baby has my eyes and smile, you have you're dad's face and charm" said Mother.

'Please Dad be handsome, be handsome, be handsome' I repeated it three time for it to come true. Well speak of the devil my dad's here, he came silently like a true ninja. My dad is also a dark hair and eye one but the thing outstanding to him is his handsome face. 'Oh Yeah!, I'm a Bishounen now'. I smiled to my father, and even though he's expressionless I see his eyes smiling wonderful to me. 'Uwah~ a baby's body is really weak, okay then bye mom and dad I'm gonna sleep now'.

While he was asleep the two parents discussed each other about his name.

"So did you pick the name yet, Yuna" said Dad

"Hmm I want to pick a different name, come help me Shoichi" said Yuna.

"What about, Yuuki" said Dad

"Okay then, your name now is yuuki"said Mom


Hey guys I'm finally 6 months old, and the rest of the 6 months I played happily with mom and dad. My eyesight and bones are pretty bad yet so I can't see where am I, right now I'm inside a crib and my mom watching me all day long. Mother is so overprotective of me that I can't even move outside of this crib, I always try to look mad at mom but she will smile to me says, You're still little you shouldn't do that yet. I was so frustrated that I want to walk but I received a message from the system.



Say your first word

1.I hate you- Mom sad for 3 years and 100QP

2.I love you- Mom happy for 3 years and 100QP

3.Mom- Released from crib and 1 Chakra Control manual

4.Dad-Released from crib and 1 Chakra Control manual but wrath to your father

[Please be advised, choose wisely]

I can imagine 4, mom will be like, Is that bastard teaching him how to say dad from my back. Okay I choose 3-Mom.

"Mo...mo.....om" I tried saying but it was really hard, my mom stands from her chair ad rushed to my crib and started holding me.

"can you repeat that my baby" my mom look excited and has an expectant look on her face.

"Mom" finally 2nd try the charm.

My mom was so happy that she accidentally smashed the crib, 'Oh that's what you meant released from crib', okay then where's my manual.

[Received- 1X CC Manual]

[Please check inventory for more details]

Open [Inventory]


1X CC Manual

The empty inventory that I always open is now filled with something, okay open manual.

[CC Manual]

Use: 1 time

Training time: Depends on the chakra of holder

Effective: Highly

System explain all this

[Use- how many times to use]

[Training time- this only show up on Manuals]

[Effective- how beneficial it is to owner]

okay I get it, okay use. then the Manual disappeared from my inventory but it turned into a memory where my mind now knows how to use it. Isn't this broken, all of the chakra control training is in here.

[Yes Host it is called CC Manual it literally says CC Manual which means all of CC Training, Please Host pay attention sometimes to words]

I embarrassingly ignored it and focused to Mom, Mom is still smiling like an idiot and dancing everywhere, so this is what a crazy mother looks like, I tried using the CC Manual, focusing and finding my chakra, this is hard my chakra is so little maybe 1 more year it will appear to me.

Soryy if there’s a wrong grammar and next chapter will be chakra control and meeting our dear idiot avenger

Nyaanniicreators' thoughts