
Chapter 47

AN: I wanted to finish writing this chapter and upload it as soon as I could since I had a day off, kinda... Did all my chores within the day, it was long and tiring, but I finished it all... I was excited to write a bunch of chapters for all of you... But then they told me I had work the next day... Haaah...

I'm still gonna try to do more than one chapter, but I can't promise. My phone starting to act up too. Well, it can be considered an old phone now.

Anyways. Here yah go loves!


DENALI'S. Robin's Room


"Whoooooooaaaaa... Daaaaaaamn... I LOOK HOT AS FUCK! Whooooaa, these my abs got sharper, there's an additional 2 in here! Oooh look my butt got an upgrade! Touch it! I thought it would have been hard since you know, but it's actually soft. Come touch it. It's soft!" Isaac excitedly said while twirling around in front of the full-body mirror in my room.

I stood up from my seat, walked behind him, and slapped his butt, now with a bit more of my supernatural strength since he was no longer a fragile human.

He abruptly looked back at me with a whiny expression, pouting a bit while rubbing his butt.

"what the hell Robin, I just got these! What if one of them pops or becomes lopsided? I told you to touch, maybe squeeze not slap!"

*Stop bitching you narcissistic Queen, there's something more important that we need to deal with first. How do you feel right now? Is there a burning sensation behind your throat? Thirsty? You're surprisingly doing ok as a newborn right now... Usually, they're a bit restless from the thirst.* I explained to him. While I observed him carefully.

He paused and had a thoughtful look, I could see that he was gauging his condition, it took him a few seconds before he finished and replied to me while he walked up to me and buried his face to my neck and I just let him, having an idea as to why he just did it.

"After I woke up, I was strong and refreshed, I was amazed how good I felt, after going through cancer, being sick... Suddenly feeling better was a big and pleasant surprise for me, but... Yes, I do also feel that thirst, that burning feeling at the back of my throat... But for some reason, after taking a whiff of your scent, it calmed down to a manageable level... Enough for me to be able to look over my more noticeable physical changes. Did you know that you smell good? When I was still human, yes, you smelled good... But not this good... It's really clearing up my mind and calming me down... Right now, to me, you smell like old spice, a good cigar, and coffee... Weird... Did you use a cologne? Did you change it?" he took a big whiff off of me and then pulled back to inquire.

*No, I don't use colognes or perfumes, in fact, almost all vampires don't because of our enhanced sense of smell, it will be irritating or too much for us. My body is different, it may be because of my other half, or it may be because of my being a hybrid, causing my body to produce a scent that will induce or smell like whatever calms, soothes, or reminds the vampire of home... My scent will smell different for each vampire.* I tried explaining as much as I could.

I still don't get why it's like that, but I have a sinking suspicion that it's an extra trait that ROB gave me to pair with my looks... I haven't met any other supernatural beings yet, so I can't confirm if it's just with vampires, I knew that Renesmee didn't have this trait so it's not a Hybrid thing, and based on my own research and the documents that were taken from the lab about sirens, they also didn't have that trait. It may be ROB's way of taking care of me, giving me a trait to make it easier for the beings of this universe to accept me.

With all the crap, I had to deal with, and batshit crazy nonsense situations I've been thrown at, I can't be really mad at ROB, they've given me so much... And I could also be blamed for some of the problems I encountered... Some of them are the consequences of my own actions... My indecisiveness... But, for some reason, though I understand this, I still can't let go of this dissatisfaction I feel for that particular creator! Just one swing, just let me do one all-out swing at your face! Then I'll forgive you!

[AN: How? If there was a way for me to go there myself I would've sent myself instead of you! 🤨]

Isaac had an understanding look, nodding slowly, showing that he comprehended what I just told him.

*You should feed as soon as possible, let's go out now to hunt, I need to feed now too... And we'll meet the others after. I kinda have to grill them about something* I said with a frown.

"The young blonde girl? There's history there huh, I figured because there was an awkward atmosphere between you two... And the way you reacted to one of your cousins was also weird. Babe, you really have a type huh? Most of your lady friends were also blondes." He commented with a teasing grin.

"Oi!" *Kate is only my cousin! Don't be disgusting! I reacted like that because I think she has something to do with the turning of the girl.* I couldn't help myself from exclaiming. Yes I did have a crush on her, and I still think she's attractive, but she's just a cousin to me now, or a big sister kind of figure.

"Whoaaaaa... Why so defensive, it makes you seem more suspicious you know. Why react exaggeratedly? You're not actually blood, related right?" He said, still teasing.

*Bastard, stop it. You know they can hear you, right? You can sense them being around right?* I glared at him.

"So? It doesn't affect me at all, you're the only one who's sounding guiltier the more you react like this... God, our little Robin is so cute this way." He continued to make fun of me.

Then we both heard laughs and chuckles from multiple locations around the house. They're all making fun of me now! Whatever, I'll deal with this B later. Ugh.

*Don't think this is over, I'll get you for this when you least expect it. For now, let's go hunting*

I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out to hunt, with him trying to not trip while we ran because I didn't let go of him.



We were crouching on top of trees at the moment, I'd already shown him how to hunt a moose earlier and he was now going to put it into practice. We were luckily able to spot another moose just a bit away from the one I fed on.

"OK, try to erase my presence, move swiftly but quietly... And lock him down, snap his neck, and plunge... I GOT THIS" he whispered. Trying to hype himself.

I just watched over him, ready to take action if something goes wrong, but that's highly unlikely because he's far stronger than the moose. I kept my eyes on him, but my eyebrows furrowed when I noticed a strange phenomenon... He started fading from my sight... No not fading, more like something is compelling me to look away... I'm feeling like something is affecting my mind at the moment.

I quickly checked my status to check my condition and I was pleasantly surprised at what I saw... I was being affected by someone's gift, and since Isaac is the only vampire here, he's the only one who could have done it. I saw that my mind protection was off... Aaaah I quickly turned it on, and the compulsion stopped... That's why I was affected, I didn't have it on, and I forgot to turn it on again, it kinda became a habit of mine to turn it off when Ed's not around, kind of like doing something because you usually can't do it. But I guess it's a good thing I forgot, or I wouldn't have discovered my best friend's gift this early.

As I saw him lunge and then plunge his teeth at the unsuspecting Moose, I continued my mental monologuing about this new discovery.

It seems like something that would make him unnoticeable, compelling those around him to look away... I'm not sure what it is exactly, but, it might be a kind of cloaking, barrier, or illusion kind of thing. Ooooh, with the way it affected my mind, maybe it works like the charm that's commonly seen in the fanfictions to the point that it kinda seems like it was in the canon, was it? I'm not sure. I believe it was the °Notice me not° charm, as the name suggests, it makes any living thing within the caster's range not notice him/her, an object, or anything that you cast it on... The ones affected will be compelled to look or go someplace else, or not see the object.

What an interesting gift he has. It's going to be a useful one too! This will help him a lot in the future, I'll make him train and evolve his gift to greater heights... Oh, and how to fight too while we're at it.

"I'm doooone! It was tasty! I never imagined that I would ever use that word to describe blood. Ugh... Watcha think? Not bad for my first try huh?" He asked me with a smug look.

But I knew him.

He's just trying to get praised for doing a good job, and he's looking for validation. So I decided to not make fun of how messy he looked right now, his face covered in blood, his clothes now ruined with blood... His hands were also covered in blood... He's so messy... But it's his first hunt, I'll let it go... For now.

*Hey babe, Good news.* I started while giving him a warm and proud smile... He really did so well.

He just raised an eyebrow at me and gestured for me to continue with the good news.

*You have a gift... * and then I proceeded to explain to him my findings after I observed him subconsciously using it, and it didn't take long for me to explain and describe it from my point of view.

I thought he was going to be happy after learning about it, but he had this melancholic look on his face right now. Which looked weird with all the blood.

I tilted my head in confusion and was about to start figuring out what got him into this mood, but he then started to speak, cutting my thoughts.

"I'm fine, don't worry... I just remembered you're explanation about gifts... I just thought that my gift made sense... I did excel in hiding myself, well... My real self..." He said with a weak smile on his lips.

I looked at him with an understanding expression, I knew how hard he tried to hide his true self from everyone, I may have caught him with once before, but that was just out of luck. After that, I realized that he was actually more discreet and careful with his flings and relationships... So to cheer him up... I walked up to him... And gave him a kick in the butt.

"Oi! I'm having an emotional moment here!" he protested while glaring at me.

*And I did it for you, vampires can't cry, you'll just make yourself more sad. So knock it off, I get it. I know. But you don't have to hide your true self now. You can be yourself, I'll personally deal with anyone who makes you hide again... Even if that person is you.* I said with a raised eyebrow and a warm smile.

"Thanks..." he walked to me and gave me a side hug and a kiss on top of my head.

"Let's go back to deal with your young ex-girlfriend" He teased.

Knowing that he wouldn't stop even if I refute or explain, I just rolled my eyes at him. And then we head back, occasionally trying to mess with each other on the way. I'm glad I have someone to distract me...


AN: another chap down. I tried to lower down the word count... But I can't. Haaah... Anyways...

There seem to be people who aren't happy that I'm not following the canon universe's way of how mate works. But all I can say is... it's my FF, my AU, my self-insert... That sounded selfish huh... I guess so... But I'm doing this for fun, and I don't like how the canon mate thing worked, so I altered it a bit so they aren't like mind-controlled or forced by the bond. If you don't like it... I can't really do anything about it. For me, in this ff, any pair could be mated, shifter, vamps, bxb, gxg, trans, asexual, poly. There would be many forms of relationships and mates. So if you don't like that, I'd advise you to pass on this novel. There would also still be drama in the future, sooo... Yeah...

THANKS for all the power stones, some of the said silent readers did comment, I saw you. Hehe... Thanks for the comments, love reading them and interacting with you all.

Imma be shameless since I was advised that I should do it... Since it would still be the person's choice to donate or not. If you wish to send support... Just if... here's my PayPal 👇


If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself, here's the invite👇

