'User has cleared trial by fire! Unlocked hidden chapter' "Wohoo!! Fuck Yeah!" 'Boss fight iniated, Level 9 Demon, 'Duke Of Flames' has appeared' "Oh Shitt!! NO NO NO NO, HE SHOULDN'T BE HEREE!!" *KABOOM!!* 'User has died' 'Congratulations, user has died to a being with far superior power' 'Second Encounter will trigger the skill, 'Comeback' 'Would User like to restart from the beginning or load a checkpoint?' "Reload dammit! I refuse to be taken out this easily!" 'Affirmative, reloading checkpoint....reload successful' YOLO-You Only Live Once, that applies to everybody. Yeah, not for our Mc, nope. "I'm getting bored already, maybe I should sleep to death this time?" 'Congratulations, user has achieved the 'Not Sleeping Beauty' achievement.' "I wanna go back to the last checkpoint!" 'User is still alive, please die to return to a checkpoint' Basically Re:Zero at newbie difficulty. Read it and kill me by throwing stones at me, voting stones that is, not real stones. That's only if you like this work of course. I'll be updating daily, let's do a new kind of time loop themed novel shall we? Please give understandable reviews aight, thankss~