
The Fight with the Minotaur

I made my to my meeting spot for Lilly so that we could go into the dungeon. we meet up and started to head inside.

....Outside the Dungeon.....

White flags with a black joker were flying there. people were gathering around.

A small boy with blonde hair stood up on a box so that he could talk to the crowd. he was Finn, he was one of the strongest in the loki Familia

"Everyone... we're going to descend to the lower floors. Just as before, we'll split into two groups to avoid crowding. Group one will go with me, and Gareth will lead group two. The Hephaistos familia smiths are joining us as well. The plan is to meet on floor 18 and head straight to floor 50. we have only one objective. to be the first party to ever reach floor 59!

.....somewhere dark.....

"everything is prepared. Although one voracious little adventurer decided to sneak a peek already." Ottar

"oh? Well I hope he is about to show me something exhilarating." Freya laughed a little after saying that.

...Back in the dungeon....

Me and Lilly were walking through the corridors killing monsters in our path. I suddenly stopped.

"Is something wrong, Master bell.?" Lilly

"Its quiet, too quiet. something strong must be nearby." Bell

"what!! something strong, we need to leave then." Lilly

"If I leave now I'll never get strong." Bell

we continued walking a little untel

"Roar" sound into the distance

"Huh?" Bell

"what was that.?" Lilly

we heard loud stepping sounds coming from behind us and dragging sounds of metal. we turned around to met a minotaur.

"why is there a minotaur on floor 9" Lilly

"Let's run, master bell! It's too dangerous with a long-sword." Lilly said turning to me.

I just look at it. she freaks out.

"What's the matter with you?!" Lilly

"Leave now Lilly. I can't protect you while fighting it, and if we run it will chase us, my only option is to stay and fight." Bell

"Master bell, you can't." Lilly

"GO" Bell yelled at her.

she didn't want to but ran off anyway.

"well, were all alone, sorry but I need to kill you." Bell

"Roar" Minotaur said throwing a punch at me. I took the punch head on and I flew through the air and smashed into a wall. Aiz and her party might show up so I need some damage. I get healed way to fast so damage to my armor and blood on me should be fine.

As I dragged myself from the rubble my armor fell off to just show my black pants and black longs sleeve shirt.

"Roar" the minotaur didn't look to happy I survived that.

....In a dark corridor inside the dungeon on a higher floor.....

two guys were sitting against the wall hurt. part of the loki familia were standing in front of them.

"you mean you actually saw a minotaur down here? Huh?" Bete

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes. it was roaming around on floor 9 and it's carry a giant sword" Injured man

"Is it a survivor from last time?" Tiona

"That's impossible. It's been almost an entire month and no one's seen a minotaur down here." Reveria

"Regardless, I'm glad that you were able to make it out. did you see anyone else." Finn

"Yeah, it attacked this other guy. he was all by himself. it was that white-haired kid.. the one from before." Injured man

Aiz ran off into a certain direction after hearing that.

"Wait aiz" bete

"Alright, we're on a mission!" tiona

Bete and tiona started to run off after aiz, and soon everyone was after her.

....back with the minotaur...

"Roar" the minotaur started swinging his sword. I blocked when I to and brushed the attack to the side so that I wouldn't take the damage. I also dodged alot.

I dodged everywhere almost getting hit alot. then I purposely went in close, he rammed me with his horn to as which went through my arm. he pull up and I hung up behind him. he then threw me across the room. to as which my knife landed beside me. my arm healed up, but I tried getting up only to fall back down. I was faking.

Then aiz was standing in front of me between the minotaur.

"are you alright." Aiz

"yeah, im fine." Bell

I slowly started to get up while bete and tiona arrived behind us. I walked forward and garbed aiz by the arm.

"sorry aiz, but I need to be the one to finish this." Bell

I walked forward to grab my knife that was stuck into the ground. the rest of the people start to show up. Fin, with reveria and tiona's sister

I hold my hestia knife in my left hand and hold out my right and my other hestia blade forms from energy.

I start to walk to the minotaur, then run. when Im close enough he swings his blade at me, I block with one knife and slice with the other.

while on the side lines

"wait...Holy crap! is that the Tomato dude? Man, what is it with this freak-show asshole and these damn minotaurs." bete

"He's the one aiz saved??" Tiona

"yeah" bete

they started to watch my fight and were kinda shocked.

"is that guy really a level 1" tiona

"only a month ago, you were very quick to write him off as nothing more than a reckless amateur. right bete?" Finn

"what the hell happened to him since then?" Bete

back with the minotaur

I sliced him stomach and he swung at me. I blocked him blade then sliced him again. The bottoms of my feet slowly started to glow gold. then my speed doubled. I ran past the minotaur and attacked from behind when he turned around I showed back up behind him.

"Firebolt" Bell said raising his arm and having firebolts shoot out. they exploded on the minotaurs back.

"Roar" Minotaur growled him pain.


"He can do magic without spells?!!" Tione

"It would appear so, but this foe is awfully strong." reveria


while my feet where still glowing gold I appeared in front of the minotaur and stabbed him with my knife in his arm. right below were the hand starts then twisted. I back up fast then threw my knife in my right hand to the side, as it was in mid air it disappeared.

The minotaur got back up and tried to raise his sword only to find it fall from his hand. I put my other hestia knife back in it's sheath and started to run at the minotaur. he attacked with a swipe of his hand to which I went under it. I grabbed his long-sword and backed up.

I raised my right hand.

"Fireball" bell said.

A bright red flame started to come to life on top of my hand. I waited for it to grow into the size of basket ball then slammed it into my sword. the sword started to glow red.

I ran at the minotaur and slashed twice. it created a burned x on his stomach. he smashed down with his hand to which I blocked with the sword and pushed it back up then sliced sideways kinda deep. all to which burned. I jumped back and twisted the black facing a weird angle.

The minotaur then got down on all fours. I got ready for the charge.


"Dumb-ass" bete

"bad move" reveria

"master bell no" Lilly said. apparently when I wasen't paying attention she was hiding and then came out when the party of the loki familia arrived.

"he'll be fine." aiz

I ran at the minotaur and him at me. when I was close enough I smashed my sword into his horn, my sword broke so I ducked down beneath him and created my hestia knife from energy and stabbed it into him.

"Roar" the minotaur roared in pain

"Fireball" a basket ball sized fireball showed up in my left hand.

"Fireball, Fireball" Bell said with the fire ball in his left hand increasing to three times its size. it was now the size of a cars wheel.

I smashed in into the minotaur and the ball created an explosion. the explosion was huge, covering both me and the minotaur from view. the minotaur died with the explosion. I was just standing there. I wasen't unconscious like in the anime tho.

when the explosion cleared they could see me surrounded by flame. the minotaur nowhere to be seen. My shirt was completely gone, burned to ash.

I stat down on my ground and lilly ran up to me.

"your fin right." lilly asked worried.

"yes Im fine lilly, Ive already healed." Bell

the loki familia walked up to us.

"hey kid, let reveria check your status." bete

"sure." Bell said turning around.

Reveria walked closer to me and looked at my back kinda surprised, she had a small smile on her face.

"Reveria, so what's he got." bete

"well, his abilites are all level S." reveria

"huh!!" everyone

"whats your name." fin

"bell, bell cranel" Bell

"how did you get your abilites to S." Finn

"I don't exactly know" Bell said stumped.

"ok then how can you cast magic without spells" Tione

"oh, I have an ability called No Chant. its within my blood, i was born with it. I got it from my grandfather Zeus." Bell

'If im going to be the best, I might as well be the best.' I thought

"wait, Zeus. as in the god Zeus." Finn said surprised

"yes thats the one. I used to live outside of Orario with him. he raised me for aw while, then he sent me here. Im the last hero bequeathed of his familia" Bell

"who, so your Zeus's grandson." Tiona

"yeah, but I don't really talk about it much. he didn't really teach me to fight or anything. he just told me tales of his adventures. he always liked to talk." Bell

"whoa." Tiona

I continued to talk to them and answer questions until it was time for them to go. I then went back to the church.
