

In a world transformed by a mysterious red cataclysm, factions of humans and animals have merged, creating unique and powerful beings. Kai, a determined young man, enters a prestigious university established to foster unity among the diverse factions. will kai be able to uncover the history behind the cataclysm and will he gain any powers. all in the story ahead **kai does get awesome powers ahead so please wait till i release that chapter ;)

CrazyDiscoverer · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The beginning of change

Looking at the purple sky through the window in the corridors, Kai couldn't help but sigh. Walking alone in the evening towards his dorm didn't feel creepy to him at all. He realized that whatever Principal Panema did to awaken his dormant beast will not only made him better physically, but somehow his vision had improved. "Must be the bird on top of the tree," he mused.

Kai was not as confused as he was before meeting Panema, but still, various questions crept into his mind. "What were the small light orbs inside?" "Why did I even have these beast wills in the first place?" "Did my parents know anything about this?" And finally, "Why was Principal so shocked when she saw the bird on the small tree?"

Little did Kai know that having more than one beast will within oneself was impossible. He could somewhat see in the dark now, but he knew this was not his limit. With the maturation of the wills within him, he would be able to use those abilities more effectively. However, he didn't know if he would also merge with the wills and form an unusually creepy chimera, or if these wills would result in any mutations or personality changes.

Walking in the darkness that now permeated the sky, Kai reached his dorms, only to find Talon pacing back and forth in the room. "Howdy," Kai said to grab the small bird-human's attention. When Talon looked up, he was surprised to find Kai at the doorstep. Getting out of his reverie, Talon immediately looked at Kai, noticing the makeshift handkerchiefs still on both hands, which made Talon think his wrists were still broken.

"Hey, you okay? Those wrists still hurting?" Talon asked, concern evident in his voice.

Kai shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, they're still a bit sore. Just need to take it easy for a while."

Talon nodded sympathetically. "That sucks. Hope they heal fast. By the way, how did the elections go? Did you manage to get through with those broken wrists?"

Kai chuckled. "Well it was only the two of us so I came second by default"

Talon chuckled and continued. "Wow, great luck. Our class elections were a bit different. We had multiple candidates, so our teacher, who's an Arthropodian, asked us to race around the school. Lyria came first, while I came second."

"Only second? What happened?" Kai teased.

"There was a lake in the middle of the course. If it wasn't for that, I would've beaten her," Talon replied with a grin.

Kai laughed. "Seems like everyone's got their own challenges."

They chatted for some more time, discussing the elections and how Kai broke his hands. Talon's curiosity piqued about the details of the race, and he shared stories about the various candidates and their unique approaches to the race.

"So, tell me more about Lyria. She seems interesting," Kai asked, trying to change the subject from his own predicament.

Talon leaned back, thinking. "Lyria? She's an Aquan, so you know they swim fast and can breath under water, but that delicate looking girl could swim faster than I could fly . Must be the type of will she has"

Kai nodded, without showing any surprise on the term beast will being said "Sounds like someone worth knowing. I'm sure you'll get another chance to beat her."

Talon laughed. "I sure hope so. And what about you? How did you break your wrists?"

Kai gave a light chuckle, trying to keep the details vague. "Oh, just a little accident, I just had an arm wrestling match with the beastian."

Talon looked at him with sympathy. "Damn, she didn't go all out on you or else you wouldn't have any arms left by the end of the day, that's how strong the beastians are especially from the royal lineage ."

"royal lineage?" Kai asked, intrigued by the term but Talon was also unaware of the details, he only knew that the beastains have a Monarchian structure. 

As they continued to talk, They eventually decided to call it a night, both eager for the next day of classes.

Laying in bed, Kai started summarizing his day as he usually did. "Class elections, broken wrists, meeting the principal, awakening my beast will, and a warning for my life." Listing everything, Kai smiled. "It was fun." With that, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber, ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring