
Angry Wolf and his Deaf Mate

Nai has always known he's different, and has been made to feel like a freak because of it. Moving to a new town seems like a fresh start, but his hopes are quickly shattered when he catches the attention of the local school hottie. However, as they grow closer, Nai discovers that there's more to this bad boy than meets the eye.

Neytiri85 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Second Chances

"Wait!" I heard my brother, the alpha, shout as I raced out of the packhouse in anger. The woman I wanted as my mate, the woman I have loved for years, has chosen another mate from another pack.

Her excuse was, I am only the beta, he was a pack alpha. She had often suggested I should have taken my brother's place, but I'd not taken her seriously enough. I thought she was joking. After all, my brother is older, as tradition goes the firstborn is usually the next alpha. I am only a beta, I am fine with it.

I have never wanted to lead. We were both trained together just in case but I have always been happy to have him be the leader. He's more rational and patient than I am.

I raced off into the woods, shifting the moment I near the tree line. My anger bubbled over into my wolf and he roared in rage. He scented the air around him looking for something to fight or kill, anything to ease our anger.

We caught a scent, another wolf. This wolf isn't from the pack. A trespasser! My wolf growled.

We changed direction and increased our pace. The trespasser was laying down in a small clearing. The fool was sleeping on pack land. My wolf growled and he stirred slightly but didn't get up.

My anger spiked and I pounced. The wolf didn't have time to react before my claws scratched at his hind legs. It yelped and tried to run but I bit down hard on its tail.

I pulled it back, it quickly turned and bit me. Thankfully, its bite was nothing compared to mine since it was a lot smaller than I was. It was at least half my size. It snarled, growled and snapped at me trying to break free.

We were a blur of growls, claws and teeth. That is until my alpha's call stopped me cold.


I panted as I snarled at him. He walked towards me calmly in his human form.

"Enough!" he ordered again with a softer voice this time.

The trespasser was out cold underneath me so I reluctantly stepped away. My wolf growled a little as I tried to calm us both down.

"Change back," he ordered me and I reluctantly complied.

Once back in my human form I felt some of my anger leave me a little. Now there was only pain. Not from the fight, but from my heart. She really left us!

My brother was bent down looking at the wolf I attacked. My nose flared and I caught its scent. I could smell blood as well as something else. Something I couldn't quite pinpoint. It was like the forest after a rainstorm and a hot summer's day all mixed together with something else. That was something else I couldn't place.

"Cole, are you calm now?" my brother asked.

"No, not yet, but I will be," I tell him.

"Good, then come and deal with the innocent wolf you've just attacked," he told me.

'Attacked? Innocent?' I thought.

"He's a trespasser," I growled.

"Cole, he's on his own and very weak. I doubt he posed a threat," he told me.

"Not a threat, you weren't the one he was biting," I told him indignantly.

"Come look," he ordered.

Reluctantly I approached the stranger. My brother was knelt down next to what I could only describe as a skeleton with skin. His short brown hair was matted with dirt and blood, his pale skin seemed paler against the various bruises and scars.

'Were those bruises from me?', I thought to myself, feeling a little guilty. The scars can't be from the fight, they look too old.

"We'll take him back to the packhouse, you carry him, Cole," he ordered before walking away.

"What! Why!" I yelled.

He turned to me with a calm and cool look on his face and simply said.

"Because I said so."

Reluctantly, I picked him up. His limp body felt too light in my arms. As I carried him I noticed his skin felt cold. Wolves always run hot, so why was he so cold?

I was ordered to put him in my room. When I demanded to know why he just said the same thing as before.

'Because I said so.'

My brother was a real ass sometimes.

Anyway, I did as instructed and then left for the healer to see him. I waited outside with my brother. Not because I wanted to but because he told me to. Why should I care about a stranger on our lands?

The healer eventually called for us to come back in. The stranger had been cleaned up and bandaged up. His skin was still pale but it looked better than before. His hair was wet slightly but I could still see and smell the blood residue.

"From what I can tell his injuries are mostly not from the attack," she said, giving me a glare. "He has either been attacked or got into fights regularly or he has been tortured. My money is on torture. He is too weak and malnourished."

She placed a soft hand on his face and frowned.

"Cole, did you notice anything strange when you found him? Or when you carried him?" she asked me.

"Well, when I approached him he stirred a little but didn't move much more until I pounced. When I carried him he was very light and very cold," I told her.

A stab of guilt rushed through me like a knife. Had I attacked someone who was too weak to fight back properly? No! He fought back so he had been fine. I told myself but it didn't ease the guilty feeling.

"Will he be ok Mai?" my brother asked, concern etched in his face.

Mai looked at the stranger with a strange expression before turning back to us.

"Honestly I'm not sure, he's very weak, Alpha," she said.

My memories of the attack flashed through my mind as a worrying feeling joined my guilty side. As I recalled the memory something else struck me.

"Wait, I remember something else. Something I found strange at the time but only for a second," I started.

"What was it?" Mai asked.

"His wolf was half my size, which is strange for a male but he was also pure white."

Mai's gasp had us both looking confused. Especially when it quickly turned to happiness.

"Really?" she jumped up and down excitedly. "He was pure white? No dark spots?"

I nodded and she squealed. We shared a look before looking back at the older woman. Her wrinkled face now looked young and vibrant. Where she had frown lines and tired eyes now were smooth and fresh.

"What?" I demanded.

"If what you said is true then this could be a male omega," she told us.

As children we had learnt about omega's but not about male ones.

"He can't be an omega, they are always female," I told her like she had gone crazy.

"You weren't told everything young man. Your parents, God rest their souls, were good people but they were narrow-minded. It was how they were taught. Male Omegas are rare but they do exist. They believed that male omegas would bring bad omens to the pack, potentially even death."

She softly caressed the strangers face with a soft smile on her face. It almost looked like she was recalling a fond memory.

"Male omega's are beautiful in their wolf form. Most are almost purely white, like the females, but I have only known of one that was pure white. Many believe that the Moon Goddess didn't create them so they must be destroyed. That is absolute rubbish, of course."

"Surely someone as powerful as the Moon Goddess wouldn't allow someone or something else to mess with her children like that. Male omegas are not a curse, they are a blessing," she said softly.

"How can they be a blessing? He will do nothing but confuse our unmated males when he goes into heat. If one of them mates with him then how will he have children? Have you thought about that? Males can't have children remember!" I told her again speaking like she was a stupid child dreaming of fairytales.

Mai walked to me and punched my shoulder. For a little old woman, she packed a punch. I rubbed my sore spot as I glared at her, she glared back. After a few minutes of the glaring contest, we were interrupted.

"Enough you two! What do you mean by a blessing, Mai?" my brother asked her, pulling her focus away from me.

"What I mean Wes is that male omegas can do everything that a female omega can," she spoke slowly.

"You mean …" Wes started and she nodded, a bright smile on her face.

"Impossible!" I yelled. "He's a man, he can't get pregnant."

"Yes he can," she stood firmly with her arms crossed. Daring me to disagree with her.

"How do you know?" Wes asked, trying to ease the tension.

Mai softened her eyes when she looked at him and then at the stranger.

"Because my father was an omega."

Both Wes and I were at a loss. Our mouths hung open and our eyes were wide. She chuckled at us, clearly enjoying our shock. She went to sit next to the stranger and held his hand tenderly. Much like she had done to us as kids when we were sick or injured.

"I know what you are thinking. That it's impossible and he could have just found me and said I came from him. I thought that too but then he found his mate and they had a child. I watched my father carry and give birth to my younger brother, we had to cut him open."

"When I was older I asked him how he had me. He told me honestly that he had been attacked during one of his first heats. Several wolves used him for their own enjoyment and then beat him after. One of them had marked him during the attack and that's how he became pregnant with me."

Her eyes filled with tears as she recalled the memory. Her dad had been so strong when he told her but she had broken down in a flood of tears.

"Several years later he met that wolf again and he was angry that he had mated and produced a child with a freak. He attacked my father and another wolf intervened. His mate was killed and the other wolf imprinted on him. He became my stepfather."

"So, you think he is an omega?" Wes asked as he stepped forward to place a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded as she patted his hand. She then looked at us pleadingly. It reminded me of the look the young pups give us when they want something or when they are trying to get out of being in trouble.

"Please don't send him away or kill him. He's already had a tough life so far, he needs somewhere safe to live. My stepfather was forced to leave his pack because they wouldn't accept his male mate. They didn't believe that I was his real child. It made my father feel really guilty."

Wes smiled down at her and nodded. I knew he wouldn't be able to say no to Mai even if he tried. When our mother had passed she had taken over as our mother figure. Our dad had mainly been focused on our training and had no idea how to comfort himself let alone us.

"Of course he can stay here Mai," Wes turned to me with a smirk. "Cole is going to take great care of him."

"What!" I shouted.

Mai jumped up excitedly and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him on the cheek before coming and doing the same to me.

"Shall I prepare a room for him?" she asked and Wes shook his head.

"No, not yet. He will stay with Cole until he is fully healed and back in great health."

Mai nodded and left saying she needed to find him some clothes. I stared at Wes like he had grown two heads.

"Are you crazy? I'm not a healer, why would he stay with me?" I asked.

Wes smirked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Cole, he needs someone strong around him right now. He is weak and I imagine he has been on his own for a long time. You also need something else to focus on, Abby left you for someone else. I know how much you loved her. This will help take your mind off of it," he told me.

I knew he was making sense but I still didn't like the idea of babysitting an omega.

"Do you have a problem with him being an omega? If you do, I won't force you to do this," he asked me.

For a minute I thought about saying I did, demanding he removes him from my room. However, I knew my guilt would make it impossible to stay away from this wolf anyway. I looked at the stranger and sighed.

"No, I don't have a problem with him. I'll do as you say," I told him.

He smiled at me and left. Leaving me alone with a weak, fragile male wolf. I had no idea how to take care of someone that was most likely broken.

Mai came back an hour later with lots of clothes. She put them away in my closet before kissing my forehead and leaving. I sat beside him as he slept but by nightfall, he still wasn't awake.

I had contemplated sleeping in the chair but I didn't fancy the neck and back pain that would come with it. So, I decided to sleep on the other side of the bed. If he freaks out I will deal with it tomorrow.


Tomorrow never came. He slept for three days straight. Mai and Wes came to check on him every day. I was starting to get very worried. Wolves typically heal very quickly when injured. If they are ever severely injured then the most they rest is a day. However, he still showed no signs of waking.

His bruises had faded within a day but his skin was still pale. He was also still cold to the touch, not as cold as he had been but still not hot enough even by wolf standards or humans.

On the fourth night, I went to sleep as usual but after an hour something forced me to wake up. At first, I couldn't figure out what until I noticed the bedroom door open. I was certain I had closed it.

I looked around my room and nothing seemed out of place so I laid back down. My eyes scanned the space next to me before I closed my eyes. Then I shot up, eyes wide. The space next to me was empty.

I raced out of the room and followed his scent. He hadn't gotten very far, his weak body wouldn't allow it. I found him near the tree line. His body was slumped against the tree as he tried to regain his strength and breath.

He stood up straight and glared when he noticed me approaching. I stopped a few feet away from him.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

His voice wasn't as strong as he was probably hoping it sounded. I took a step closer and stopped when he growled at me. He looked cute.

'Wait! Cute!' I thought. 'Since when do I find men cute?'

"Look I'll answer all of your questions the best I can but can we go back inside first? You're not exactly in the best condition to be walking about," I asked.

He glared at me and I couldn't help but smile. Eventually, his weak body made the decision for him. He slumped forward and instinctively I moved forward to help.

"I can manage," he said defiantly.

His shaky legs walked past me back towards the house. I could see beads of sweat forming on his bare body. He faltered a little and just as we reached the house his legs gave way.

Again, I went to help him and again he told me he could do it. I huffed and folded my arms as I stood back.

"Look Cub, there is no shame in accepting help. I'm not here to hurt you," I said.

He glared at me and again I found it adorable.

"Don't call me Cub," he growled.

"Well in the absence of any other name, I have no choice," I said with a chuckle as I bent to pick him up.

I put his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped one arm around his waist. He grunted at me but allowed me to guide him back.

"Alec," he said quietly.

"What?" I said not quite hearing him.

"My name is Alec," he told me with a glare.

We finally made it back to my room and I helped him back into bed. His glare never stopped as I took a seat next to him. Though the glare didn't last long. Eventually, his eyes started to droop. I knew the midnight exertion had taken a lot out of him.

"You don't have to stay with me. You can go back to your room and we will talk in the morning," he said, stifling a yawn.

I leaned forward with a smirk. He moved away a little and it stirred the hunter in me.

"This is my room Cub."

His eyes went wide and his mouth hung open. No longer feeling tired, the scent of his fear hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Wh…what are you g...go..gonna do with me?"

The fear I could see and smell startled me. It made me wonder what he's been through to make him so scared. Quickly, I rushed to his side which in hindsight might not have been the best thing to do. However, before I could assure him he wasn't in any danger, he curled into a ball and started whimpering.

Slowly I stroked his back, his hair any place I could reach.

"Cub! Cub!" I called. "Alec!"

He eventually stopped shaking and lifted his head up slightly to look at me. His eyes were guarded like he was waiting for whatever I was going to do.

"Alec, you are safe here. No one in this pack will hurt you," I told him. "I promise you I won't let them."

He slowly unfurled himself. I kept my hands on him and if it wasn't for the look of pure fear in his eyes I might have registered the softness of his skin.

"You will when you find out that…." he started but I knew what he was going to say.

"That you're an omega. Yeah, we already know. My brother Wes is our pack alpha and he has told everyone about you. We all know and no one wants you dead," I told him.

His wide eyes and open mouth told me he hadn't expected us to know.

"How .....?" he asked.

I finally took my hands off of him and rubbed the back of my neck. My eyes avoided his as the guilt welled up in me.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well…. I was running in the forest and I found you on our lands. Well, then I..I…" I couldn't finish it.

How will I get him to believe that he is safe after being the one that attacked him?

"You were the wolf that attacked me, weren't you?" he asked, guessing what I was reluctant to say.

I nodded, still avoiding his eyes.

"Why? Was it because you could see I was an omega? if none of you care about that then why did you attack me?" he asked.

I sighed as I stood up and started to pace. Since he has been unconscious it's given me a chance to think about why I had been out there in the first place. Though I was still angry and hurt, it wasn't as bad as before. It was almost like my guilt for hurting this man overrode what I felt because of her betrayal.

"I had gone for a run to work off some anger. A woman I had loved for years, someone that I planned to mate with, choose someone else. We had known each other for years and I had always had feelings for her. Over the past year, we started talking about mating."

The pain started to return but without the anger this time.

"She always talked about my faults and about me being the better leader for the pack, not Wes. I never took her seriously. Then a few days ago, when I asked her if we could finally become mates, she told me that she had chosen someone else. He is the alpha of another pack. When I asked her about us she just said she would never choose to be with a beta. As if being a beta is so wrong," I was yelling by the end.

My pacing stopped and I was looking out of the window as I unclenched my fists. A slight sting shot across my palms from where my nails had bit into the skin. My head slunk down with a sigh as my heart felt heavy.

"She left just like that. I thought she loved me or at least had feelings for me. However, after she left I found out that she had tried to seduce Wes, whilst we had been discussing mating. Wes is unmated so I am sure she thought she could just pick and choose between us. He told her no and to leave if she wasn't serious about me. So she left."

"As I said, I went out to run off my anger as well as find something to hunt. I found you and all my wolf could see was a trespasser so we attacked. I'm really sorry, once I'd calmed down enough I did feel guilty. Wes ordered me to take care of you and protect you because he knew I would feel guilty if I didn't. Plus I would find a way to help you anyway, to make it right."

Finally, I turned to face him, ready to see the anger and or fear in his eyes aimed at me. However, when I finally found the courage to meet his gaze there was nothing but sympathy.

"Ok," he said. "I forgive you."

"What! Just like that?" I asked incredulously.

He smiled weakly at me and nodded.

"Yes, just like that. You didn't attack me because I'm an omega but because you were heartbroken. I have been attacked too many times because of what I am, those I won't forgive. You were hurt and protecting your pack lands so I can forgive that," he spoke in a sleepy voice that made me smile.

"Thank you," I said, truly feeling grateful.

"So, if this is your room where have you been sleeping?" he asked, remembering the earlier shock.

I smiled and pointed to the space next to him. He looked at the empty space, then back at me, then to the space and then back to me. His expression was one of bewilderment and pure shock.

"What? Did you expect me to sleep on a chair for three days?" I asked him.

His eyes widened.

"Three days?" he asked.

"Yeah, three days. You were unconscious and were barely moving. I'm a big guy and not meant for small chairs, so I saw no problem with sleeping next to you at the time. If you are uncomfortable I can make a bed up on the floor," I tell him as I start to get up.

"No! No!" he starts.

I stopped and raised my eyebrow at him.

"You don't want me to sleep on the floor or in the room?" I asked, my eyebrows knitted together.

"No, I mean. You don't have to sleep on the floor. The bed is big enough for the both of us or I can sleep on the floor. After all, this is your room," he explained, moving to get up.

Instantly, I stopped him. Placing a hand on his shoulder I softly moved him back to lay down. He stared up at me with his dark soft eyes. They were like pools of dark liquid you could drown in.

Slowly, my head moved closer, his wide eyes brought me back to myself. I moved back and stepped away. I rubbed the back of my neck as I turned around.

"You were injured really badly and are still too weak, therefore you are still healing. You should sleep on the bed. I can sleep on the floor, I have slept on worse," I told him.

Just as I am about to grab some spare pillows and a cover his small, weak voice stopped me.

"We can share the bed."


A week has passed and Alec has finally regained his strength. He is still weak but not as much as before. Mai has cooed over him like a mother hen. She fed him until she was satisfied he was really full. Alec's appetite gradually increased. At first, he ate so little that I was worried he wouldn't get better but under Mai's care that changed.

Alec spent most of his time in my, well our room. Though Mai, Wes and I had repeatedly told him that he was safe and welcomed, he was still reluctant to meet anyone else. So, I would sit with him and we would talk.

I learned that he had been banished by his pack when he first shifted. They had beaten him and then sent him away. Both his mother and father had called him disgusting and other vile names. He said that they said they wished he had never been born.

The pain in his eyes sent a new rage coursing through me. I wanted to find that backwards pack and hurt them thousand times over.

I hadn't even noticed I had clenched my fists until I felt his soft, slightly warmer hand over mine. The shock of the sudden contact silenced the rage and spurned something else. Something deep and primal almost.

I've noticed he has done that a few times. Whether accidentally or on purpose. He has found an excuse to touch me. Each time he does, that deep primal feeling gets bigger. I started finding ways for it to happen.

I would get him to pass me things or move past him closer than I actually need to. At night when I am sure he is fast asleep I move closer, bringing my hand around his waist. During the night he would turn and lean his head against my chest.

The feel of holding him was beyond what I could imagine. It felt right, it felt amazing! I would have the best night's sleep every time. I always woke up before he did, so I could disentangle us before he awoke and freaked out. I can't imagine what he would think or do if he found us like that.

I should have been concerned about my growing reaction to him but I wasn't. It wasn't like it was anything romantic, at least that's what I kept telling myself.


One night I suddenly woke up, an uneasy feeling alerted my wolf. I scanned the darkroom expecting an intruder, however, I was met with nothing but silence and an empty room. I rubbed my eyes and stifled a yawn, unsure of what had woken me.

"No!" came a small cry.

I turned to the sleeping form beside me. Alec was covered in sweat and clutching his pillow. His forehead was creased as his head swayed.

"Stop! Please!" came another cry.

"Is he having a nightmare?" I asked myself as I moved closer to him.

I was unsure of what to do until a third cry made up my mind. I pulled him into my arms, cradling his head on my chest. My arms tightened around him as his cry turned into a sob.

Eventually, his sobs subsided as I rubbed his back and whispered soothing words into his ear. We stayed like that for a while until I felt him stir a little.

"Cole?" he whispered.


"They …" he started before a sob stopped him.

"It's ok cub, I've got you. They can't hurt you now," I told him.

He lifted his head and stared down at me. His watery eyes glistened in the faint moonlight. I moved one of my hands up to his face and delicately wiped away a few tears that had fallen.

We stared into each other's eyes and without thinking I pulled his face down towards mine. Our lips met in a soft embrace. Slowly, we explored and tasted each other. His soft lips ghosted over mine and it felt like heaven.

We pulled back and I could see a fountain of emotions swimming in his eyes. From desire to confusion to lust and then to fear.

"I'm sorry," he said, trying to pull away. "I shouldn't have done that."

I pulled him back down to me, tightening my grip around his waist.

"Cole?" he asked.

My head and heart were swimming. I have never thought of a man attractive or desirable before, so I should be freaking out right now. However, after feeling his kiss, his body pressed against mine and seeing the desire and lust in his eyes I no longer cared.

Without a word I pulled him back down and claimed his lips again. His gasp provided me with the opportunity for my tongue to explore his mouth.

His moans spurred me on as I deepened the kiss. His small hands came up to rest on my chest. I could feel his erection as it rubbed against mine.

Never before have I been so turned on from a simple kiss. When I was in love with Abby, though I was turned on, it was never this intense and especially not from just a kiss. The few times we kissed had been hot and heavy and it felt good. However, I was never this excited.

I moved my mouth off of his and travelled down his neck. My hand on his face moved his head so I could access the delicious-looking skin. His whimpers and moans travelled straight to my erection, making it painfully hard against my pants.

"Alec," I moaned against his skin.

He brought his mouth to mine again with a newfound passion. It was his turn to devour me. I allowed him to take control for the time being. After taking his fill of my mouth he lifted his head up and stared down at me with desire filled eyes.

"Cole?" he asked.

Somehow I knew what he was asking and I knew that I wanted it too. The thought of being with a guy has never interested me before, it's never repulsed me either. However, now it was all I wanted.

Making my decision, I flipped us over and hovered over him before pulling back to kneel. I made quick work of his pants before removing my own.

Both our cocks were thick and hard, pre-cum oozed out of his as I scented his slick. With a smirk, I stroked myself as I stared down at him.

"Cole?" he moaned, with a breathless tone.

I leaned down again and claimed his mouth. Our freed cocks rubbed against each other as I slowly rocked my hips into his.

"Yes!" he moaned as his back arched.

"Alec, I've never done this with a man before. So, you have to tell me if I'm hurting you ok?" I tell him honestly.

Alec nodded and took my face in his softly as he pulled me down for another kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and turned back over. I was now laid under him, he was in control and I didn't care.

He moved down my body, kissing and licking along the way to where I desperately wanted to feel his mouth. He kissed and teased down my thigh, forcing a moan to escape my mouth.

"Alec, please!" I begged.

I have never before in my life begged for anything but this little man had me in the palm of his hands and he knew it. He smiled up at me before he wrapped his full lips around the head of my aching cock.

My hips jerked at the feeling which caused me to thrust further into his mouth. He sucked harder around me.

"Alec, if you do that I'll cum too soon," I told him lost to the intense orgasmic feeling he was giving me.

He popped my dick out of his mouth and I had to clench everything in me not to cum. Alec moved up my body and sat across my hips. I watched as he reached behind himself, coated his fingers in his own slick before wrapping them around my cock.

Then once he felt I was coated enough with his slick he lined himself up and slowly pushed down. I gripped the sheets to prevent myself from gripping his hips and thrusting upwards. The look of pain on his face had me worried.

"Are you ok Alec? We can stop if it hurts," I asked.

He smiled at me and nodded. Once he was fully seated on me I groaned. He gripped me from the inside and I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Slowly, he started to rise before lowering back down. His rhythm started to pick up speed as I finally gripped his hips.

"Cole!" he moaned above me and I took that as my cue.

Sitting up I wrapped my arms around his body and flipped us around. As soon as I had him underneath me my hips took on a mind of their own. He brought his legs up higher, resting his knees against my shoulders, as my pace became relentless.

Our moans were mixed in with the sound of slapping skin. It filled the silence of the room and I didn't care if anyone heard it beyond.

As I neared my release my wolf emerged wanting to claim him. However, as much as that thought excited me, I didn't want to do it unless he agreed without the distraction of pure pleasure fogging his mind.

I knew omega females can only get pregnant when they are mated but I wasn't sure if it was the same with males. So, just as my release came, I pulled out and pumped myself as my orgasm overtook me.

My hips jerked as hot white liquid squirted all over his stomach. His hand was on his own erection as his seed mixed with mine. As his release took him, his back arched and he threw his head back.

The sight sent shockwaves to my cock, forcing more cum out of me. I collapsed next to him, panting hard. Eventually, I got up to fetch a clean cloth to wipe us both down. Once satisfied I climbed into bed and wrapped him in my arms. I felt sated and relaxed as we both drifted off to sleep.


Another month has passed since he arrived. He now ventures out of our room and interacts with other members of the pack. I often find myself smiling as I watch him laughing with others.

At first, I became jealous and possessive when he talked or laughed with other men but I've managed to rein that in, a little. Every night we spend together wrapped in each other's arms. If anyone knows about us, no one has said anything. I'm not bothered if they know but I don't want Alec to get hurt or upset by it.

"Cole?" Wes called and I jumped.

I forgot I was in a meeting with him when I got distracted by Alec. His smirk told me he knew who I had been staring at. He came to stand next to me by the window as we both watched Alec.

"Why not ask him to be your mate?" Wes asked.

I will admit the thought had crossed my mind several times over the past month. Every time we fuck, I mean make love, as he falls asleep on my chest, I think about marking him. However, I'm afraid to even ask.

"I've thought about it but…." I started.

"But what?" Wes asked when I still hadn't finished.

"But what if …." I still couldn't finish.

"What if he rejects you as Abby did? What if he just wants to use you like Abby did?" he asked, finishing my thoughts.

I lowered my head and nodded. He hit my fears right on the head. I know he isn't anything like Abby but what if he doesn't want to be with me? He's been hurt in the past, which might make him too afraid to bond with anyone.

"I haven't talked to him much but from what I can tell he is nothing like Abby. For starters, he is actually interested in what people have to say. He listens to them and actually talks to them. Abby was only interested in talking to those in a position of power, everyone else was underneath her."

I knew he was right but I was still resistant.

"Alec is a shy and reserved person. I know it took a lot for him to start interacting with the pack. I think he did that for you," he said.

"For me?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, he doesn't want to be a burden to you. Nor does he want you to ignore your pack to only spend time with him. So, he is making the effort to get to know them so you can do both. Spend time with him and be a part of your pack."

I looked back at Alec with a new feeling rising in my chest. Is he really doing this for me? I asked myself.


Later that day Alec still hadn't returned to our room so I went looking for him. He sat in the kitchen with Mai. I was about to interrupt when I heard my name.

"I don't know what Cole is thinking?" Mai said.

"Mai!" Alec sounded as if he was warning Mai of something.

"Don't Mai me!" she said with a glare. "You two should just become mates already. You practically live together, spend every moment together, even have sex. I don't know why he is hesitating," she raged.

"Calm down Mai, I am sure he has his reasons. After all, the whole reason for our meeting was because the woman he wanted to mate with left him. He's probably scared of the idea of mating now, or …"

The tone of his voice turned sadder as he spoke his next words.

"Maybe he doesn't want to be mated to a man. Maybe he slept with me because he was lonely and I was there. After all, he even said, during our first time, he has never been with a man before. What if he is just using me until he finds a woman more suitable."

My heart broke at the look of pain that crossed his face. Mai patted his shoulder and I left. I couldn't bear to hear anymore.

In our room, I couldn't stop pacing. Did he really think I was using him? Am I using him? I stopped at that thought. My mind went over all our nights together. Each night as we had sex, no! As we made love, I always wanted to mate with him. However, each time I would think about asking him afterwards or before, but I never do.


Startled, I turned to see Alec stood at the door with a look of concern on his face. Instantly, I rushed to his side and gripped his face in mine. I kissed him with as much passion as I could.

He moaned into my mouth and wrapped his arms around my waist. I guided him to the bed and pushed him down. I knelt before him and eased his shirt off and his pants down. Whenever we made love I never went down on him, he always did but he would stop me when I tried.

"Cole?" he asked again.

"Don't stop me this time," I ordered as I took hold of his semi-hard cock.

Slowly, I pumped him before bringing my mouth to his tip. My tongue swept out, flicking out at the sensitive head. He gripped the sheets as my tongue lapped around his hard member before bringing it into my mouth.

"Cole! I'm close!" he called out so I picked up my pace.

I sucked as I moved my head up and down, bringing him to his release. When he was almost there he started pulling at my head, but I took hold of his hands and continued my torture.

"I'm cummin!" he yelled as streams of hot liquid flowed down my throat.

I gagged a little but made an effort to swallow it all. He panted above me as I knelt up and kissed him. Our tongues mashed together as I let him taste himself.

"Cole?" he asked for the third time.

"I'm sorry," I said, stroking his cheek. "It's true I've never felt anything for a man before but I promise you, I am not using you. Every time we make love both my wolf and I want to mark you but I don't because I'm not sure if that's what you want. I don't want you to make the decision whilst your mind is clouded with passion," I explained.

"Then…. Why not ask after or the next day?" his voice sounded sad and lost.

I pulled him into my arms as I lifted him up. His legs wrapped around my waist as I turned us around so I could sit on the bed with him in my lap. I pulled his shoulders back so he had to face me.

"Alec, I've wanted to ask you every time I see you but I'm afraid," I told him, trying to be as honest as I could.

His shoulders sagged as a flash of disappointment crossed his face before he gave me a small sad smile.

"I understand. I know you were hurt before and I …"

I stopped him with a kiss. His dazed look when I pulled back was enough to settle any remaining fears I had.

"I wasn't afraid because of what Abby did. Sure, at first maybe I was a little. I wondered at first if you would be like Abby if you wouldn't want me because I am only a beta. Even Wes has noticed you're nothing like her. So, then after that, I was afraid that you would say no. Maybe you would want someone that was less angry or more patient."

"Cole," he said softly. "I don't care if you're the alpha, beta or another omega. If I didn't like you for who you are then I would never have slept with you in the first place. No one has ever made me feel safe or protected before or wanted as you have. If you want me to be your mate, then my answer will be yes."

My face must have lit up because he was soon smiling so wide that I was mesmerized.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded and moved his head to the side, baring his neck to me. I instantly pounced. We made love and just as my release approached like so many times before, my wolf emerged wanting to claim him.

I finally allowed my wolf to do what he has wanted to do. Just as both of our orgasms hit at the same time I bit down on his neck. I also felt him make his mark on me, the pain and pleasure stimulation had me cumming again.


Four months later, Alec is now a thriving member of the pack. Everyone accepted him as my mate, Mai more than anyone else. She was beyond thrilled when I proudly proclaimed him my mate in front of the whole pack. When everyone cheered she was the loudest.

At first, I had been worried about what the pack would say. Obviously, I had only shown interest in Abby before so I wasn't sure they would accept us. However, everyone loved Alec and were happy for us.

One morning, Alec and I were in the midst of an early morning session of kissing, fondling and fucking when the devil in heels walked in.

I was balls deep inside him, pounding the daylights of his delicious ass when she walked in.


She just barged into our room followed by an angry-looking Wes.

"Get the fuck out!" I shouted as I stilled inside of him.

I tried my best to make sure he was covered, I didn't want Wes to see his naked body. Wes pulled a stunned looking Abby out of the room and shut the door. I turned back to Alec and smirked.

He was laid on his stomach so he had turned his head to look at the intruder. I lowered myself and licked his ear.

"Now that they have gone, let's finish what we started," I whispered into his ear.

He gave me an incredulous look that said 'are you serious.' So, to answer his unspoken question I pulled out and then thrust back in. His moan was enough to silence his objections.


Abby was pacing in Wes's office when I finally made it downstairs. Wes, himself, was sitting at his desk going over some papers. He looked calmer than she did. I had asked if Alec wanted to come with me and he said it would be best if I dealt with her myself.

She glared daggers at me before walking out the door. I stared after her then back at Wes.

"Don't look at me," he said before going back to work.

I followed after her but she had vanished. Some club members said they had seen her go upstairs. Panic filled me as I raced up to my room.

I stopped at the door. Alec wasn't some frightened little girl that needed protecting all the time. He has made it clear if he is having a disagreement with someone and I step in. He will refuse to have sex with me for several days. Reluctantly, I learnt to stay back unless he really needs me. So, remembering his threat I decided to listen first.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want what is rightfully mine!" I heard her snarl.

I stepped into the room but stayed back so I could watch as well. Alec noticed me but Abby did not.

"What do you think is rightfully yours?" he asked with a stoic face but a gleam in his eyes.

"Cole! He is rightfully mine, he was mine first," she crossed arms, almost like she was daring him to disagree with her.

His eyes flashed to mine briefly and I shook my head at him. We've talked about this a lot. He knows being with him has made me realise how stupid I had been about her. She was always trying to make me change instead of accepting me for who I am. She never made an effort to fit in with the pack.

"How is he rightfully yours? Didn't you leave him for another wolf? Last time I checked, once you leave someone you lose all rights to them. Though I don't have as much experience as maybe you, I don't think that has changed," he says with a smirk.

"You little …." she growled at him.

"Besides, even if things have changed it's irrelevant anyway," he looked like he was enjoying himself.

My dick was getting harder just seeing him play with her.

"What do you mean?" she demanded.

Alec motioned for me to come to him and I happily obliged. Abby glared as I took his offered hand and kissed it, before standing behind him. Partially to hide my erection. He then turned back to her. He pointed to my mark on his neck and his on mine.

"Well for starters, these can't be removed and even if they could he would never take you back. He often tells me that once you chose someone else over him, you were dead to him," Alec was full-on smirking now.

"Oh stupid, pathetic omega. You know nothing. Cole has always loved me, that's not something that goes away just because a disgusting male omega shakes his ass at him."

She turned her glare towards me but her face turned into a sweet sickly smile. One that I had once found cute or even sexy but now it looked childish.

"We've been in love for years haven't we Coco," she cooed, using a nickname I had never liked.

"I will admit I did think I was in love with you, but you never loved me. I was never good enough for you was I? If I was, you would never have tried to seduce Wes or left me. I don't know why you're back, nor do I care. As you can see, I've moved on. I'm with someone who is far better for me."

I wrapped my arm around his waist to prove my point and kissed the mark I left for good measure. Her eyes followed the movement, then turned into slits as she glared.

"You can't be serious? He's a man! And an omega!" she yelled. "He can't do what a woman can, he can't give you children. Also, he will bring a curse upon your pack. Is that what you want? For your beloved pack to get destroyed?"

"It just shows how clueless you are. Male omegas can have children just like female omegas. If you don't believe me, ask Mai, she was born from a male omega. As for male omegas being a curse, that's a load of bullshit. I've been here since you left and the only bad thing that has happened is your return," he mocked.

"Why are you even back here?" I asked.

"To show you what is best for you, of course," she spoke in a soft, sultry tone as she slipped her dress from her shoulders.

Her bare body was exposed revealing her smooth skin and full breasts. In the past, I had salivated over her body but now it just looks wrong.

"Please, as if I want your body after having his," I scoffed. "Let me guess, the guy you left me for either didn't actually want you but you thought you could seduce him or he found his fated mate before mating with you and told you to leave," I laughed out loud.

"I should thank him if he hadn't tempted you away I would never have met Alec. Now, I can't imagine my life without him."

"Really?" He asked.

I smiled, nodded and then gave him a deep kiss. I poured all I could into that kiss so he was never in doubt.

"I'm glad you think that way because our life is going to get even better," he said as he took my hand and placed it on his stomach.

My eyes went wide as my wolf's hearing slowly picked up on another faint, rapid heartbeat. He smiled then laughed as he watched the realisation flash across my face.

"You're saying …" I started and he immediately nodded.

"Yes. I've not been feeling well so I went to Mai. After a lengthy examination she confirmed that I was carrying your child," he explained.

Abby huffed, grabbed her dress, hastily putting it on before storming off. We didn't even watch her go, our eyes were glued to each other.

"Are you happy about this?" Alec asked, searching my eyes.

With a cry of joy I scooped him up in my arms and spun him around. We both laughed before falling onto the bed. I spent the rest of the night showing my mate just how happy I was and how happy I would make him.

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