

I woke up with a start. My heart was pounding. The dream happened again last night. I had not had it in over a year. I was not sure why or what brought it on. I got up and stretched and headed towards the kitchen. I heard my phone chime in the distance.

I got a cold drink decided to start my day early. I hopped in the shower and quickly got dressed for work. As I headed out the door, I slipped on my pink flip flops and grabbed my tote bag and headed to my beloved yellow jeep parked in my driveway. I saw my neighbor Mr. Watts and waved as I backed out. I often wondered if he ever went inside as he was ways doing something in the yard. My drive is only 15 minutes to the beach motel I owned off Atlantic Avenue. I loved the quiet early morning drive. The ocean smell, and beauty of the sunrise as I hummed along with the radio. As I pulled into the side driveway leading to the staff parking lot I marveled at the beach view. The Beach Paradise. I inherited it from my Aunt 5 years ago after she passed away. I had worked summers for her since she was a teen. It was an escape from my reality of the overbearing life I had been born into. My father snub his late wife's sister at ever turn. Rejected her efforts to help or be involve with me or my older Sister Sarah. I started to slipped out and visited my aunt as soon as I was old enough to get to know her. Occasionally meeting for lunch or to go shopping, Aunt Lucy gave me the love and grounding I craved. When I got my lisence, Aunt Lucy offered me a job. I had kept it vague as a summer camp job, but my father was to busy working at his tech company or romancing the next step monster to ask to many questions, but if he knew it was for Aunt Lucy, he would have forbidden it.

I loved the ocean air and meeting fun tourist from all over. There was never a dull moment. I looked up at the back of the main part of the hotel. It was painted in bright beachy colors. There were 100 rooms in the main building, and 5 VIP cottages. The building was old and something was always needing repair, but it had charm that kept guest coming back. I walked in the back door heading to my office greeting my night manager José. He had been my Aunt's right hand man for ever and had jump at the chance to be more involved when I promoted him from his maintenence position. "Hey, Lane! Your early again" he scolded. "You know me, Jose. This is my life". "Can't get enough of it." Jose laughed and followed her in her office. Why don't you head out early and spend some time with those grandchildren you brag about. Jose laughed even more. Maybe after some sleep he replies to her.

I have the schedule updated and here us a list of interviews I have set up for you this week . Great! Lane replied. I hope to get to get these positions filled and trained before peak season Jennifer replied.

Now go enjoy your days off. No problem! I told the Gracey we could drive down the coast and camp out. See you next week.

I picked up the folder José left and plopped in my chair looking over the list. I made notes on who to call later that morning. I started opening all the mail in my pile. I always put this off until mid month. Sorting them by bills and junk. I Stopped after I saw the cream colored business envelope with the gold leaf return address. Again! I thought. I pitched it right into the trash. The Lowell Group had been trying to get me to sell since I took ownership. They build resorts and have had their eye on my property to expand their brand. I have a nice spread at the back corner of the main beach strip. Several small operations over the years have sold to chains or larger resorts. Aunt Lucy and her late husband had bought this little hotel on the beach had to be over 50 years ago. They put a lot of hard sweat and tears over the years. Aunt Lucy still managed after Uncle Bob died over 10 years before. I missed them a lot.

I stood up shaking the memories away. I left to do my daily checks. When I looked at at the clock again it was after 4pm and I was starving.

I walked out to the corner to get a pizza slice and salad from the beach snack bar and sat down to eat. I wavied to several employees as I scrolled my new messages. I see the message return number I missed earlier this morning. My older sister Sarah had tried to get a hold of me several times. ughhh. We were never close and I did not completely trust her motives. I hit delete. I go to check out our beach booths and enjoy my toes in the sand and watching kids run. The tide is on its way out, but sun set is still a few hours away.

I start wrapping up my day after finishing 2 phone interviews that I think will be a perfect fits for our staff. I here my phone messages vibrate again. I look at my phone and see its Sarah again. I hit delete again. We had nothing to say.
