
Chapter 15: Disobedience

"Well then, Lord"

The dark voice of Maldiel has awakened Archangel Gabriel. His wrists hurt. Hot chains were holding them tight and leaving marks on them. His eyelids only half open, the heavenly being looked at the Fallen Angel.

"What do yo-"

A knee in his face interrupted him. Maldiel was looking at him with a huge smile.

"I ain't answering your questions no more. This time it's me who is your Lord!"

Another kick made Gabriel completely go to the ground.

"Since you were so nice to play our triumph card yourself I won't erase you, yet. Im gonna let you live for now and show you the suffering. You will feel it and you will be hurt by it! Oh, you should enjoy your last hours. And now have some sleep, so you don't miss out on the show later.."

The Prophet from Hell took up a tiny piece of stone, made it glow and threw it at Gabriels head.

His eyelids were slowly closing as he was falling unconscious.

"Sabathiel...hurry up..."


Kenji opened his eyes. He couldn't see a thing, it was completely dark. He covered his mouth with his hand as he had to cough in the stuffy air. Where was he? He couldn't be outside, there was no fresh air.

"Jessica!? Jason!? Hikari!? Sabathiel!? Where are you all!?"

There was no response as he called for his friends so he decided to search for them. But he couldn't see anything. He summoned his sword, slit a tiny wound in his thumb and snapped his fingers.


Nothing. Just sheerless darkness. Kenji sighed.

"It was worth a try."

He knew that Angels possessed abilities like that, but it seems it didn't work for him. Was it because he wasn't a complete Angel?

"~No that can't be. I can use other abilities as well. Why not this one? Maybe it's because I don't know the Enochian word for it?~"

That would explain things. For using special abilities like that he would need to say its name in Enochian. But he never learnt any spells like that. Some of them just happened to be in his head. He didn't know why. But what the boy do know? Trying to find his friends in this endless darkness? He wouldn't even see them if they would stand right in front of him right now. He shouted the names again, still no answer to be heard.

"I hope everyone is fine…"

He was mumbling to himself when he finally got up and swiped off the dirt and small stones from his jeans and hoodie. They must have landed in some kind of old structure. The boy tried to feel after a wall and his hands reached a rounded stone.

"Don't tell me…"

He moved around the stone, let his hand glide over it. When he layed his head against it with a loud sigh.

"Well of course it is a pillar."

Kenji was annoyed. Standing in a big hall like that, no light and seperated from everyone else, that couldn't be the best situation to go with.

"Jeez, Sabathiel, I hope you can explain why I have to play blind man's buff now."

Maybe he should just wait there and wait for their new companion to find him. It was him, the Angel of illumination under archangel command, who brought them here after all. He should know what to do. But Kenji shook his head. Standing there around, doing nothing wasn't what he wanted to do so he decided to move around and hope he will find a wall and an exit soon. Sand and gravel was crunching under his feet as he searched for something to hold on to. He just walked on and on, reaching nothing. Suddenly the quiet voice of a whispering girl next to him made the boy stop.

"~This way…~"

Kenji turned around. He only saw a lowly lighting silhouette, just a few inches away from him, pointing straight away. The boy made one step towards the figure when it suddenly distorted and then dissapeared with a dark unclear voice in his head.


Quickly he turned around to look if someone was there, but only darkness was to see. Thinking he was more-or-less safe, he moved in the direction where the mysterious figure showed him. The voice was so familiar, Kenji was sure he heard it only a short time ago but he couldn't remember. He shook his head. Now his goal was to find the others, thinking had to wait for later.


The voice was in his head again, telling the way. Suddenly he got a strong headache for a short time and with his right eye he saw a red flickering when the distorted voice was to hear once more.


Doing his best to ignore it, Kenji kept going, holding his head until the pain vanished.


The boy still followed the instructions of the familiat, this time without a comment from the other party.


It was the last time that the whispering appeared in his head. He turned right and kept going straight, kept going for minutes in the darkness. Suddenly a little glimmer of light was to see further away. Kenjis eyes got wide, hoping to see his friends. But it wasn't one of his friends which he met. Next to the entrance to the hall, where the light came from, the mysterious girl who guided him was standing and pointed inside the room. A smile made it on Kenjis face.


At that moment the painful stinging of his head came back. The silhouette in front of him started distorting again. The boys right eye hurt so much, he was almost collapsing.


His words got interrupted by a big flame flying in his direction fastly. Just barely, Kenji was able to avoid it and was pushing his back on the wall. The headache was gone but the right eye still stinging. He looked back at the direction where the flame came from. He saw a being in a black coat, no face was to see, only darkness and flaming eyes. The high temperature around the being made the air around it wave.

"I've warned…"

When the deep voice made its way in Kenjis head, it started hurting again. His enemy snapped his fingers and dozens of small flames flew in the direction of the boy who tried avoiding them as good as possible, but he still got burns at his arms.

"I've warned you!"

As the voice appeared again and the mysterious figure slowly started moving, the headache and the stinging in the eyd vanished. Kenji wanted to summon his weapon, but a voice in his head whispered him not to do that, his right eye started to hurt again.

"Out…of my…head!"

The boy screamed, summoned his sword in the left hand, with the other he held his eye which was throbbing in pain. Suddenly the enemy ran in his direction with a high speed, flames were surrounding its fists. With his sword, Kenji could barely block the attack but as he wanted to avoid the being, he fell to the ground with force. His enemy didn't leave him time to sit there, the flames in his hand now forming a sword out of fire. Kenji hustled past his opponent and tried to attack him with his sword but it got blocked off easily. Heat was flowing through the boys body as he let go his eye with his right hand and summoned the gun in it. With a shot in the figures stomach it fell back a bit, but was still standing on both legs. Kenji used the short time to get nearer to the big hall, so he had more place to avoid the attacks, but as his opponent saw it, he hastily started shooting flames in his direction again.

"~It wants to keep me away from the hall..

What is inside there?~"

Suddenly a bright light was filling the floors and Sabathiel came from the corner.


However, as he wanted to reach the boy, another two mysterious figures appeared in front of him and blocked Sabathiels way with flaming swords. One of them was lulled in white, the other having a black tainted grey coat.

"Cherubim guardians…

Don't mess this up young comrade…"

Kenji worried looked at him.

"Sabathiel, are you alright!?"

The older angel just nodded and let Kenji know, that he won't be hurt by the guardians.

The young boy kept falling back into the hall, trying to shoot his opponent who was attacking him with flying hot ember faster and faster with each step taken. Kenji looked behind, the mysterious glowing girl standing and pointing at a dark red crystal in an emgravement of a flame in the wall. Trusting the girl just by seeing her, the boy hastily got there and tried to get the crystal out, but where there was the engraved flame there was an invisible hot barrier, not only burning his hand but making pain flow through all his body, his eye was hurting more and more that moment. From shock he fell back a bit and then he had a stinging pain in his back. A big concentration of ember hit him there and let him sink to the ground. The enemy stepped nearer, Kenji didn't know what to do.

"~How am I supposed to defeat a cherubim!?~"

Next to the boy who was still crouching on the ground the girl appeared again. She looped her arms about him and whispered in his ear.

"~Hell's fires can only be destroyrd by more powerful flames…~"

Now Kenji thought he knew what to do. He tried staying in front of the crystal so the cherubim's flames would hit the barrier but his enemy knew about his plan and switched to close combat, making sure it doesn't hit the protected area. Kenji didn't know what to do now so he fell back and kept shooting his enemy with his gun. However, all the shots vanished in the heat of the enemie's flaming sword.

"~It is hot enough to kill of heavenly magic…are cherubim that powerful? Why is it even fighting me!?~"

There was no time to think, the boy kept avoiding the flying flames and kept shooting at his opponents direction. As he did so, he noticed something. The bullets who weren't blocked of by the sword and nearly passed his enemy got so hot, they left a steaming mark in the wall. Finally the boy found the solution. He went to fighting stance with his sword and slowly rounded the room, his opposite moving so it was on the other side of Kenji. Then, the boy took his chance. The cherubim was standing just a few inches next to the crystal. Kenji fastly put up his gun again and fired 3 shots with his magical weapon. The hot shots hit the barrier, each one made the stinging in his eyes more and more painful, until he sank to the ground with a loud scream when the barrier was finally destroyed. Heavy breathing and holding his right eye with his hand the boy was crying, facing in the direction of the ground.

"Kenji!? What happened!?"

The boy could barely hear Sabathiel's yelling.


The angel was shouting but he wasn't coming. Probably the guardians must still have been blocking his way. With a glance behind, Kenji confirmed it. With all force left in him the boy stood up again, the vision of his right eye was blurry. As he looked at his hand which was holding his eye, he saw that it was full of blood. Exhausted he slowly took steps towards the crystal and when he took it, his headache and the stinging in his eye finally eased up. Behind the crystal was a small hole in the wall. A strong red-orange colored bug crawled out of it and flew behind Kenji. The boy turned around, but he didn't see a bug, no, he saw a Fallen Angel with a giant scar in his face.


He positioned in fighting stance but Maldiel just stood still and snapped his fingers once. The both were encircled by flames closing of the exit from the hall. Kenji wanted to charge forward and attack Maldiel but the Prophet from Hell held up another, this time a pure white, crystal and showed it off to Kenji who suddenly couldn't move anymore. If he tried, his right eye would hurt again, like the rest of his body. Maldiel laughed quietly.

"Cannot disobey your ruler's order, young angel."

Calmly he stepped towards the helpless boy and took the red crystal out of his hand. Then he vanished in the fire with a giant grin as he melodically said goodbye to Kenji.

"See ya."

-Sunrise, a red burning sky and the sun setting…the skys fates connect through the light breaking in the crystals…-

To be continued…
