2 Cold Blood

The man walking away was none other than David Glover, 34, a part-time detective with a passion for gambling. It was this passion that had led to his kicking out from the elite squad of detectives under the government's payroll. David was a towering 6'4" , with a physique that had been carefully sculpted in the gymnasium. People who saw him tended to move out of the way, and those who argued, usually ended up in hospitals. The call that he had received was from his associate and close friend, Jack Hudson. He had called to inform Glover about a bizarre kidnapping in the neighbourhood. The police had visited their broken down shack of an office and asked for their help, for which they would be paid. David hailed a taxi and gave the taxi driver the address that Jack had passed on to him. As the taxi accelerated, David was deep in thought, not about the case, but of his troubled past.


David got out of the taxi and paid the driver the exact amount and walked off, oblivious to the driver's rants of not getting tipped enough. The police were already there, and David looked for Jack. He found him deep in conversation with a police officer, updating himself on the details. David walked over and listened intently, wanting to catch the details of the case. Melanie Richard, 28 had been kidnapped in broad daylight. There were no witnesses and a ransom note which did not ask for any money. All it said was, "Confess." The fact that puzzled police the most was that there were no signs of any struggle, and the house was very neat and ordered. At this point, Jack acknowledged a presence near him and turned to see David. Jack, 36, a man who had let his passion for food get the better of him. He was a well rounded man with the sharpest of brains to compensate for his not so sharp body. The two men said their hellos and discussed the case at length. At this point, nothing was clear except this: This was a real puzzler, one that would take up all their time and all their wit combined to crack.
