
CH 1: Mysterious Forest

Where am I?

A very overrated Sentence Always used by people Who found themselves in a very Unfamiliar Place. Well, You can't really blame them as They were merely humans.

Jacob, Just Jacob. An Adult that grew up in an orphanage, Barely graduated from His schools Before barely finding an Average job as a Janitor in a school he'd Attended before.

Life has always been repetitive And Boring For Jacob As His Adult life has always cycled Around Sleep, Wake up, Go to work, Go home and Sleep. Utterly Uneventful And Unmotivating.

Until, The day that He has always wished for Had come. A change. After Going home from his Usual Daily routine, Jacob Immediately Washed Himself Before Seating on his Creaking Chair in front of his Computer to play his Favorite Survival Game, Rust, Before going to bed.

Jacob Expected That when he wakes up the next morning, It will still remain as the same boring Cycle of His life Only to Be stunned by the sight before him.

Lush Grasses and bushes Layed across the ground as Thick, Towering Trees Towered over him as if they were all about to Defy the heavens and pierce it.

Different Sounds Of Creatures Constantly Resounded in the distance, Indicating that Jacob was not the only inhabitant of this place.

Ignoring his confusion, Jacob decided to Do the most rational thing in his current predicament, Investigate his Surroundings. Gripping Hard on the Firm branches of a Tree, Jacob Quickly Traversed The Thick Leaves and Hard branches of the tree before Reaching the very top of the said tree. A skill he mastered during his childhood In the orphanage.

Earlier, Jacob Had already suspected That He was Currently in the middle of the forest but the Sight before him Heavily slapped him that saying his In a Forest Was An Understatement Since Green leaves Filled His Eyes no matter what direction He turned to. His Obviously In the middle of Nowhere.

Paling from the negative thoughts that Flashed by His Mind, Jacob Braced himself, Telling himself that everything Will be okay, Only to be Handed with a Harsh wake up call By Reality When a Loud Rustlings Came from the bushes Below him when he was Descending Back down from the tree.

Armed with nothing, Jacob Feared for his life And stood still While Grabbing firmly to the tree's branches and Trunk.

Jacob Observed the Happenings below Him From the angle In his position, obviously Seeing the Shaking and rustling of the Bushes below him. As the rustlings and movements grew Louder and In Frequency, His heart Started to beat faster than normal as his Mind was Constantly flooded with Negative and panicking thoughts. Until something very unexpected Happened To him.

"System. . . Rebooting. . ."

A cold, Monotonous Voice Suddenly rang out inside his head, Scaring the shit out of Him that almost made him lose his Grip to the Tree that served as his final Straw in life.

As a person Who can only find Entertainment after going home from his boring daily routine, And of course, As an EPIC GAMER, Jacob naturally read some urban/Fantasy Webnovels While waiting for queues where the main characters there received their own Cheats and Systems.

Although The thought of "This might Only be a prank" Flashed past his mind, The brutal Honesty of reality Told him that he literally Had no friends to prank him for. So, That thought was immediately crossed by him Inside his mind.

"Rebooting. . . Complete. . .Generating System Features and Applications. . .", Oddly enough for Jacob, He suddenly found the Cold and monotonous voice of his "System" As Sweet and the Seconds apart pauses between its words as cute.

Right after the system Finished Speaking, The Vision of Jacob Briefly dimmed for a second before Numbers, Options and Bars appeared In his sight. To his top right was A Sort of map filled With greeneries And to His top Left Was A Settings Like Symbol. To his Lower Left was three Bars with The top one being Red With a 100% Number At the end of it. Beneath it Was A yellow one with 25% Percentage On it and Further below it was a blue one with a 50% imprinted on it. Looked oddly familiar.

To his Lower right was A Filled with Black boxes With "+" On it and to the Lower middle part was a row of 6 Slots With a Bag Symbol at the right End And an Hammer and Pickaxe One to its Left. On his Vision's Upper Middle part was a Set of numbers ranging From 1-360 With The letters of S, SW, SE, N, NW and NE.

As A Veteran Rust player, Jacob Naturally Knew how these things works As although some things was Somewhat Unfamiliar and strange to him, He still thought that they may have Similar functions to the ones In his favorite game.

The three bars was obviously his HP, HUNGER and THIRST while the Bag and Hammer with Pickaxe icons was probably his Inventory and Building Methods. Since Most of the games he'd Played in the past Uses such symbols In the same way.

The map was. . . Obviously a map while the settings like symbol in his vision was unknown as it was currently locked when Jacob tried Using it.

"System Features and applications generation Completed. . .Welcome, To the Survival System. . .Would you like to start your Tutorial?", Asked the Monotonous Voice inside his head, Snapping Jacob out from his Daze Earlier.

Left with no other choice, Like Literally, Jacob internally said yes before a blue interface appeared in front of him.

[ To survive In an unknown and unfamiliar land, You obviously Have to arm your self and defend Against Any kind of dangers. Please Mentally press Craft And Craft a Wooden Spear ].

Obeying th instructions, Although it was already Obvious, Jacob mentally Pressed the Hammer and Pickaxe Icon in his mind and a new interface appeared in front of him.

Unlike the previous one, This one was A Black, Semi transparent Interface with clear Images of Weapons, Armors, Items, Meds and Facilities Displayed In A Row Neatly Based on their Respective Tiers and Classifications.

Jacob couldn't help but grow excited When he saw the familiar weapons And Armors like the Wolf Headress, Bone Armors, Bows, Compound bows, The "Crossies", Crossbows, P2's, Double Barrels etc!

But his Burning Excitement Was splashed with cold water when he pressed one of the guns, Only to see the required Components to craft them. With his current State, It was Safe to say that it's impossible to craft the Advance Weapons in his current situation. Especially when they needed Tier 2 and 3 workbenches to craft.

With a bitter taste in his mouth, Jacob Closed the interface after checking the necessary Materials to craft a Wooden Spear. Wood.

Gripping Hard to the Branch Above him, Jacob equipped the Magical Stone that appeared In his Inventory Slots together with a torch And aimed to smash the tree trunk.

After confirming his firm grip to the Branch Above him, Jacob began To Farm wood. After Smashing the Tree trunk, A glaring red "x" Appeared On the tree's Trunk, Showing Jacob where to strike next to Farm the tree faster.

Then, Jacob Smashed the magical rock in his hand on the X's Repeatedly only to come to a complete halt When he finally came to the last Ex. Based on his Rust experience And Also, His EPIC GAMER Instincts, Once he struck this last Ex, the tree will surely Fall, Speeding up His Inevitable Confrontation With the thing Moving beneath him, Which Has Already noticed the racket he was making while farming the tree he was clinging Onto.

Checking his Inventory, Jacob found 200 In there, Exactly the same number required to craft a Freaking Simple wooden Spear.

Without wasting anymore Time, Jacob mentally opened the Crafting Icon and Repeatedly Pressed the Craft Button of the Wooden Spear. A clink was Heard inside his head as The green words "-200 Woods" Popped up Above his Health bar. Jacob checked the Crafting Icon and saw that the spear was already being crafted With 12 seconds left before it was successfully Crafted.

With his Hands and back Breaking out into cold sweat as Jacob Heard the Increasing movements beneath Him, a clink was Heard before the words "+1 Wooden Spear" Appeared above his Health bar As a Wooden Spear Appeared on his Inventory slot.

"Alright! In ready for this shit!", Exclaimed Jacob before He parkoured himself To ground.

When his Feet struck the ground, The rustlings that was coming In the bushes in front of him Stopped, Giving Jacob enough time to equip his wooden Spear To fight for his life.

[ Congratulations! On arming yourself with a Wooden Spear to Defend your self from any threats!]

[ REWARDS : Bone Knife ]

[ Since you are already armed, Let's move on to the Next Phase! In order to accumulate Enough Fighting experience to Ensure your Survival in this unfamiliar land, You must Defeat The Wolf In front of you And loot its body to Strengthen yourself! Good luck! ]

Wait. . .What!?

Stunned from the sudden Speech of the system, Jacob could only Watch as a Wolf As tall as him Slowly Walked out of the thick And tall bushes. Eyes Shining Dangerously With it's Fangs Glistening Threateningly.

When the Wolf's Entire body came out of the Thick bushes, Jacob have only Two Words to say for himself. . .

"I'm Fucked. . ."
