

Ning Fan was dumbfounded. Yu Lin has a strong will, young age, incredible talent and a peerless beauty.

"She wasn't lying when said any man would feel lucky to marry her" thought Ning Fan.

"Hahahaha...This matches well for our Phoenix faction, crimson eye's and crimson hair match well with the color of the Phoenix's color. What's your realm?" asked Rury enthusiastically.

"Fifth rite of the Metamorphosis realm. The crimson hair and eyes are a symbol of the Royal family." responded Yu Lin.

"I-i-i-is that true?" Rury asked Ning Fan

Ning Fan nodded to confirm Yu Lin's realm.

Rury closed her mouth not asking another question. Rury felt her heart was going to collapse at this rate.

She then waited patiently for Ning Fan to step forward with the registration process.

Ning Fan understood her feeling. Although he didn't personally experience any hardships in cultivation the memories he obtained were enough for him to understand. Yu Lin's peerless talent besides that she was peerless in every other criteria compared to her. It made her feel inferior.

Ning Fan walked up to Rury.

"Don't worry your also incredibly beautiful and talented." Ning Fan softly whispered in her ear while holding her hand to comfort her.

Rury became embarrassed the moment he whispered in her ear.

"G-g-g-get in front of the crystal and remove your mask. Also do you mean it." Rury lightly whispered her last sentence.

"Of course besides I would rather marry you than her." replied Ning Fan smiling remembering her teasing remark.

Rury's face brightened up and smiled, the air around her had a hint of dominance.

Yu Lin rolled her eyes at his comment, she didn't care about who he would marry, but she didn't understand why he had to comfort her, to Yu Lin it was normal for woman to feel mixed emotions when they saw her.

Ning Fan kissed her hand so she wouldn't doubt his words afterwards.

Rury's air of dominance was replaced with different emotions. She stared at him while blushing.

Ning Fan could see the air around her changing so he added a few words to comfort her.

"She may be the most peerless beauty but your the most perfect woman." Ning Fan complimented before she had time to sort her thoughts.

Rury's face became as red as a strawberry. She turned her face to look the other way.

"Thank you" whispered Rury secretly smiling.

Ning Fan was glad that she felt better, from what he knew she always took great care of the Fan before who he is now. He wanted to respect his crush. The Fan before fell in love with Rury at first sight, and divulged all his hardships and sorrows to her. This is why she knows everything about him.

Meanwhile, Yu Lin understood Ning Fan mocked her again, she sinisterly glared at Ning Fan. She couldn't teach him a lesson right now, but once she can, she planned to make it as painful as possible.

Ning Fan felt a shiver run down his spine and had a bad premonition about his future. He ignored the feeling and stepped back to register himself. Ning Fan slowly removed his mask.

"Ning Fan" Ning Fan stated his name.

"You're more handsome than the first time I met you seems your starting to develop a manly aura, now the Shuo family will have to look at you differently" Rury coyly smiled.

Ning Fan didn't think she'd mention his families name. He didn't want Yu Lin to know his identity. Once she found out his identity once they return she can order him around.

Yu Lin had a sinister smile the moment his family name was mentioned. She started thinking of multiple ways to pay him back for his attitude towards her.

"Why are you faking your family name, Rury said you have state your true name." asked Yu Lin curiously.

" I was stripped of my family name for being untalented" replied Ning Fan as if was something minor.

"Your cultivation speed is still considered fast and your fighting experience is beyond any ordinary people" Yu Lin couldn't understand.

"I have no talent and I only got here by relying on pills. Although I'm at the peak of the first rite of the Metamorphosis realm and have abundant experience, because of my poor essence Qi I can't advance."  Ning Fan answered honestly.

Everybody in the room became shocked. Although Yu Lin heard Rury mention him breaking through to the Metamorphosis realm not too long ago she didn't expect him to be at the peak already. Both store owners were extremely shocked, they gave him the pills to breakthrough yesterday and Ning Fan's saying he's at the peak. Yu Lin didn't know the time he broke through this was why the shop owners were more stunned from the news.

"Can I buy some pellets, it doesn't matter if they have enough dregs to kill someone as long as there's abundant Qi" Ning Fan wanted to finish what he came here for.

"Huh oh yeah, don't worry about that everything is free till the the tournament starts" Rury was still trying to process everything. " Wait a minute how come you jumped from the fifth rite of the Circulation Refinement realm to the peak of the first rite of the Metamorphosis."

"I was lucky my body adapted against the dregs and they no longer effect me" Ning Fan lied.

Ning Fan didn't want others to know that he possessed a method to expel all dregs. If this leaked from their conversation it could start a war.

"All your hard work really paid off, no wonder your so confident with this advantage you might just bounce to the peak of the fifth rite of the Metamorphosis realm, if you have enough experience quickly, turning from the least talented to the most talented overnight the heavens haven't abandoned you, I have a couple pills and circulation techniques to help with your essence Qi problem." Rury smiled excitedly.

It was Yu Lin's turn to be shocked. After Rury finished her speech, Yu Lin found out there are some people with gifts that surpass talent. Yu Lin loved cultivating and outpacing everyone, when she heard of Ning Fan's God sent gift she felt inferior. A flame in her heart ignited she didn't want to lose and get left behind, she became determined not to fall behind.

" Relying purely on such gifts will make you weak" Yu Lin felt as if she had to say something.

" Of course I won't make you wait long for me to surpass you and then you can't say I can't protect you." Ning Fan mentioned.

Yu Lin felt provoked by his statement, she didn't like being protected by anyone she enjoys being free and uses her own strength to prove her worth.

" I am not waiting for you to surpass me, if you feel so confident then try to. I'm also improving, don't get cocky because of some fortune you stumbled upon" Ning Yue gritted her teeth.

"Of course I'm not cocky, I'm certain I'll surpass you" Ning Fan confidently responded.

Ning Fan had fought against someone in the Nascent realm if his guess is right the system recorded every detail of the fight. He has a feeling his system can help him easily step into the Nascent realm from the details of the fight.

Yu Lin looked at him hatefully. She stopped talking to him and started cultivating. She already had a surplus of high quality cultivation pellets.

Ning Fan did the same he asked Rury for the most Qi filled pellet. She had created several Spirit Essence pellets. Rury is a talented alchemist. She can create spirit pellets but the dregs were enough to kill a person seconds after they swallowed it. Rury had created several of these from failing numerous times.

Before Ning Fan started he stood on the same spot for an hour watching Rury demonstrate her circulation techniques while waiting for the System to record Yu Lin's.

「 Recording Complete」

Ning Fan was relieved when he heard that. He thanked Rury for her lessons and asked her for a place that he could shower while cultivating.

"The shower in the shop creates water by a formation so it won't run out, but I have to monitor in case something goes wrong or you're attacked while cultivating." Rury assertively added.

Ning nodded reluctantly, she sounded like his little sister.

"Alright I'm counting on you" Ning smiled.

Rury smiled back and nodded.

They reached the shower, changed into different wear, and turned on the water. The shower had a unique design the floor was soft and the whole ceiling was the shower head. Ning Fan asked the System to reconstruct all the techniques he knew to boost his cultivation speed.

「 All circulation techniques have reconstructed from your previous life and present.」

A detailed holographic of himself using the circulation technique appeared in front of him. Ning Fan ignored it, he heard something more important.

" What circulation technique from my previous life?" Ning Fan asked.

「 It was an ancient book host and host's sister discovered ten years ago on a mining trip.」

Ning Fan felt a pinch in his heart, but he didn't let himself tear up he calmed himself and started asking important questions he avoided.

Ning Fan discovered that the adventures he had with his sister were more magical than he knew. Ning Fan felt thankful and asked a question he was afraid to ask.

"Is there any chance my sister is alive?"

「 There is a possibility. Your soul was dragged from the reincarnation cycle by a mysterious force similar to the aura the necklace of your sister's to this world and I was created」

Ning Fan's heart shook. He learned his sister was still alive somewhere and she saved his life as well as gifting her help from afar.

" I should've noticed sooner there's only one person who I know is this keen and observant." Ning thought as he started crying.

"Do you know where she is?" Ning Fan asked.

「 It is impossible to trace back the origin」

" I see it's enough to know she's alive" smiled as he was crying.

Ning Fan's determination for strength grew. Only with strength could he scavenge the world and search for his sister.

Rury was startled when he crying, and after a few seconds he smiled, this confused her more than the first time. She was confused, and decided to hug him. This was only thing she could think of to help.

Ning Fan was startled by her hug and realized that there was someone here with him. Ning Fan couldn't calm his heart, and he had a beautiful and mesmerizing woman hugging him. Ning Fan was bare that way he wouldn't stain his clothes from the dregs, he didn't wear his clothes because the dregs would ruin them, he only brought one set of clothes. Rury was wearing a swimsuit that only hid certain parts but left the rest bare.

Ning Fan could feel his heart rate increasing and felt his body moving on its own by a mysterious force, Ning Fan quickly asked the system what's happening, while his head was pressed against her soft and ample chest.

「 Its the bodies final will, from its first owner.」

Ning Fan felt his body affecting his thoughts and in the end his body and mind had become synergistic with only one goal in mind.

Ning Fan stared into Rury's eye's and Rury stared back. Rury was seeing if he felt better. The next second she felt something pressed against her soft and pristine lips.

She wanted to resist but found herself unwilling. A cloud was cast in her heart and she felt it wouldn't be lifted if she stopped.

Rury felt something intrude her mouth, she was about to push it out until she felt Ning Fan start to move.

Although Rury is beautiful she never had a relationship with any man. As she felt Ning Fan expertly move she felt completely vulnerable. Rury asked herself why she felt this way and started thinking back and realized her small affection towards him. They talked to each other and they shared stories of their experience and when Ning Fan complemented her and consoled her she considered it to be a warm feeling. She never expected herself to have feelings for someone fifteen years younger than her.

Her heart got warmer until her whole body felt a hot numbing feeling. She let Ning Fan's tongue intrude however it wanted.

After Ning Fan's lips left hers. Rury's cheeks were red, her breathing became heavy and her eyes turned to one of yearning and lust.

Ning Fan undressed whatever clothing she had. He pressed his chest against her back and started moving his hands. His hands were enjoying her untainted chest while he was kissing her neck. His hands made there way towards her twin peaks, she couldn't control her moaning anymore. Rury began moaning as loud as she could. If the walls weren't sound proof the others outside would have heard her long ago.

After enjoying her peaks he moved one hand sliding against her willowy figure. He reached her most sacred spot on her body and moved his finger into it and started moving it around.

Rury's body is really sensitive and having her peaks toyed with was enough for her to lose control. When Ning Fan's finger moved in her most sacred spot she felt her mind becoming numb and being immersed in the pleasure.

Rury couldn't hold it in anymore she removed his hand, turned and pushed him down while pushing her most sacred and purest spot onto his most manly spot. A second later she lost her purity and she felt a tinge of pain but didn't want to stop, she kept moving.

After a while she got use to it, but once she did she felt herself being lifted and pressed against the wall she felt her sacred spot get hotter as Ning Fan started moving and she couldn't help but move her hips. She pulled neck and connected her lips with his. Rury didn't wait for him to start she slightly parted her lips and invaded his. Ning Fan gave his retaliation.

Their bodies slowly melted into one another completely forgetting all there troubles, goals, dreams, and dangers. All they cared about was being in the others embrace.

After subliminating themselves in pleasure for ten minutes Ning Fan released all his love, affection, and pleasure into her all at once. after he did so Rury couldn't help, but do the same.

After their climax they both passed out in each other's embrace.


Two hours later

Rury woke up before Ning Fan because of her cultivation realm. After she woke she realized what she had done. She had a lot of complex emotions bombarding her heart and felt confused, but when she stared at Ning Fan's face all those emotions quieted down and was filled with compassion. She caressed his hair, tightened her embrace, and gave him another kiss.

Rury felt her love deepening the longer she stared at him and fears started creeping into her mind. She was afraid if his feelings would be indifferent when he wakes up and leave her. As her thoughts became more and more chaotic her grip around his body tightened.

"Will my first love be one-sided" Rury whispered to herself.

Jewels as beautiful as the sea welled up from her eyes and slid down her face.


Two hours later

Ning Fan felt Rury's tight grip and tears land on his chest. He heard her whisper something.

"Please don't leave me, please don't leave me. If you leave, i-if you leave..." Rury whispered tearfully.

Ning Fan felt guilty. Although Ning Fan's actions has caused girls to have affection towards him, it had never reached this point. Ning Fan remembered his sister's warning.

Ning Yue told him although he doesn't see it, his actions cause a woman to feel special and cause her to develop feeling's. So he should restrain himself when talking to woman.

Ning Fan always talked sweetly to others to help them through tough times an example is his classmate model that confessed to him. She used to be depressed and saw no reason on what she was doing and his words changed her life, but also caused her to have feelings towards him.

Ning Fan wanted to help her. He was the cause of this mess so he had to fix this.

"If I win the tournament you can't leave my side unless I say so" Ning Fan embarrassingly made a deal.

Rury heard his voice. Every sound, pitch, and noise he made caused her to feel uncontrollable happiness as he finished his sentence.

"Then the only thing you can do is win right" Rury lovingly smiled.

She felt her whole world brighten up she never felt this happy in her whole life.

"I've never been this happy, this moment, every word you said I will never forget it" Rury whispered.

She leaned forward for a kiss, Ning Fan didn't stop her he knew he had to let time take it's course though he wasn't sure if that could cure her love sickness. Ning Fan passionately kissed her.

Rury didn't want to let him go but she had to. She wanted him to win and never leave his side.

Then when she thought about Ning Fan having to partner with Yu Lin throughout the tournament jealousy started to envelop her heart, but she told herself "I took his first time" and "He caressed me and not her". She felt better as she told herself this.


One week later

The five messengers from the Phoenix faction from last week arrived at the shop

"Phoex have you found your two candidates" the middle-aged man in the middle asked

"They're in the back they should be out soon" the middle-age well built store owner named Phoex replied.


A quarter of an hour later

Two young figures made their way out from the back of the store.

"I'll be the vanguard and you'll be in the rear waiting for a chance to strike" Ning Fan ordered.

"I'll be wherever I want to be, I'm more than enough to deal with all those weaklings." Yu Lin boldly claimed.

"What if where surrounded by multiple cultivators of the same realm or made to fight against a Nascent realm cultivator, your attacks are extremely lethal and quick it's more suited for the rear." Ning Fan pointed out.

"I'll beat them all too it's not like I haven't fought against a Nascent expert" Yu Lin retorted.

"Fine have it your way" Ning Fan had been trying to reason with her but gave up.

The five messengers were dumbstruck, a young unexperienced princess and an untalented failure of a noble was the first thing that came into their heads. Whatever the two conversed was put to the back of their mind and turned to the Phoex.

"Are you serious I know I told you to find two contestants to participate in the tournament so why do you hand me two brats who haven't reached the Metamorphosis realm?" middle-aged man in the middle asked.

"You shouldn't underestimate them they are unimaginably formidable and tough to fight against in the same realm, you should check their realm first before assuming anything." Phoex replied.

The middle-aged man looked at the two unbelievingly.

"Brat's I think it's better if you run along, a random cultivator from the four major factions are enough to kill you a hundred over" middle-aged man threatened

The two acted as if he didn't exist.

"Are they the ones who will take us to beat the four major weaklings members" asked Yu Lin.

The middle-aged man face turned red as red tomato from anger.

"Good you guys have a death wish alright I'll take you there, I'll enjoy watching how you die." commented the middle-aged man.

Everyone ignored him this time. Rury stored all her things in her storage ring, ready to watch the tournament. Phoex stood unflinching. The young fledglings were patiently waiting to leave.

The middle-aged man didn't talk anymore and lead them to the stage, he wanted to see them die as fast as possible for being cocky. He didn't believe his fellow members word because he's always informed of every detail in the surface and underground.

He couldn't believe that the Phoenix factions information would be wrong. Their faction was one of the mightiest among the four factions their only true competitor is the Anomoly faction. His pride of his faction made his vision narrow.

They passed through three area's before safely reaching area seventy-two. They entered the Phoenix's territory in the seventy-second area. They strolled forward until they reached a small palace. The guards greeted the eight of them and let them through. They walked until they reached throne room, it was filled with bright red flames and decorations of phoenix's that left one mesmerized.

There was an old man with sitting on the throne.

"These contestants are remarkably talented, indeed the most talented and beautiful flame of the Phoenix faction always has a bright flame which brings in new talents." The old man full of wrinkles, but well built complimented.

"Patriarch may I be allowed to speak freely" Rury asked the patriarch

The middle-aged man was already shocked when he heard the patriarch prove him wrong, but now he was confused and upset at Rury's ill-mannered behavior.

"Speak your mind you are one of our most gifted geniuses as your Patriarch it's my duty to lend a helping hand." Patriarch gently smiled.

"If these two win the tournament I want you to promise me you will let me resign from the faction and the faction won't pursue the matter." Rury boldly asked.

"Why are you so earnest to leave, come speak your troubles." A side of the Patriarch's smile was twitching.

"If they lose I'll agree to marry your grandson " Rury added.

The smile curved down, the Patriarch became solemn.

"Has something happened if so I can help you" the eyes of the Patriarch became menacing.

"Either you agree to the conditions or I'll stab my own heart." Rury solemnly announced as pulled a knife close to her chest.

Ning Fan started sweating himself. Yu Lin was confused and shocked, she wasn't expecting to be part of a drama, she only wanted to participate in the tournament.

"Very well, I hope you keep your side of the deal" the Patriarch solemnly agreed.

The Patriarch wanted to tear the person who made Rury act so passionately. He planned on marrying his grandson to her by building her affection to him, but now this was all ruined. The Patriarch sent the messengers to give her the condition to bring in two good seeds to participate in the tournament if she couldn't, she would have to come back to the main branch of the Phoenix faction.

The Patriarch knows Rury wouldn't act out of line without some outside influence.

"I'll find the person who did this and tear him to pieces." Patriarch menacingly thought.

Everyone in the room let out a sigh. Ning Fan had no idea he had taken the heart and purity of the one who the Patriarch of the faction had chosen to marry his grandson to. Ning Fan could see the sinister gleam in the Patriarch's eyes, he surely won't let Ning Fan go easily if the Patriarch found him responsible.

"Here take these tokens they represent your identity as one of the participants" Patriarch explained.

After the recording crystal was handed to him, the Patriarch dismissed them, all eight of them bowed as they left.

The five messengers left Ning Fan, Yu Lin, and Rury.

"The palace has special rooms assigned to each participants, you two aren't the only participating from the faction" Rury explained.

The two nodded as they followed Rury to the rooms.

Rury showed them to their room. The palace has four floors. The fourth floor is the residence of the Patriarch as well as the throne room, third floor had important members of the Phoenix faction, the second floor had participants of the tournament, and the first floor was the cafeteria and where the palace workers sleep.

"This is where both of you will be staying for the time being. The Phoenix faction emphasizes cooperation, so all the partnered participants have to sleep together." Rury explained while giving Yu Lin a cold glance.

Yu Lin felt Rury's cold glance, but didn't understand why, she isn't mistreating Ning Fan so why is she upset.

Ning Fan and Yu Lin nodded not saying anything.

Ning Fan and Yu Lin rested the whole day since the tournament didn't start till next morning. Rury had to take care of important obligations.

Although there was one room for the both of them, there were two beds. During their meal at the cafeteria they learned more about the tournament.

The arena consisted of a multi-layered Array formation, it can create barriers, change the landscape, environment, space, etc. The tournament occurs once every twenty years with twenty participants from each faction.

If one is unlucky in the first round they will have to face a challenge even someone in the first rite in the Nascent realm could fail if they weren't attentive, focused and highly experienced.

For an unknown reason the Boss of the underground Black Market host's this event, and this time the rewards were increased dramatically.


Next Morning

Every one of the participants from the Phoenix faction including Ning Fan and Yu Lin, were lined up with their partners in front of the palace wearing their token against their chest.

A figure appeared in front of them as they were waiting.

"I'm one of the assistants of the Boss, follow me" the assistant with his whole face covered bluntly said.

Everyone followed him to the arena obediently without question.


One week ago, the night of Ning Fan's reincarnation,

"Seems my Big Bro finally avenged our family and chose to die alongside him, so predictable. I wonder if he'll know I'm alive though It's unfortunate I can't trace his reincarnation if not I would be there in a heartbeat." A seven year old girl sighed.

"Hehehe I guess I'll be the older sister" the seven year old girl giggled at the thought.

"As long as he's a baby everything will be alright, if he was born with an adult body who knows what kind of trouble he could cause, I still can't forget the time he flipped a whole car because a couple of hoodlums tried to run him over." the little girl recalled.

"We do make a good team, even without my help if he's given enough time his strength will drastically increase even people in the same realm will seem weak compared to him, but with my personally made System he will become one of the most terrifying cultivators with a fast rising cultivation, problem is he doesn't have self control" the seven year old girl talked to someone.

Over 4,500 word count within 8-9 hours mwahaha.

Did you guys see this coming from the short story.

I'm a student so I won't post as often anymore, or I'll have less words in my word count, giving you guys a heads up.

This chapter should satisfy you for a while.

Ask me if you guys want me to just keep it under the 2500 word count or have long chapter's like these time to time.

Enjoy : )

Dao_Dragoncreators' thoughts