12 Chapter 12 meeting jack

Melanie Kate and bee went to gala. Melanie said we here now. Kate said okay. Melanie said would you like anything to drink. Kate said probably a Midori splice. Melanie said okay I get you it. Kate said thanks Mum. Melanie said you're welcome anyway me and bee are going to the meeting upstairs will you be okay by yourself. Kate said I'm going to be okay. Bee said we got you this letter from your secret admirer. Kate said okay. Bee gave the letter to Kate. Kate said thanks Mum. Bee said your welcome Kate. Bee and Melanie left to go to the meeting upstairs. A young teenager walked in. It was jack. Jack was 19 years old. Jack said hey Kate. Kate said hello jack. Jack said how are you. Kate said I'm good thanks. Jack said that's good I was wondering Kate would you like to go on a date with me. Kate said sure Jack. Jack said I pick you up at 8:00 tonight. Kate said okay. Jack said how are your parents. Kate said there good. Jack said that's good anyway I see you later

Kate said okay.

End of chapter 12
