1 #1 The Variety of Roles

In the arena on the land of dawn where heroes can choose their teams with different roles and various talents of skills. Each Hero has a particular role which their specialties lies within. There are six types of role in this battle but only five heroes are required in the fight. The first role is the "Tank". Tanks have higher hp than any other roles and high defense. A Tank's task is to protect its teammates and absorb damage for them. It is a tank's deed to sacrifice itself so that his/her teammates can kill the enemies and win. This role is very important because many roles rely on tanks because tanks are good in setting a teamfight and like I said shielding its allies from the attacks of the enemies.

The next role is the "Marksman". Marksmans have high attack damage and good at stealing turrets. But the bad thing about it is that marksmans have a low hp, that's why he/she always rely on tanks to shield them. Marksmans are good on pushing lanes and dealing high damage on enemies. And as a marksman you should be clever and attack from a long distance on the enemy because when enemies got close to you, you are done for. So you better watch out.

Next up is the "Mage". Mages have high magic damage and good for reaping enemies. Mages deal burst damage to enemies and often has cc (crowd controls). Mages uhm yeah use mana to unleash their magic power to burst the enemy. Mages are good tower protectors because of their long range and magic capabilities. Oh yeah, Did you know that most of the heroes in the Land of Dawn are mages. Outstanding isn't it? Mages have a variety of capabilities, either they have a good cc (crowd control) or a good AoE (Area of Effect) or a high burst damage.
