
(17) Short Story : The Farewell

-Listen Axie, why are you so strong?

I was chopping wood while the girl pestered me with questions.

- I don't know, I was just like that.

- Are you lying to me?

- No, I'm not.

- Yes you are.

Shit, why do kids have to be so smart?

- I...made a weird deal and gained powers. But I gained disadvantages too, so I don't recommend it.

- ooh, what deal?

-Why are you so interested in this?

When I ask, Winnie ends up ducking her head. Maybe hiding some expression.

Does she want to become stronger? Maybe she knows...

-Listen. Strength doesn't just depend on magic, powers, all that shit. Strength depends on how you use it.

-What you mean?

-Even without powers, I'm sure I can take down two guys bigger than me, without any problem.

-wooow, really?

Okay maybe not "without any problem",But fuck it, I'm trying to cheer the kid up here.

-But I still don't understand, how I should use my strength?

-When I have time, I can teach you the basics.
