
Chapter 2 - The Barn

"Forest floor clear!" Fan yelled, we have stalked the edges of the forest. Guns raised aginst the cloudy, misty sky. "This is 10-66, we have reached mission goal, requesting exfil". There was a pause, and then they said, "Negative, your mission has been outlasted. Search the building for any anomalous behavior. We have received inf from sources that a potential cultist group is living in the house, over". And that snapped Crossfire. "IF YOU THINK FOR A SECOND IM RUNNING INTO SOME MADHOUSE TO KILL A BUNCH OF F*KING CULTIST YOUR F*KING WRONG!!!" Fan look at him. "It's like all our other missions, why is this one different" "BECAUSE, THIS FOREST IT ALREADY WEIRD WHY DO WE HAVE TO GO INTO T EH CREEPY BARN THAT'S CIRCLED WITH BODIES!!" he slammed his head against a tree. Then something happened that we would have never expected. Fan killed Crossfire. He pulled out a handgun and shot him in the head.

Blood gushed out of his body so fast that after 5 seconds he was dead. "Commander! why did you just kill him!" Everybody was yelling, but I knew something was off about this, and then I saw it. We had all taken our helmets off for a drink, fresh air, but not him. His visor was tinted, and his neck did not look as human as I hoped it was. He looked at me, and for the first time, I saw through the visor. He had red eyes.

I deftly pulled out my gun, which was an Hk416, a rifle with a lot of firepowers, decent range, and scopes equipped. So it was not all that hard to shot this mother*cker to pieces. I emptied a full cartridge on him before I was convinced he was dead. Everybody was looking at me, guns raised at ME. I let out a sigh and lifted the commander's helmet. Underneath the man pretending to be Fan was no other than a man wearing a bag over his head. There seemed to be no actual head or body for that matter. "10-66, Fan is KIA, I need IS over here" "11-35, sending IS" Soon 4 IS members rushed into the scene, guns pulled out, moving through the area in precision. They reached us in a second. "We believe that Fan, was a cultist. He killed an officer and I killed him. "Thank you, you are now commanding officer of this operation, well take it from here. Complete your object, Alpha squads are already at the checkpoint." "10-66, officer KC was KIA" "Roger that, continue moving on" I gulped, and led my troops deeper into the territory.
