
The girl with flowers in her head (2)

Yuuto wiped off the sweat on his forehead as he looked at the door with intense trepidation and tension in his eyes.

"Open the door Yuyu-a~! " A girlish voice sounded out from the outside of the suite as someone banged their fists on the door.

Ugh…this girl was way too annoying and…uh idiotic…

Song was, um, how should he say it…

That's right. She had flowers in her head…

No, this might cause a bit of a misunderstanding. She does have a rather odd habit of wearing flower hairpins but…

Should he say that her head was like a flowerbed with a Jigglypuff playing around in it? Or should he just say that she's still like an elementary schooler?

Her body was the only thing that grew up (un)regrettably, it was like dealing with a kid who had yet to go through puberty.

So you should understand, right? Why he was so fearful of facing her…?

Although Yuuto was friendly with Song, Song was super-friendly with him just like a little kid would be with another kid.

Yuuto liked to call her baka-girl from the first time he saw her in the orphanage, and since then, they've had quite the 'friendship'.

"Coming coming… "

Yuuto nodded disapprovingly as he opened the door, and as soon as the door opened he moved the fuck away from the path of the rhino.

As soon as he moved towards his left, a surprisingly dexterous white shadow dashed behind him and let out a bunch 'ah, ooh' sounds, making it clear that she was looking for Yuuto.

Yuuto facepalmed himself as he turned around and saw Song, the girl he was talking about before, standing in front of a dining table looking around the apartment with an excited and cheerful expression on her face.

Song put her hands on her forehead as she looked around the suite with an attentive and serious expression.

"Thud! " Yuuto smiled and closed the door behind him, which garnered a whimper and a surprised look from the Song standing before him.

"Yo baka, what's up? " Yuuto snickered as he took a clearer look at the girl in front of him.

Large, sparkling black eyes. Soft and tender cheeks that were perfect to pull. Her smooth lips drew a delicate curve and her long, straight blonde hair, which had a hairpin in it, calmly waved around when she moved.

A charming girl with a cute, child-like appearance that made her look more like a 'beautiful girl' than a 'beautiful woman'.

However, her figure didn't fit that face of hers.

Arms and legs that were long and smooth. Breasts that weren't too big or too small but a size that made one think that it was the perfect volume to be considered beautiful. That model-like body was enough to make something like a normal school uniform shine as if it were something that was on the cover of a fashion magazine.

Song was wearing the same uniform as Ayumi was wearing before, a black and tidy navy-sailor uniform with a few white lines on the skirt, however, she didn't wear socks as they revealed her long, smooth legs and thighs.

Yuuto had a question in his mind – when did this girl grow up so fast?; and yes, that was a pretty generic question. But he only noticed her beauty just now…

Is this the so-called 'why is my childhood so beautiful and so gorgeous, and why does she give my heart a hard-on' phase? Yeah, he must be in that phase…

"Eih, why did you leave me all alone in the school! " Song's loveable cheeks were all inflated as she put her hands on her hips and asked Yuuto with a scrutinizing tone.

Indeed, Song was upset due to the fact that while Yuuto always walked her home every day; he didn't do so today and made her wait for him for an hour or so.

A childish sense of anger clouded her heart as she harrumphed.

Yuuto clicked his tongue.

Looks like while he was in the midst of entertaining Ayumi, he forgot to pick up the baka girl.

"Well, I just…urm...forgot about you. Sorry. " Yuuto said as he waved his hands at the cheery girl.

"Hmph, just plainly say that you don't want to be friends with me anymore. " Song said with her tone as cheery as ever, but this time she had a beautiful frown on her eyebrows.

Song didn't really think that Yuuto wouldn't want to be friends with her, it was just that she needlessly wanted to ask anyway.

Song knew Yuuto from childhood, so there wasn't any scope of failure on her estimate.

"…There's no way that's the case!" Yuuto spoke in a monotonous voice, making it clear that he was lying.

Even though Yuuto tried to make it obvious, he didn't think that the bird-brain would get what he was trying to say.

Yes. Yuuto clearly didn't want to be friends with this girl, mainly because she was annoying and ultimately bothersome since the moment he first saw her…

But he had to take care of her, because after all – this was a business relationship, and he was getting tidy profits from his father for taking care of this girl.

Other than that, this girl didn't have any further uses or benefits associated with her; and maybe her face was beautiful but Yuuto didn't really think of her in that way.

Don't know why he calls this girl annoying? Take a look for yourself.

"Fufufu. Of course, I know that you can't handle being separated from me! "

Song giggled happily as she threw her bag on the coffee table – just like how Yuuto did once he entered the house – and came closer to Yuuto.

Yuuto had an alarmed look on his face as he looked at the beautiful maiden rapidly enclosing on him, and a few moments later he found his hand being grabbed by Song as she energetically yanked it towards her stomach.

Song tilted her head and giggled.

"Even if you wanted to separate, you won't be able to…because I'm pregananent. "

Yuuto blankly stared at the woman before him…

Pregananent? Why was this girl butchering the poor Japanese language…

"We're adults, and since we both love each other, and we slept last day in the same bed and…"

Bird brain…that was the only acknowledgment that Yuuto could give Song.

Yuuto facepalmed himself and sighed…

He remembered that last night, he visited her in her apartment and mistakenly fell asleep on her bed. The next morning he woke up with this girl's legs and arms all over his face like spaghetti…

There was absolutely NO chance that something happened, especially with this girl!

Furthermore, the reason he visited her apartment was that it was his job.

It was unmistakable that Yuuto didn't like Song. But it was a fact that his father and Ayumi viewed her rather favorably…so he did the honorable sacrifice…

"What do you mean love?! That's just my job! It's a business relationship! You even said okay to that as well!"

Yuuto said as he removed his hands from her obviously flat-as-a-washboard stomach.

To that, Song tilted her head and cutely pouted.

Song clearly knew from the beginning that this was only Yuuto's job, but then again, she liked him anyway so it didn't matter.

"Also, you can't get pregnant by just sleeping together, it's just too retarded! "

"And by the way, it's pregnant, not pregananet… "

"Really, Yuyu-a. Even if you make up excuses like that, I already know all of Yuyu-a's feelings. I even know you love me so much because you always kiss me and-"

Yuuto's face went pale as one of his rather-deeply hidden secrets were exposed.

His mind went back to the countless times his childhood self kissed this girl just to annoy her…

What the duck? If that secret went out, his entire life would be in jeopardy!

"Like hell you do!"

"Eei, really. Yuyu-a likes me as well, right? Right?"

Song smiled brightly, making it seem as if she understood everything.

"Isn't that why Yuyu-a forcefully made me sleep with him?"


"I'm happy that I was able to become a real adult last night ♡"

"I said that you're wrong! Listen to me! That isn't the case!"

"Ah, I hope that the child is a boy so that he goes after you Yuyu-a! "


"Listen to me! This entire premise is retarded and doesn't follow logic! Pregnancy happens when a male puts his pe-"

"What are you teaching her Yu-chan? "

Yuuto felt a cool hand touch his hair as he stopped his frantic explanation with a cough and turned around, there, he saw Ayumi in casual wear looking at him with her usual as before glazed eyes.

Ayumi didn't actually know what they were talking about since she had just arrived here. But she could grasp a bit of what Yuuto was saying by judging his tone, meaning that she could at least understand that Yuuto was trying to forcefully insert knowledge into Song's brain.

Song turned around from Yuuto and looked at Ayumi with surprise in her eyes; the surprise quickly vanished as it was replaced with a childlike sense of worship.

"Eih. Ayumi-neechan, I've really missed you! " Song said in her usual bubbly tone while Ayumi nodded with her face full of warmth.

To Ayumi, Song was somewhat like a child, more so a very fragile and likable one too. So it wasn't a wonder both of them got along quite well since the first time they saw each other.

"But, it's only been a day since the last time I've seen you though? "

"But an hour away from you both feels like an eternity to me, oneechan…" Song said as she smiled and grabbed both of Ayumi's hands.

"Aw… " Ayumi displayed a motherly expression as she stroked Song's hair, leaving Yuuto with a jealous expression on his face.

This was half of the reason he disliked this girl…because he felt that his position was in risk.

Song rubbed her hair as she already forgot what she was saying, to her it felt as if the pregnancy wasn't a big matter anyways.

After a while of chitchat…

"Ayumi-neechan, I've come here to get help with my homework… " Song whimpered as she said downheartedly unlike how she was acting before.

"Ah, so it's for your homework? You should've just called Yu-chan to your home then, and he would've arrived in a flash!" Ayumi said as she gently smiled at Song.

Yuuto was really reliable.

"Umu, he said he doesn't want to see me anymore though… "

"What? When did I say that? " Yuuto exclaimed in surprise.

"You know, you said that just after you used me last night… " Song said as she revealed a vulnerable look.

"What?! " Yuuto rolled his eyes as yet another misunderstanding began once again.

"Yu-chan, don't worry. I understand that this girl sometimes says things like this without thinking, so…"

Ayumi nodded and pleasantly smiled at Yuuto.

She trusted Yuuto, and believed that he wasn't bad so she didn't think that he would do something like throwing away a girl after he had his full.

Yuuto almost felt like crying after seeing that Ayumi trusted him so much.

"By the way, what happened last night Song-chan? Yu-chan returned home pretty tired today morning after all. "

Ayumi laid her arms on Song's shoulders and asked while showing a pleasant expression on her beautiful face.

"Oh, t-that? U-um… " Song shyly glanced at Yuuto, which made him frown in a counter-attack.

Yuuto's mind clearly wasn't working since yesterday…his mind was cloudy and dull…

Did he eat alcohol or some shit yesterday?

"We-well, he told me he really loved me, and that I and Aya-neechan were his support since childhood, and uh…he kissed me as usual and slept with me. "

"A-and now I'm pregnant, I even feel my breasts getting swollen and more tender than before; which I think is a symptom of pregnancy… "

Wow. For someone like her – who's a thorough birdbrain – that amount of knowledge regarding pregnancy is totally…unexpected!

Waaaaaaaittttt a second, when did he, the purest man on earth, kiss this girl?!?!?!

"Eh? "

Ayumi had a shocked expression on her face as she looked at Song and Yuuto back and forth. Her mind was once again in confusion as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"W-wait, kissed as usual? You two kiss each other usually?! " Ayumi had a jealous expression on her face as her lips twitched in agony.

She couldn't believe…that Yuuto was doing things like these behind her back…

"Yeah, but sometimes, he also acts cute like a baby and demands to be kissed~! "

Yuuto sweated bullets as he looked at the back of the two girls in front of him, and a few moments later his mind figured out a rapid way to deflect this shit off of Ayumi's mind.

"Oh, that Aya-nee? It was just some kisses on the cheeks, nothing serious. "

Even though he didn't know what she was talking about, the matter about the kisses were already in the open, so Yuuto could do nothing but try to control the fire that had already spread.

Ayumi displayed a smirk on her face as she looked at Song.

Song displayed a confused expression on her face as she looked at Yuuto.

"But I clearly remember that you did it on the lips with me…? "

"Oh shut it, I told you to stay away from those steamy romance novels! Those tend to make you delusional you know? "

Song's mouth widened to the size of an egg as she displayed an astonished expression on her face; to Yuuto, her expression almost felt as if she had touched nirvana and would soon ascend to heaven.

Baka girl.

"Ah, so that's why I've been getting those dreams about you at night u-a! "

"Oh shut up… "

Yuuto panicked as he turned and looked at Ayumi's expression; which was calm, and totally the opposite of what he thought she would display.

"I see, it looks like you're growing up Song-chan. Mind telling me about those dreams, hm? I'll also help you with your homework in the process. " Ayumi's eyes were slightly red as she took Song to another part of the suite.

Yuuto blankly looked on and shook his head. He was confused on what to do, and the girl that came from the future was also a problem.

She said that he would die in the future due to being too fat which would thus result in him getting a heart attack…

Yuuto never really thought about losing his weight before, mainly because…no one criticized him for being one and he also thought that with his money, he wouldn't have to care about anything even if he got super fat.

Ayumi was a main contributing factor in his weight problem; she cooked for him and gave up to his demands for more and more food, and she also clearly didn't care if he was thin or fat or handsome or ugly.

Yuuto…will definitely solve his weight problem!

"Whoo~ and here I thought I would be caught by her! "

A small shrill voice rang out in the room as he felt someone hug his hips, which he could clearly distinguish as Mio.

"Heyyo papa~ I'm back! " The girl cheerfully rubbed her face against his hips as Yuuto's lips quivered in annoyance.

Yuuto didn't know why, but this girl became more and more annoying to him as each second went by…

"Yo papa, why are you so silent? " Mio tilted her head and smiled at him.

Yuuto decided to satisfy his curiosity first.

Yuuto patted the head of the loli, to which she reacted with a smiled and an upturned glance.

Yuuto sharply smiled as he grabbed the cheeks of Mio and yanked them.

"Ububububu. Why did you do that, papa? "

"It's punishment for not letting me in your conversation with your mom, now, tell me what you said to her and I'll let you go! "

Yuuto clearly knew that this girl wouldn't tell him, so he used the way that seemed the most effective to him. If it hurts it might as well make her spit out her thoughts.

Mio touched the hands on both sides of her cheek and tried to forcefully unlatch them. It didn't pain her much but only slurred her speech.

She didn't want to say what she spoke to her mother!

"I won't wububububub! "

"Tell me, loli! "

"ubububububu! "

After a while of intense struggle and wrestling between the daughter and father duo, Mio finally gave up with a sigh.

"Sigh, papa I will tell it to you, just don't pull my cheeks anymore… "

Yuuto victoriously cackled as his hands left the lolis soft and pullable cheeks, he wanted to pull them more though.

Wait, was his inner lolicon coming out of his brain-jail? Nonono, it can't be!

"Papa, our conversation wasn't anything special though. We just talked about what we should do and what we shouldn't do regarding your death in the future, and also regarding your…marriage. "

Mio smiled and revealed a lonely look.

"You see papa, I need to make sure that you and mom stick together and marry in the end, otherwise I'll end up vanishing or simply ending up lonely. "

"Regardless of the matter regarding your potential in relationships with tens of ladies, the problem I have is that I don't want my papa to have other children… "

"I don't know, in the future, you were always busy and didn't have time for me or my mom, so you can guess that the loneliness will only increase if you have mistresses and other children. "

"And…don't tell mom this but… "

Mio sobbed and hugged Yuuto.

Seeing that, Yuuto felt bad regarding his previous behavior with Mio and crouched down in order to sate her sadness.

Yuuto never thought that in the future, he would end up like this – a person that ignores his wife and child, but even then he couldn't figure it out why he would do so…

"Papa, regardless of whatever happens or is needed to do so – please, don't neglect mom and become handsome and skinny! "

"Of course, I intended to do tha-"

"You don't understand papa! "

Mio's hands grabbed Yuuto's back as tight as she could, to him it felt as if she was afraid that he would run away if she let go…

After a while of inconsistent but strong sobs, Mio finally calmed down as she retreated from his hug and looked at him calmly.

"Papa, the main reason I came here… isn't even remotely related to your death… " Mio said as she looked at Yuuto with a fearful glance, she at least expected a betrayed or spiteful face but…

Yuuto had a stoic smile on his face as he nodded.

"I understood that the very moment you said that I ignored you and your mother. I sounded like a typical cold asshole from what you said so I doubt that you would come all the way from the future just to save me. "

"I suppose that I was a cold man that ignored you and didn't talk much to you, right? If so, it doesn't seem like you would form a tight and irreplaceable bond with me… "

"That's right! "

"Y-you aren't upset papa? "

"Nope. It's my doing. It seems that I'm cold and distant in the future, so it's granted that you wouldn't like me much. "

"Now on to the topic, why did you come here kid? This time, tell the truth. "

"Umm… "

Mio had a hesitant expression on her face as her eyes fell down with an upset gaze.

"Come on, say it. It's not like I'm going to eat you. "

Yuuto chuckled as he leaned his face towards Mio's face, to her fidgety surprise Yuuto warmly stroked her head.

Mio finally felt comfortable enough with the warm atmosphere and opened her mouth.

"To tell the truth papa, I'll have to explain it from the very beginning… "

"Do it, I'm with you. "

"You see papa, the 'you' in the future was fully…ugly. "

"You were fat, lazy and smelly and whatnot, and…even then my mom loved you and took care of you…"

"I don't know why she bore with you, maybe it was because she never had male friends or anything even related to masculinity since her childhood, maybe. "

"But then, you went on a work-related trip. And my mother, as lonely as ever, for the first time since she married you – registered for a dating site. "

"it was pretty harmless at first – due to the pestering of her female friends she joined the dating site, and just chatted with some guys in order to pacify her friends. "

"Back then I was just nine-year-olds, I didn't really know how to use phones and such due to no one teaching me but I could generally read what she was talking with that particular guy. "

"At the start; their conversations were just harmless things about how his life was and how my mom's life was, you know, like how friends talk about things and such? "

"Then as their conversations became deeper and deeper and my mother began to invest her emotions into it, she eventually reached on a conclusion to meet him in real life… "

"It was a date then? " Yuuto asked with his face and eyes as calm as ever, from his condition it seemed as if he wasn't even surprised.

Of course, he wasn't surprised.

"…Yes, she told him that it wasn't a date but… "

"It's all the same, date or not. Why would she even want to meet up with him if it wasn't to know him better and resolve her loneliness? "

"Papa… "

"Well, weeks passed as I saw my mom, who was always in the house taking care of me and minding her own business, dress up more beautifully, apply more makeup and I even saw her giggle and laugh randomly without a reason. "

"Even my nine-year-old brain could come up with a reason as I brought up the matter regarding the dating app and her unusually cheery behavior to mom. She didn't even refute it, she just asked me to not tell it to you as she'd tell it later… "

"Then I saw him one day visit our house: he was the exact opposite of the future you – confident, manly, muscular, handsome and always with a smile on his face. She genuinely seemed to love him and his touch as she acted like a little girl around him… "

"That day I was in the school and there you were, for the first time ever there to pick me up from school. You said with a smile that it was a surprise and happily picked me up from school and went to our house. "

"You actually seem to have changed then – you took me to a restaurant and fed me whatever I wanted to eat, you took me to roam the city. It almost felt as if I formed a bond with you, and I felt guilty that I didn't tell you about my mom's new boyfriend… "

"It was a disaster. The moment you entered the house my mom and that man were on the couch…having sex… "

Mio sobbed again as she looked at Yuuto, who had a disaffected behavior as he wiped the tears off of Mio's face.

"You died then and there, it wouldn't have even mattered if your chances on them doing the deed either, you had an all-natural heart attack! "

"I was sad, my mother was sad and that man… "

"I don't want that man as my father! That's why I came to the past to fix your mistakes! "


"Well, I don't want to listen any further thank you. "

Yuuto licked his dry lips as stood up from the floor and walked towards his room in order to fetch his tracksuit.

"Papa… aren't you hurt? " Mio asked with surprise flashing in her face.

"Well, I certainly am not. "

"And besides, I have no reason to cry or be angry over, since it's all my fault. It's all my fault that she cheated – because I ignored her and whatnot. "

"I would've been hurt if she did the same thing regardless of how I treated her – so yeah, I would be hurt if the situation and context was a little bit different. "

"I don't understand one thing, however – and that is that I clearly know how to keep a woman and I certainly am not socially inept, so why would I do such a basic mistake like leaving my wife all alone? Because that by itself is a very big mistake… "

"Hmm, I must've evolved into a retard in the future, I must take care of myself more… "

"Papa, even then aren't you a little tiny bit…angry or…upset? "

Yuuto turned around as he opened his wardrobe, in his eyes was a glowing emotion.

"No. Because I never trusted Ayumi from the very beginning. "

"It isn't a secret – even though I will go to hell and heaven to get others to trust me and I will fully depend on them when times comes, I will never ever trust them from the bottom of my heart. "

"That also applies to Ayumi of course, I never trusted her to keep her promise of being always together with me, or even saying that she'll never look at any other man. Because…I don't want to, get it? "

"I don't trust women. I don't trust the loyalty of sisters, girlfriends, or wives. I keep thinking they must have an angle. "

"Yeah yeah, I must be a misogynist boo~hoo, but I have reasons "

"Men have values and morals that they stick up to no matter what. If a man feels like cursing at a woman is wrong he most likely will never do it. If a man believes that cheating is wrong then he will most likely never do it."

"Women have no values. They have no morals. They only have their emotions. If society deems you a crook and a villain and all of her friends hate you, but she feels that you're the man for her. No one will be able to tell her anything whatsoever. If a woman is married and feels like there is another man that she will last with forever, no amount of money, begging, pleading, or dick can make her stay."

"Ever been in a situation where a woman wouldn't give you a straight answer to a question that you asked? She was being loyal to her emotions. She will not lie on her emotions in most cases. She will twist language in such a way that she can rationalize it as not a lie. For instance, saying that she wasn't cheating on you when you caught her fucking your neighbor but that she was riding him instead."

"Some men will give up their morals and values for a beautiful woman. Their loyalty to their morals and values can be broken. Women, in my experience, will not lie about their emotions no matter what. You just have to be able to "hear" what they are saying."

"Well anyways, that's just from experience. I don't have anything against women though. I just don't trust people, women in particular. "

"Just so you know, I don't trust Ayumi. "

"Unconditional love doesn't exist, so I don't think I would trust someone with my love, my insecurities or even my problems, it's just that some people's love towards some certain people is less conditional than others. "

"I have in my life, never trusted any human beings other than myself; not my grandma; not Ayumi; not Song; not my family; not my friends; not even anyone."

"Well, you won't understand me I suppose, since you had a source of false 'unconditional' love in your childhood unlike mine, but know this – people are locked in their own experiences, and just because you feel like I'm wrong and can't even think that my reason is correct, doesn't mean that it isn't a correct reason because you're locked in your own delusions while I am in my own. "

Yuuto picked up a black Nike tracksuit from the wardrobe and flashed it towards the still-shocked Mio.

"What do you think? Would this look great on me? " Yuuto chucked.

"…Anything will work, but what are you planning to do? "

Yuuto grinned.

"Changing the future, of course, you said that the future can be changed, right? That's what I'm going to do, I'm going to become handsome, fit and keep Ayumi…under a leash! "

A malevolent expression flashed in Yuuto's eyes as he laughed and started to drape the tracksuit on his fat, and chubby body.

"Indeed papa! "

Yuuto looked at himself; the smooth midnight black tracksuit felt comfortable on his skin while it also managed to add a certain charm to him, a fatty.

Mio looked on with excitement as she constantly moved here and there with excitement, to her it was a joy that her father was growing up and trying to change himself.

Yuuto turned around with a sneer as he exited his room and valiantly walked towards the exit, however as soon as he put his hand behind to grab into Mio he grabbed emptiness instead.

Yuuto turned around and looked at the lonely looking Mio sitting on the sofa with boredom, apparently she was looking in another direction so she didn't see him leave.

"Oi kid, aren't you going to come with me? " Yuuto asked in confusion. He thought that Mio would tag along with him considering her energetic personality.

"Huh? M-me? You want me to tag along with you? " Mio pointed at herself and looked at Yuuto with a suspicious and astonished expression.

Yuuto looked on with a wry smile. "Is there any other kid in this house? Of course, I'm talking about you, Mio. "

"Really? I-I won't be a bother?! "

"Nope, I'll even buy you some good comics. " Yuuto warmly smiled at the girl in front of him.

Mio felt her heart warm up as she frantically nodded and grabbed Yuuto's hands.

"Okay papa, let's go! "

"Sure. "

"Hey Aya-nee, I'm going to the bookstore! "

"Come back before dinner Yu-chan!! " Ayumi appeared out of nowhere and responded by sliding out a room, behind her was a pencil-crunching beauty.

Ayumi waved at Yuuto with a benign expression while the cheerful Song, the girl who had a pencil in her mouth also waved towards Yuuto in order to replicate Ayumi.

"Who's that girl Aya-oneechan? "

"O-oh? That's Mio… "

Ayumi cleverly nodded as she saw Yuuto waving his hands at her from the edge of her eyes.

"She's the distant daughter of my father's sister's mother's daughter's elder son's mother's sister's uncle's son's child-! "

"Okay okay I got it neechan, don't speak such complex words before me! " Song displayed a troubled and perplexed expression on her face as she pouted.

Ayumi giggled as she returned to the study room along with Song. She clearly knew the weak spots of Song and one of them was that she couldn't process complex family trees and she just took advantage of it.

Yuuto took notice of all of these and went outside of the suite.

"Honestly papa, why is that woman like that? " Mio asked as she skipped while holding his hands.

"Hmm? You mean, Song? "

"Yeah! "

"Well, you never saw her in the future? "

"I did, but only thrice and I barely remember her face and I just remembered her after I saw her enter the apartment. I never knew that she was such a beauty! " Mio displayed a troubled and hesitant expression on her face as she talked about Song.

"Basically, all I know is that after your marriage she became dull and almost never spoke, her beauty never stayed as her hair fell and she became thin and thinner as time passed by. "

"Well, …that doesn't mean that she's better than my mom in any way! "

"Don't worry, I don't like her in that way. Plus she's stupid and almost autistic. "

Yuuto replied in a cold voice as he clicked the 'G' button located inside the elevator.

His relationship with Song was purely out of a business reason, his grandmother and father liked her and paid him to take care of her. If she died…maybe he would visit her grave.

Mio uncomfortably glanced at him.

"Papa, don't you care about her? "

"Peh. I hate her, and I also hate her again. "Yuuto effortlessly replied.

"Well, I hate to break it for you…but after you died she tried to take her life… " Mio sighed. She didn't want to say this as it might weaken her father's affection for her mother, but she also couldn't leave Yuuto with a 'supposed' bad impression.

"…really? "

"Yeah! She said she couldn't live without seeing Yuyu…but it still doesn't mean that she's better than my mom! "

"Huh? I see that I have to reevaluate my opinion on Song…after all, isn't an idiotic and almost-unselfish human a better option to invest in emotionally rather than a normal one? "

"Papa…" Mio panicked.

"Regardless, her reaction wasn't expected from me… "

"By the way, how long did it take for Ayumi to move on? " Yuuto asked with an interested gaze in her eyes with a smile on his lips.

"…3…months… " Mio grit her teeth and eventually sighed.

"Beats me, that's longer than what I expected actually. "

"She didn't have any other emotions to speak of? Likes she got more introverted and more closeted for a while? "

"Sigh…no. She moved on relatively quick for me… "

"I see, but then again her callousness and 'casual' behavior regarding my death are to be expected since I rarely showed any affection towards her. "

Yuuto clearly knew that Ayumi in the future was lacking things to help her get rid of her sexual desires. Plus, from the description about Ayumi in the future from Mio's mouth, Yuuto could figure out that she was lacking in physical affection.

Yuuto clearly felt that something was suspicious in this whole matter; he always knew that love couldn't bloom without sex so why was he acting so distant with Ayumi in the future?

Suspicious as fuck!

Yuuto however, instead of mulling over the reason for his future stupidity, planned ahead for the future.

Ayumi clearly had to be…kept under a tight leash, regardless of her behavior.

Nonetheless, her betrayal in the future didn't dampen his enthusiasm regarding her. Because, he learned to enjoy life for what it was, not to sadly mull over what it could be, and Ayumi clearly couldn't be trusted, no one could be, but that's okay.

"Anyways kid, what do you like to do in your free time? " Yuuto asked as the elevator slowly descended into the ground floor.

"Free-time...? Uhh, I like to eat ramen, watch idolmaster, and generally read action manga…"

"You don't have any friends? "

Mio's lips quivered.

"No. " She said as she coldly shook her head, she didn't want to say anything about her experiences and stories.

"Well, it's fine anyways, because friends are useless unless they have a benefit associated with them. Friends… aren't those that support you with talks and motivation, the true friends are the ones that are willing to exchange resources and exchange benefits and share consequences! "

"Are those…really friends if they use each other? "

"Beats me. "

Yuuto gasped for breath as he put his hands on his kneecap and crouched on the dry pavement.

The reddish-gold sunlight shone on the road as the tall and lofty buildings crowded the sky, it was a put however that the people here numbered among the single digits.

Back to Yuuto's matter – after an hour, he without using public transport traveled towards the local bookstore and also managed to close the distance a bit.


"Ouch! " Yuuto grasped his kneecaps as they constantly sent bolts of pains throughout his body, which made him constantly moan in pain.

"Father! That's not manly at all! You shouldn't yell out of pain but you should instead grit your teeth and walk ahead without paying attention to your pain! " Mio yelled out as she took a whip out of her white pouch.

Yuuto grit his teeth and once again began to relentlessly run through half of Tokyo because it was the quest for losing fat and gaining masculinity!

Mio nodded as she saw the scene, yet she didn't stop her white light-laden legs as they bolted towards Yuuto with incomparable speed.

Yuuto ran with all of his might, and when he looked towards his left he noticed Mio looking at him with a carefree expression on her face.

"Oh, hello papa! Are you tired yet? " Mio arrogantly waved her hands at Yuuto.

"Eh, shut up! "

"Okay okay… "

Yuuto shook his head in an attempt to shake the sweat pooling at his chin, but it failed to do that and instead made his chin itch due to the weird movement of the sweat.

Yuuto rolled his eyes as he wiped the pool of sweat off of his chin.

From behind him, Mio leisurely walked as she pointed a gunlike, white object at Yuuto.

On the screen located at the top-right of the white gun, numbers were flashing as Mio's eyes went wide.

Her father was 92kgs?!?!?

This will take a while to lose…


Yuuto sighed as he stood before an old and dusty bookstore, from the outside was an old translucent mirror that showed the body shapes of the peoples inside the store.

This was Yuuto's favorite bookstore in the entire city, and who cared if it was nondescript and old? It had great customer service and that's all that made Yuuto and his two friends visit the bookstore regularly to hunt for manga and good novels.

And by the way, he had only two friends, and both of them were dudes. Sad right? People have tens of beautiful childhood friends at this age and he, Yuuto, the heir of the wealthiest family had one…

Blergh…that too an annoying one, even tsunderes are better than her…

Yuuto looked at the Mio standing behind him and handed him a bundle of cash.

"Go ahead kid, buy some lollipops or something, after you're done, come here into the bookstore. Go that? "

"Yes, papa! " Mio displayed an overjoyed expression on her face as she yanked the bundle of money out of Yuuto's grasp.

As he watched the kid rapidly disappearing into the red sunset, Yuuto wiped his eyes with a non-existent handkerchief as he leaned on the shoulders of his non-existent husband.

"Look anata, how much our child has grown. She's even learning how to successfully buy candy from that same white van you came out pregnant from… "

Yuuto coughed violently as he entered the bookstore, and as soon as he did he heard the sounds of books being forcefully thrown…

Yuuto displayed a curious expression on his face as he walked towards the manga section of the bookstore.

"Bullshit!!!! AYA is and should be the winner at the end of Ichigo 100% you fucking fat bald cock! "

"I'm not lying, trust me. She doesn't win in the end. "

"What the fuck are you even saying?!?! That's against reason and also high treason against Aya!! "

"Why don't you believe me? Amitabha, someone help me with this person… "

"Baldfuck-sama, please shut up! "

Yuuto watched on with intense interest at the two persons fighting verbally against each other in front of him.

There was Aayaden, the fattest of the fatties wearing a female outfit…


Indeed, he doesn't even look cute in that shit…

The red ribbons on Aayden's hair floated in the air like a ninja blade, as his mini-skirt constantly stretched out due to his disastrously fat belly. The outfit he was wearing was a standard idol uniform with thigh high socks, yet he didn't wear them as he exposed his fat-filled hairy thighs and legs.

His super long fake hair floated in the air as he spoke obscenities and constantly performed idol-like finger movements at the person in front of him, who would be shortly introduced.

"Ugh, there's no way to reason with you, Aayaden. "

"Ah Baldfuck-sama, you should go ahead and fuck a bull, that'll help you calm down. "

"…Aya doesn't win.


6800+ words.

By the way, in this story; everyone has a story and a backstory and as the story progresses, their characters will improve and shit.

Now give me them damn stones.


(Go and reaaad his wooooorrrrkkkkkkk)

Gyihhuhu_creators' thoughts