

out the cell window she first saw him. pale and dark like the moonlit sky above, he had a haunting beauty that seemed to ache with loneliness. entranced, celeste nearly missed the silence.

As if all the creatures of the old forest held their breath to watch him not a single chirp or stir could be heard.

Narrowing her golden eyes, Celeste soon realized that the closer the stranger came, the more shadows gathered behind him.

Like a leaf on the wind, the darkness danced behind him, leaving dead foliage with each one of his graceful steps. Without a word being said celeste knew from the very depths of her soul that this man was not some mere mortal- he was in fact death.

Yet celeste did not feel fear or despair. instead she felt a warmth spread across her heart close to the feeling of love. Reaching out her slender arm through the bars she opened her small hand in invitation.

3 years later

Celeste looked into the mirror frowning slightly at her reflection. Just like her mother she was quite beautiful with dark bronze skin, long spidersilk white hair, and golden cat like eyes that seemed to see through all.

Beneath a small pointed nose she had lush petal lips and a dainty chin. many had complimented her looks since her release but not once in her 15 years had she felt that they had done her any favors. for several years she had been stored away in a cell by her father's concubines in effort to "keep her safe" but she knew in her heart that the Arcane 3 simply despised her face. Her mother Marissa monroe had been hailed as "the temptress" infamous for her demoness like beauty and charms.

In life marissa had many enemies especially her own husband's concubines that birthed a son each. when Marissa was finally gone from their sight, celeste who took after her mother greatly felt it almost expected for the trio to despise her as she hated them as well.

Despite this she had always loved her half brothers Monty, Tobias, and Wren. They had been her only visitors while she was imprisoned but it wasnt forgotten that none of her brothers tried to set her free.

Much like that dark hearted man, their love wasn't one of letting go.

If anything she was sure if they had their way she would be chained to them for as long as they lived.

To her brother's dismay this no longer could be as their own mothers had finally sold her off. In just 9 days time, celeste was set to marry the last vampire prince Havoc Zavon.

As a pure blood witch this was unheard of. Besides humans, vampires were considered their greatest enemy. celeste was sure that the Arcane 3 simply used the idea of a truce wedding as an easy way out to get rid of or kill her. if the vampires broke their promise and killed her they would be able to destroy their clan with just cause. 2 birds one stone.

Celeste was aware Havoc was different and far more powerful as a noble vampire but it didn't stop the fact her own brothers slaughtered most of his family in the Great Saints War. In short, Prince Havoc might not be a mindless beast hot for blood but she was sure he craved revenge.

with a soft sigh celeste once again thought of the mans stunning gaze and wished he had kept his promise. shaking those thoughts away she then stood from the vanity mirror, admired her white lace dress for the last time, and headed out the door.
