
among the Stars

Broker_Of_Death · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Prologue part 1: Just the Beginning

We all sat in a classroom waiting for the transfer student to arrive, Mr. Arashi our teacher was standing next to the window he was talking to someone but he was speaking Japanese so no one knew what he was saying, i waved a paper fan at my face since the room didnt have an air conditioner and the windows were closed since it was storming outside, i was the first to notice the footsteps from the hallway but after a few seconds everyone noticed and looked towards the door expectantly, and when it opened a scrawny kid with black hair and green eyes walked in, he didnt radiate cursed energy and looked like the wind would probably kill him, the new kid stood at the whiteboard and said "Hello, i am" but Mr. Arashi cut him off "i already told them your name" Mr. Arashi whent back to talking on the phone, so i stood up and said "Hello Henry, i am John Smith" i sat back down and then Ezra stood up next to me and said "i am Ezra Gray" then he sat back down and then the final member of our class said "im Emma" she didnt stand and didnt even look up from her sword, she had been sharpening it the entire time we were there, then our teacher snapped his phone shut, and put it in his pocket and said "Well Henry welcome to Manhatan School for Jujutsu sorcers" after he said that he walked out of the classroom, all of us also got up and left since we didnt have much to talk about, while walking down the hall Ezra caught up to me and said "Hey, wanna go get something to eat" i shrugged and said "sure" he then pulled out his phone and sent a text to someone and then he said "the new kid will be there" i nodded and me and Ezra continued to walk, when he got outside he got into his new car, since being a sorcere payed well since we could die on any mission, we drove through manhatan for around 30 minutes, until he pulled into a parking lot and he got out, and then we walked across the street to the pizza place that we commonly went to, we walked in and saw the new kid sitting alone at a table in the corner, we walked over and sat on the same side as him, a waiter came over and took our order which was just a peparone stuffed crust pizza, and Ezra ordered a chocolate milk while i just got some water, and Henry already had a drink, at first it was just awkward silence until Ezra said "what brought you to Manhatans jujutuus school" he looked like he had to think for a second "Well it is the closest school for jujutsu Scorcery i know of" Ezra nodded while i drank the water, i then said "How much do you know about Jujutsu society" i looked down and said "Just learned about it last week" i sighed and said "Do you know the bassics such as what cursed energy is and Curses" he shook his head and i continued to explain "So cursed energy is how we use our Cursed techniques which can be inherited through bloodlines or at random, and we use these techniques to exercise curses, since curses cant be seen by normal people we have to exercise them, but even though humans cant see them dosent mean that they dont release cursed energy since the people who arent apart of Jujutsu society still have it but they dont realize it since cursed energy is created during bad emotions like depression and hate, Questions?" and Henry nodded and said "How does one gain their technqiue and does that seperate them from a normal human" Ezra then said "Your cursed technique will seemingly randomly develop and no, what differentiates us from normal humans is the fact we can control the cursed energy while they cant" we sat in silence waiting for our food and when the Waiter got back to us with our food we ate it and then talked about our interests outside of Jujutsu society, we eventually split up and i got a cab to bring me home to the Smith clans headquarters since i was set to be the next leader of it, this was due to my Cursed technique since there can only ever be one user of the Star walker technique, i walked to my room and shut off the lights and laid down to sleep, but something felt off with this night so i got back up and checked my phone and when i checked my messages i found that Emma had messaged me multiple times and when i looked at them she was asking for help, i got up not even putting my shoes on as i ran out of my room and down the hall and out the front door, i chaneled Cursed energy into my legs and released to give me explosive forward movement, she had sent the messages an hour before i looked at them, i once again repeated what i did with cursed energy, i eventually found the veil that had been placed and found that the head of Jujutsu society in america was there, i asked about what wwas happening inside and he said "Someone ate one of Sukunas Fingers" he had a grave look on his face, "and why was Emma sent into fight him!" i said, then He said "she was just meant to get the finger so we could add more seals to it" i exhaled multiple times to try to calm myself but i couldnt, i tried to push past them but they said "We can only let grade 1 and S grade Sorcers through" i was a low grade 1 sorcer so i could technically go through, so i showed the guard my card that said what grade i am, he let me through and i ran towards the building and kicked open the door i saw Emma laying incompasiatated with a man with black hair standing next to her, i quickly identifyed this person as Henry, "Henry what are you doing get out of here" he looked over at me and lunged at me like a fowal creature "You cant tell me what to do" Henry said, i rolled out of the way in time this lead Henry to slam into the metal door, "Im going to guess that you would be Sukuna King of Curses" Henry nodded, suddenly Henry was stuck to the ground and the S Grade sorcere known as Kai stood in the doorway, "your stupid for coming in here without a game plan" Kai had said, i looked down at Henry, and then kai said "We got a report from Tokyo that another person ate one of sukunas fingers but Satoru Gojo was nearby, that kid hasnt been exercisedd yet" i frowned since i hadnt yet fully checked on Emma "do you think these two events are connected" Kai shook his head "Doubt they are, but from what this kids profile is, it would seem that he has been collecting Sukunas fingers for awhile" i looked downat what was once henry but he was still trying to escape from under Kai's foot, i looked over to where Emma was lying and walked over and piked her up and brought her outside so she could be treated, i set her down on a nearby bench and immediately a few peoplepicked her up and she was brought to a hospital, my heart was still beating extremly fast due to the adranaline but it was begining to wear off so my body was becoming heavier and heavier after every second, and after a few second i collapsed onto my knees, and immediately a few sorcers were next to me with weapons out, but i waved them away and they put their weapons away, i slowly got up from the muddy ground and walked out of the veil and got a ride in a cab back to the Smith Clans estate, where i whent in a immediately got in the shower where i passed out from over use of cursed energy. 

The man cleared his throat and said "So those were the events that happened before and after Henry got sukunas finger" I nodded and then he said "Ok you can go now, if you remember any detail then call us" he handed me a small black and blue bussnies card, and i walked out of the room and then i walked down the quite halls which for me was unusual since normally these halls had hundreds of people in them talking but today they were all trying to cover up what happened during the time when sukuna had a host, i walked across the street to the hospital since the Jujustu high school was across the street, i walked in and asked the front desk woman if they had an Emma Richards and she said "We do but she is currently asleep" i nodded and said "Thats fine, she is a close friend of mine" the woman nodded and showed me to Emmas room where i sat down in a chair next to her, my phone started ringing, i had been sitting there for who knows how long, i answered and Mr. Arashi said "Kid weve got a mission for you and Ezra" i responded with "Where will we meet and whats the mission" he said "The school, room 127" he hung up and i got up and left the hospital room, and walked across the street back to the school and to room 127, where Mr Arashi was waiting, he seemed surprised that i was already here "How did you get here so fast" he said so i repsonded with "I flew here" i said this with a grin on my face so he knew it was a joke but i then said in a serius voice "Has Emma woke up at all since last week." Mr. Arahsi shook his head, I let out a sigh and sat down at a desk then Mr. Arashi said "You know what happened isnt your fault" I shook my head "It is my fault if I had just checked my phone earlier then I would have seen her messages" he sat down next to me and said "I know how you might feel but I felt so much worse, During my second year I had a Female friend named Ava and she had gone on a mission alone and she died, we still havent found the curse which killed her, she was a Grade S" I was about to continue but Ezra walked in and said "So whats the mission" Mr. Arashi got up and walked to the front of the room he then said "We suspect that there is a strong curse who resides in the sewers" he let out a sigh "try not to cause too much damage to the city we already have so much to cover up" we nodded and I was about to get up but Mr. Arashi said " We Belive that the Curse down there may be of Special Grade hence why we are sending both of you, and dont forget the veil" we nodded and got up "Have you figured out the easiest way to get into the sewers?" i asked Mr. Arashi he shook his head "Just use the entrance closest to the school" i nodded and walked out of the classroom and out into the streets where i found the manhole and me and Ezra struggled to pull it out of the ground but we managed too, we climbed down into the sewers and thankfully we didnt have to walk in the disgusting water since there was a side path, "So do you think its actually an S grade curse?" Ezra asked i nodded "its likely that it is since Special grade curses are much weaker then a Special grade Sorcere" he nodded and we walked in silence for a few minutes before we heard large amounts of water moving and we both stoped and looked in the direction that the sound came from "you think?" i nodded, "probably is the curse" we continued to walk and we found tons of curses surrounding a single human, me and Ezra looked at the person and they looked normal so we walked down and killed off the weak curses and got the human and it was a girl who looked normal but she was shaking, even though it was extremely hot down here in the sewers i pulled her onto my shoulder and began to walk to the entrance but hundreds of weaker curses began to flood the tunnels so we had to run and while Ezra killed the few that got close to us it didnt change the fact that quite a few of them were around 2nd grade curses and were more capable then the weak ones we faced, we got the the entrance we came in from but it had been closed so I set the girl down and used my cursed technique to blast the Manhole cover off, i then picked the girl back up and got out of their, i put the girl down and then grabbed Ezras arm and pulled himout of the sewer, we quickly put the manhole back on and caught our breath, we werent in the area where we came in from so i checked around in my pockets for my phone but it mustve fallen while i was running "Hey Ezra do you have your phone?" he checked his pockets and shook his head, i sighed and said "So we will have to find a payphone" he nodded and we began to walk through the streets until we found a Payphone.

Else where, in Manhatan 

I cleared my throat "Hello counicl members as you may know i am Ren Arashi" a few grumbles came from the crowd of old people but then one said "Continue" and so i did "You may ask why i sent one of my students on such a particularly dangerous mission, and its because i needed to test Henry, since i needed to gauge his strentgh, but as we found out he was more like a terrorist" they nodded and then one said "We understand your reason for sendign this Henry boy but why send Emma" the one who said it was her grandpa, "Sir as you may know Ezra Gray and John Smith, they were off duty but even more John Was asleep and i suspect that Ezra Gray May leakinformation to as they call themselves the disater curses, this is why today i sent them on an off the books mission that will prove that they are either innocent or not" they nodded and then Emmas Grandpa said "If Emma dies from her injurys you will too" multiple of the council members spoke up to try to defend me but i said "Ok how about we make a Binding Vow" he nodded and a binding vow was made.

Back to Ezra and John

We got off of the train since we didnt have money for a payphone, we were never noticed since me and Ezra shrouded ourselves in cursed energy and humans cant see it, we walked back to the school and when we got there Mr Arashi was waiting "Please tell me you didnt kidnap a poor inocent person" i shook my head and said "No i didnt, she was surrounded by weak curses" he looked confused "Intresting, have you checked her amount of cursed energy yet?", i then said "we didnt have time too, since the second we picked her up hundreds of weak curses flooded into the tunnels" Mr Arashi walked over to me and touched the girls neck "She still is breathing but i dont know her cursed energy amount" this shocked me since you would need more cursed energy then Mr Arashi for him to not be able to feal her energy "we should probably have her checked out at the hospital" Mr Arashi nodded and we brought her across the streets, they tryed to ask questions but they stoped when the owner of the hospital came in, he was a jujutsu sorcer but retired, we left quickly after and we had to give a debriefing of what happened during out mission, so we explained everything to Mr. Arashi in full detail, it took about an hour and Mr. Arashi said "So what about the veil" i scratched my head "yea we forgo-" he smacked me in the head "that was the one thing you were meant to do, other then kill the strong curse but we can look past that" he left the brieifng after that and so me and Ezra also left we whent to the hospital so we could oversee How the unknown girl was doing but i wanted to see Emma while we were their so we did stop in on her room, but she still wasnt awake, so we whent to the strane girls room to watch her, and we sat there for a few hours and thankfully no curses showed up during that time, it was already night by the time we left so we didnt stop and get any fast food, But Ezra did stop at my house to get some food, but we didnt talk about much while there, atleast before he left, i whent to my room but couldnt sleep, i sat there looking at my phone expecting a text but by the time morning came i handt sleep at all, and i walked over to the school this was still very early and no one was their except a few teachers, but even then there were few of them too, i walked to the Grade 1 classroom and was about to walk in but i heard talking and so i waited outside of the door, but i heard Mr. Arashi and anotheer person talking "Ren you cant keep sending him on these easy missions, i get that he might not be emotionally stable enough to do higher missions but we need to send him on missions more his level" i heard Mr. Arashi sigh "Well during the mission he was sent on yesterday where they werent meant to find a strong curse they found this Girl who was surrounded by curses but whats strange is that she seems to act like a totem to them they just swarm to her" the other person in the room whent quiet "So do you think she might be a curse herself?" Mr. Arashi then said "I doubt it since i couldnt detect her cursed energy at all, and she didnt react to my cursed energy at all" i had taken a step back and the floorboard had creeked and i heard Mr. Arashi say "Whos there" i opened the door "Hello" Mr arashi looked me up and down and let out a sigh and then said "You didnt sleep last night did you" i knew it would be obvious due to the bags under my eyes "No i didnt" he then said "you should go get some sleep, ill watch over the girl durring your shift" i thanked him and began to leave to go back to my house, but i had taken the back rout to my house which was much longer while walking i heard something moving in the bushes but i didnt think much of it since it was probably a bunny or something then i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and when i looked at it, it said 'The girl isnt in her hospital room, do you know if they transfered her?' that was from Mr. Arashi so i sent back 'i dont believe they did why dont you ask the front desk' he then sent back 'just did and she wasnt transferred but she did apparently wake up this morning' i continued walking and sent to Mr. Arashi 'Did you already ask Ezra?" he sent back a text saying 'I already asked him' we stoped talking after that and i was almost home when i hard the bushes rufling again so i whent a looked but a small knife was throne out and i naroly missed my head, this put me on guard and i whent back to the main path just i wasnt walking this time i was running but someone moved out of the bushes and they were running after me but they were much faster and quickly tackled me to the ground they had a cursed tool and were trying to stab me but i was using my Second cursed technique but it was just lumped together with Star walker, which allowed me to stop things from getting close to me, kind of like Gojos Infinity but mine was much worse, but it would work to stop more simple attacks like whatever cursed tool this person was using, and i wasnt keen to find out what it did, i used one of the flame techniques from Star walker it was called the invisible flame, it was what it sounded like but it still gave off heat the person got off of me i still couldnt identify who they were since it was still dark, i used just a normal flame to give me light and i found out that the person who attacked me was a man who was wearing a tight black shirt and had a cut on his mouth he had black hair he had grey eyes he also had a strange curse around his back, he was moving fast too fast for me too see, This was the man who could have killed Gojo, i tryed to keep up with blocking but he moved too much and too fast for me too see, he was slowly hitting vital spots on me such as my knees this caused me to colapse to the ground in pain, i still tried to fight but it was obvious i would lose, until i heard a vaguely familiar voice it sounded like Mr. Arashi but he was with an unknown person, then i felt nothing until i felt a burning pain across my entire body then i woke up, in the hospital room, people surrounded me this included Ezra and a few other i couldnt make their faces out yet my eyes were blurry then i heard "HE's Awake" a few other people rushed into the room and i heard a strange voice that wasnt one from america then i heard Mr. Arashi's voice again "Everyone clear out i want to speak with him" everyone slowly cleared out of the room until it was just me and Mr. Arashi "What do you remember John" i thought for a second "I remember getting your texts and then Toji attacked me, then i remember you finding me" he let out a sigh "youve been in this hospital for around two weeks alot has happend since then but you get some rest".