
American female writer dreams back to ancient Tang Dynasty China.

A modern American female writer is carried to the Tang Dynasty by a profound dream. There, she is bestowed with another life, and in a foreign land's customs and emotions, she falls in love with a handsome and gallant knight. Their love quietly blooms in the ancient Tang Dynasty, yet is also filled with the bitterness of separation. The protagonist in the book endures parting from her family, portraying the sincerity and warmth of familial love. In the arena of power, she charts a course to the pinnacle of authority with the unique tenderness and wisdom of a woman. In that era, she writes her rise as a woman relying solely on her own strength, through twists and turns, finding confidants, and weathering betrayal. Bravely and wisely she navigates through the intricate fog, expanding territory and governing the people in peace. After enduring the wear and tear of time and the torment of spirit, it seems to have been destined in the stars, and she ultimately becomes an Empress. Seated high upon the throne, looking over the bustling Chang'an, she always remembers that all this may have started from a dream about time travel, but with her fresh strokes, she continues the legend of women, etching her name in the bronze plaques of history.

alexnovelman · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Reincarnated Child Prodigy

The temptation and power of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead ultimately led to a catastrophic end for a man driven by greed. At that moment, both devotees and followers came to a stark realization of the immense power the Dzi Bead represented. They ceased their pursuit and worship of worldly power and treasures, commencing a reflection on their innermost desires and prejudices.

After the conflagration, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead returned to calm, lying serenely amid the ashes where the monk had met his end. I picked it up and placed it into a now tarnished and colorless wooden box, as if all that had transpired was nothing but a dream. But the reality that had just unfolded struck a deep chord in everyone's soul—a reminder of the essence of life and a reawakening to the complex undercurrents of the human heart.

As the last wisps of burning smoke dissipated into the chilly air, a poignant silence ensued. The monk's greed had led to his destruction, and the tragic outcome shook us all. We, who had witnessed the event firsthand, felt a profound sense of caution and vigilance emanating from within.

The monks who had scattered in panic were left with expressions of shock, confusion, and fear. Their cries, murmurs, and angered shouts questioned the unreasonable end. Their contorted faces revealed the ghastly depiction of greed within a person's heart—how a once devout soul could slip step by step under the lure of desire, becoming a slave to the darkness of avarice.

In the forested paths behind the monastery, the lamplighter monk clutched the sole light source, seemingly using the light to scatter the shadows, but more so, his heavy sighs expressed deep sorrow over the irreversible loss. Li Hao, Lysandra, and I exchanged glances, overwhelmed by the events. We began to reevaluate our initial wonder at the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead's mysterious power and pondered the lessons it veiled.

The criminal monk's avarice was not born overnight; it was cultivated from his long-standing yearning for power and status and a misinterpretation of religious materiality. In his mind, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead symbolized the ultimate religious authority and extraordinary powers, but he had never truly understood the profound implications and compassionate vision of the late Abbot. His obsession led him blindly down an irreversible path.

This tragedy profoundly taught us the far-reaching and dangerous impact of greed. Once it surpasses the innate goodness and rationality within one's nature, even a moral exemplar could plummet into the abyss. The nature of greed lies in the endless pursuit, and tragedy arises from a misunderstood view of power and disregard for morality.

We reflected that perhaps the seeds of greed reside in everyone's heart, and what we had endured might very well be a test of self. Through this calamity, it seemed we saw a clearer path forward. The lesson in greed helped us to view the world with more clarity—appreciating simplicity and peace in daily life, cherishing compassionate and kind thoughts in our hearts, keeping our souls in the purest calm.

Now, the monastery has quieted in the dead of night, a sanctuary for those in search of peace and wisdom. As for the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, we will continue to protect it, not only because of the Abbot's last wishes but also as our pledge against greed and to safeguard the purity of faith.

Through the monastery windows, the faint moonlight cascaded, infusing every corner with a serene and humble glow. In the days to come, we would carry the lessons of this event, seeking a new balance between human nature and greed.

After several tumultuous days of incidents and paradoxes, we thought the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead would return to tranquility following the monk's fiery demise. Yet, its mysterious power clearly had intentions reaching further. As we decided to keep the Dzi Bead in the monastery and deliberated its future, an unexpected turn of events struck us.

As the evening deepened, resting in our modest guest quarters, the Dzi Bead suddenly emitted a brilliant light as if the spirits within were awakened. Each eye-like pattern shimmered with life, illuminating the entire room. We gaped, puzzled, only to feel an indescribable shock and sanctity.

As we sought to comprehend what had happened, the fabled Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead conveyed its message in a supernatural manner—it showed us a holographic image of the child prodigy and urged us to embark on a journey to find a reincarnated soul of mighty importance to the upheaval and restlessness of this era.

The initial shock gave way to emotions mixed with reverence and a profound sense of duty. The monastery's other monks were drawn to the sudden light, gathering around us, marveling at the incredible phenomenon. Amid the radiance, we felt a strong sense of mission, as though the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead had chosen us to shoulder this responsibility beyond time and space.

Being well-versed in Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, I began to understand the significance of the child prodigy far beyond my earlier comprehensions. A reincarnated prodigy is not merely a reborn soul; he might possess the power to alter the world. Thus, confounded as we were, we had to gather our spirits, gear up, and set forth, even if the destination was an uncharted mystery.

Amid the deep-night chants of the monastery, we focused our thoughts and deciphered the guidance transmitted by the Dzi Bead. Based on ancient Tibetan totems reflected in the radiance, we deduced that the child might reside there. Aware of the tasks' gravity, we decided to begin our pilgrimage to the Tibetan region with the first glimmer of dawn, accompanied by the morning bells.

No one had attempted such a mission before, nor had they returned, but the conviction bestowed by the Dzi Bead washed over our souls like a mountain spring, firming our steps. In the blazing light, we kept reexamining the precious object that had incinerated the con man, sensing the weight of history and the call of the unknown. This journey, a profound lesson in itself, guides one at the crossroads of faith towards a broader world.

As the Dzi Bead's brilliance dimmed to a sacred stillness, we looked at one another, searching for answers deep within our souls. The recent spectacle was not only a sensory impact but also a spiritual revelation. We had read of Tibetan legends many times over in the scriptures, and now, the ancient religious texts seemed to point the way to that mysterious land.

We sat down by the fire, unrolled dusty scrolls, and attempted to decode the message revealed by the Dzi Bead. Ancient maps sprawled across our laps as we traced rivers and mountains, locating Tibet. Every record and tale became the focal point of our discussion. Armed with a mix of confusion and numerous hopes, our plan to find the prodigy gradually took shape in the depths of night.

To confirm our hypothesis, we invited wise elders of the monastery for counsel. Under the solemn gaze of the Buddha statues, senior monks gathered around, listened to our recount of the Dzi Bead's revelation, and offered their insights. Their mention of the 'reincarnated child prodigy' sounded both distant and mysterious, yet unanimously supportive of the search's potential. They believed that this unknown child would be hope for Tibet and the entire Buddhist world.

Though the plan took form, its execution remained shrouded in uncertainty. Trekking to Tibet required crossing formidable ranges and venturing into seldom-trodden realms. We equipped materials, outlined our route by the moonlight, as if threading prayer beads—one by one—stringing together a journey filled with uncertainty.

Before the first streaks of dawn broke the darkness, we were ready, standing firm at the mountain pathway's beginning. Before departing, we divulged our inner doubts and unrest to the remaining monks, hoping to be endowed with their blessings and guidance. Faces that had grown familiar in these past days now sent us off with deep affection and silent sorrow.

As we set foot on the rugged mountain paths, our quest to find the child prodigy began, shrouded in mists of uncertainty. The mysterious revelations guided us like the brightest star in the night sky, leading us gradually into uncharted territories. Through this journey, each of us deeply felt that the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead's luminescence was not just a weighty responsibility but also a path leading to the depths of enlightenment.

The tranquility of the monastery slowly receded into the distance, the faces of the monks we had known over the past few days becoming a blur, and the familiar sound of temple bells fading into the morning mist. We imbued each step with profound significance as this revelatory journey intertwined the unknown with profound faith, weaving enchanting tales.

The dawn started to break, painting the sky with streaks of light. Armed with our bags, we faced the rising sun on unfamiliar paths that unfurled before us, signaling the start of a journey fraught with twists and challenges. The many questions in our hearts seemed like the landscapes on the road, waiting for us to uncover and explore each one. And all this was concealed within the enigmatic land of Tibet, awaiting our arrival and discovery.

As the echoes of the morning and evening drums drifted away, our line of travelers slowly navigated the winding mountain trails, embarking on the trip to the mysterious land of Tibet. The biting winds of the plateau and the treacherous paths seemed to foreshadow the multitude of trials we would face. Li Hao, Lysandra, and I, burdened with unresolved emotions from the Dzi Bead's temptation, took strides toward a land we had never trodden.

Traversing the summits, we felt the power of nature more than once. The hidden undercurrents beneath the glaciers and the falling rocks from fragile cliffs testament to life's frailty, ringing silent alarms. The hovering snowflakes in the sunlight and the frost-covered lakes at dawn spoke of Tibet's vastness and marvels, demanding unflinching bravery.

During the journey, we encountered diverse characters. Pure-hearted herdsmen with an ingrained pride and fear for Tibet shared secret paths to the abode of ancient dragons and earnestly warned us of the impending winter perils. We also met an itinerant healer, who eagerly revealed the wonders of Tibetan medicine.

Despite the aid we received, challenges and obstacles continued to emerge on our path, as if each difficulty was a test imbued by the Dzi Bead. At times, we nearly lost our way in the dense rainforests, risked crossings over icy rivers, or struggled to climb steep cliffs. Behind us lay the unforgettable monastery, and ahead, the formidable Tibet; this enigmatic land, acting as a stern mentor, assaulted our ingrained perceptions with its unique culture.