

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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"Okay, thank you." Kenneth. With a smile on his face, Branagh turned and returned to the reception room, where he was greeted by Peter, one of tonight's guests. Sir Hall.

Peter. Hall is a somewhat overwhelmed fat old man with a well-groomed gray-white beard who, although not well known in Hollywood, is a proper theater big man in the UK - just like Kenneth. Branagh is in England the Prince of Shakespeare, contemporary Lawrence. Oliver, better known in the United States as the title is Oscar actress Emma. Thompson's ex-husband.

Seeing this, he asked: "News from Hollywood?" "

"It's Fox." Kenneth. Branagh didn't sell off and said as he walked, "Jim. Garopoulos believes that James . Cameron prefers to use an American, a newcomer who just debuted last year, Josie. Horton. "

"A nobody?" Peter. Hall muttered, "Hollywood hasn't been the main Gwyneth in recent years. Paltrow? "

"Yes. But Josie. Horton is a youth idol of Hollywood's righteous popularity. "Kenneth. Branagh explains, "You can think of it as Hugh in North America. Grant, except that she was nominated for Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival instead of Best Actress at the Golden Globe Award in the Sound Comedy Category. "

Peter. Hall's face was even more disdainful, "A moist Hollywood award without any artistry to speak of." "

Kenneth. Branagh disagreed with this view, saying: "Don't underestimate her, she is following the orthodox route of American superstar cultivation, and their way of playing has always been different from ours." "

"That's a movie star, not an actor." Peter. Hall turned to ask, "What are you going to do now, Ken?" "

"Kate still only wants the role, she can't read other scripts." Kenneth. Branagh replied, "Then replace one of the roles originally intended for Kate with Josie. Horton, it is best for the other party to give up on their own initiative, so that the subsequent operation is easy. "

Peter. Hall couldn't help but say, "To be honest, can't Kate change her target?" She is also a newcomer in the beginning stage, and she has spent too much time and energy on this project, and even left the schedule empty this year, just for this shipwreck romance - and the story is really good! "

"It's the best springboard for her." Kenneth. Branagh only said, "Kate is not very suitable for orthodox Hollywood commercial blockbusters or romantic romantic comedies, her appearance is more suitable for costume films, and her Shakespeare temperament is too heavy, and it takes several movies to grow." "

How many costume dramas can Hollywood shoot in a year?

Or the great director James . Cameron personally operated, the big company Fox Pictures invested in the production of commercial blockbusters, the heroine is so suitable for Kate. Winslet's personal temperament and has some room for performance?

If it weren't for a good film like "Sense and Sensibility" this year, the British side would have praised Kate. In Winslet's case, it is difficult for a British newcomer to win the throne of the leading actress of a commercial blockbuster with this configuration.

Suffice it to say, Kate. Winslet is a very smart actress who knows what she fits in and what to grab.

Missing "Titanic", the next time you want to play the heroine of a similar level of big production, you may not have a chance in the next ten years.

After all, most of her predecessors — the British actresses — started in Hollywood supporting roles or vase roles, and only gradually became qualified to lead roles in their thirties.

Kenneth. Branagh smoothed the collar of his suit jacket, showing his refined demeanor even more, "The Arts Council will leave it to you, Sir, I will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow to find a middleman to handle the rest." "

"Okay." Peter. Hall replied dispensably, "I hope Kate and her own choice of film live up to expectations, otherwise for one of her roles, we really paid too much this time." "

Kenneth. Branagh didn't respond, but adjusted a perfect smile and walked into the hall, "Oh Alan, what are you talking about with our dear little Ernie?" "

"Talking about a script created by Ernest ." Allan. Rickman is an actor who primarily works on the theatrical stage, and it wasn't until this year's Sense and Sensibility that he made a name for himself on the big screen. He looked at a handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes beside him, and said in a sincere tone: "I have seen that he shot an experimental short film for this before, which is amazing, especially the several scenes of the heroine are worth watching." "

"Oh, yes." Kenneth. Branagh's impression of the blond young man remained on the other party's excellent family lineage and the resume of the Cambridge graduate, and asked instead: "Ernest, how is Mr. Brett's health?" "

"For now, I can only recuperate." Ernest. Dawson replied truthfully, "Maybe when the situation is stable, I will send my uncle and grandfather to Switzerland for recuperation." "

Kenneth. Branagh patted him on the shoulder and said, "Everything will be fine, the Huggins family will not fall." "

Ernest nodded lightly.

His real name is Ernest. Huggins, who grew up on the family estate in Warwickshire, followed the tradition of the English squire family and went all the way from Eton College to Cambridge University, like most members of the family.

But no one expected that this highly anticipated heir would suddenly follow his uncle and grandfather and go incognito to California, the United States, to learn what hell filmmaking in the USC, which is adjacent to the movie mecca of Hollywood!

Instead of following the original route to inherit the family business!

The old Mr. Huggins, who lost his beloved son in his early years, was so angry that he was bedridden, but he stubbornly refused to allow anyone to contact Ernest, but his equally maverick brother dared to persuade him to accept his grandson's movie dream, so angry that the old man wanted to drive the other party out.

The accident came so unexpectedly -

Before the uncle and grandfather walked out of the gate of the manor, he suddenly fainted due to myocarditis, and Mr. Huggins Sr. walked like a fly, quickly called a family doctor for rescue, and sent people to the hospital by helicopter, narrowly snatching his brother's life from the hands of death.

That night, the old Mr. Huggins, who had experienced great tragedy and joy, could no longer hold on, while booking a ward next door to his brother, he personally called his grandson to come back, and promised that as long as there was no problem with the family business, he would make movies.

20th Century Fox Pictures.

In the conference room, five company executives closely related to the movie "Titanic" are also frowning, feeling very helpless about the current situation.

"I'll never add another penny to him!" Fox Film Entertainment CEO Bill Bush. McNick cursed and took a big puff of his cigar.

"If I could, I wouldn't want to give him the additional six million dollars this time." COO and Corporate Vice President Jack. Howard muttered, "But the sunk cost is already too high, we have to make James . Cameron made the film as soon as possible. "

"So he hasn't decided on the two leading actors yet?" Co-Chairman and President Tom. Rothman pushed his glasses and asked.

"The male protagonist he just wants Leonardo. DiCaprio is the one who plays the mentally disabled brother in "A Different Sky". "Production Department Director Jim . "I don't understand why he just can't accept Matthew. McConaughey, handsome, personable - any woman would fall in love with him. "

Tom. Rothman smiled and looked at production manager Grant. Hill, continued to ask: "What about the heroine?" "

"He's in Josie. Horton and Kate. Winslet wavered between them. "Grant. Seale is a somewhat lukewarm middle-aged man, and it is precisely because of this that he can play in James. Cameron's crew stayed.

Bill. Without thinking, McNick said, "What the hell is there to think about?" Even the book knows Josie. Horton can make money for Colombia! "

"Ahem—" Jack. Howard coughed hard and turned his head toward Jim. Ganopro winked.

Jim. Ganopoulos quickly explained: "Bill, I remember I mentioned this question to you, about Kate. What Winslet and the British side announced. "

"This English girl has a lot of screen charm and excellent looks and acting." Grant. Cyr added, "But Josie. Horton's performance in the home entertainment market is truly amazing. "

Tom on the side. Rothman said: "I remember this year's Golden Globes, they were all nominated for acting awards, which shows that at least their performance level is obvious to all - I kind of understand James. Cameron, it's really not a good choice. "

Josie. Although Horton's "Dominant" has been released for a long time, it is one of the brightest movies in North America last summer, giving her additional fame and popularity bonuses in North America, and now is the hottest time.

And Kate . Winslet's "Sense and Sensibility" is a hit film at this year's Oscars, and her role is somewhat similar to "Titanic" heroine Rose, which is the key to Fox's satisfaction with this candidate.

Bill. McNick looked around at everyone, extinguished the cigarette butt and said, "In that case, let's choose a round of heroines in our internal meeting first." Think Kate. Winslet is more suitable and can raise his left hand, Josie. Horton is right-handed—"

There was a moment of silence in the room.

After about half a minute, Jim. Ganopoulos was the first to raise his left hand, followed by Grant. Cyr raised his right hand, Jack. Howard chose his left hand.

Bill. McNick looked at Tom. Rothman, who smiled slightly, slowly raised his right hand.

The choice goes back to Bill again. McNick on hand.

The ruler of Fox Pictures had his eyes slightly drooping, his ten fingers folded in the center of his sight, and after a while, he looked at Grant lightly. Seale, given a name: "Tell Cameron in a few days that we want to use Kate. Winslet bar. "

Grant. Cyr was anxious, but still replied, "I see, Bill." "


James. Cameron rarely got up early in the morning and did not stay in his study to revise the script and storyboard before seeing Linda in the living room. Hamilton directed the assistant to carry a huge package into his study.

"Wait, what is this?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Josie. Sent by Horton brokers. "Linda. Hamilton took his daughter Josephine from the nanny, "I guess it should be a decorative painting hanging on the wall, do you want to take it apart first or eat breakfast?" "

As an actor, in order to impress the producer, director or casting director after the audition, he usually sends some small gifts or small cards to the other party, which is a common practice in the industry.

For example, Linda. Hamilton himself was once interested in James. Cameron has done this, and another heroine candidate for "Titanic" has sent roses and cards for nearly two months.

James. Cameron nodded and said, "Wait for me for five minutes, I'll go see what this is." "

"Well, are you going out today?" Linda. Hamilton noticed that he had changed into casual clothes for going out, so he asked casually.

"Yes, Arno asked me to play." James. Cameron replied while taking the brown paper package in the assistant's hand, waved his hand to let the other party go to other things, and sneaked up to the study.

His study is in the northeast corner of the second floor, facing the garden downstairs, the light and view are very good, and the room also houses some of his collection, such as limited edition figures of Terminator and Star Wars, special effects concept art in the digital field, and a lot of information and storyboard design about Titanic.

Usually, he would sit in an antique handmade armchair behind his desk, and on the wall directly opposite him hung a sketch of Rose, the heroine of "Titanic", which he was most satisfied with, and he could draw inspiration from it as soon as he looked up.

But when the wonderful portrait of the girl in front of him was opened, all the collections in the entire room were eclipsed in an instant-

In the silent and magnificent boundless deep sea, the girl with red hair and blue eyes is depicted with an illusory and mysterious brushstroke.

She leaned over a broken wooden board, quietly raised her eyes, her soaked hair and eyelashes frozen, and her lips were pale and purple.

But even so, the girl in this painting still has an extremely amazing beauty, like a mermaid peeking out of the sea in a fairy tale, and her clear eyes are particularly clear and clear, flashing with the light after metamorphosis and renewal.

The name of the light is: freedom.

James. Cameron arrived at the golf course when Arnold. Schwarzenegger has played a few shots with his friends.

The caddie in charge of driving the car parked the golf cart, took the game in the car attentively, and carried it on his back.

Not far away, Hollywood superstar Arnold, who is famous for playing the T-800 Terminator. Schwarzenegger waved his hand vigorously and shouted, "Hey, Jim! "

There is an unchanging truth in Hollywood: contracts are the most important thing.

And Arnold . Schwarzenegger's Terminator series of contracts represents the highest standards in the industry, and it is also the other side of Hollywood film art - the art of trading.

This also shows Arnold. Schwarzenegger's own superstar status in this circle, and the indispensability of this film series, as in the James who created the world of Terminator. Cameron like that.

Facing the future governor with a snow-white smile with perfect eight teeth, James . Cameron also smiled lightly, stepped forward and gave him a high five, saying, "Man, you look great." "

"Haha, you think so too?" Arnold. Schwarzenegger smiled and switched the club to the other hand and grabbed his friend James. Cameron tapped his shoulder twice, "I think you know Frank. Horton? "

Frank. Horton?

James. Cameron immediately guessed the reason for today's game and glanced at his friend Arnold. Schwarzenegger, "Wall Street Playboy in the tabloids, Josie. Horton's financier father? "

Arnold. Schwarzenegger nodded and said, "I think you understand why I asked you out today, but I myself have no intention of interfering with your choice of actors, but I owe him a favor, so I will introduce him - of course, if you object, we will be ordinary golfers." "

"No, it's nothing." James. Instead of refusing, Cameron said, "Actually, I'm curious about what this Mr. Horton is going to do." "

Of course, coming to the stadium is not just about just playing.

The network of contacts between golfers is the main reason why these middle-aged elite men love the sport of golf.

On the green, a small white ball rolls into the hole.

Frank. Horton withdrew the club, handed it to the caddie, and turned around with a smile.

"Come and meet my good friend Jim, a Hollywood director, more famous than me as a star!" Arnold. Schwarzenegger, as today's host, greeted rather warmly: "Jim, this is my friend Franklin. Horton and Francis. Underwood, two equally wise 'Frank'. "

"Arno, you're exaggerating." Frank. Horton took off one of his gloves and turned his gails to James. Cameron held out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Cameron." "

James. Cameron and Arnold. Schwarzenegger is already taller than normal, but the personable former financier is also nearly six feet two, with a royal blue shirt and white pants, and his mature and elegant appearance is no less than that of another Hollywood star present.

"Me too, Mr. Horton." James. Cameron shook his hand symbolically.

Another Mr. Underwood, was much more low-key, swapping names and focusing on the field.

The group of four played for about an hour, all casually talking about current politics and investment topics until Arnold. Schwarzenegger proposed to return to the rest area for a short rest.

Arnold. Schwarzengra took the Mr. Underwood into a golf cart, leaving room for conversation for the remaining two.

"I want to talk to you about your new movie, James." After getting in the car, Frank. Horton finally spoke.

"Call me Jim, Frank." James. Cameron was prepared, so he gladly accepted, "Let's get straight to the point, Frank, we don't have much time." "

Frank. Holden smiled slightly, "No problem. I'm here today because I know that if there hadn't been a single surprise, the Fox gang would have pushed you to choose Kate for the support of the British theatre community. Winslet as the heroine of the new movie. "

James. Cameron was noncommittal, quietly waiting for his next big play.

Sure enough, Frank. Horton tugged at the corners of his mouth and let out a slight sneer.

"But how much can the UK box office be worth?" He looked at James. Cameron's eyes looked extremely conceited, "Their box office champion last year was 27.76 million, "Four Weddings and a Funeral", the most successful British film of all time. And how much "True Lies", which belongs to us, got? 13.64 million. You don't have to think about the exchange rate to see that the British do not welcome the great American director James . Cameron's movie, even though it was a box office bomb! "

That just said to James. Cameron's heart was set, but his expression did not change in the slightest, still the same plain appearance that was not sad or unhappy, only said: "It's a little unconvinced, but for Hollywood movies this is very common and inevitable." "

Frank. Horton's smile didn't diminish, and suddenly he said something else, "I heard that Fox is actively raising funds because one of their film projects this year has been climbing the budget. "

"What's going on? I don't know. "Big money absorber James. Cameron subconsciously touched his nose, "Everyone knows that at least the project I control is working normally, waiting for the summer release next year." "

Frank. Horton raised an eyebrow and said, "Hey, Jim, you know I'm telling you the truth, so don't use your Hollywood guys against an honest friend, okay?" "

James. Cameron still has a sincere face, apparently having already practiced an impeccable cheekiness in the circle.

But that doesn't affect anything.

Wall Street's flaws are compared to Hollywood... Only low, not high.

"You know what I want, and I know what you want." Frank. Horton looked at the lawn and river in the distance, but the voice was particularly clear to James. Cameron's ear said, "Jim, what do you think of the additional investment budget of 30 million dollars for you?" "

James. Cameron was a little excited, but only a little.

He barely opened his eyes and adjusted his sitting posture before saying, "Not great, Frank, you're not playing in Hollywood." It doesn't fit our rules of the game. "

Who knows Frank. Horton withdrew his gaze, stared at him instead, and continued, "Or, you prefer to double?" "

Sixty million dollars?

James. Cameron couldn't help but quietly slow down his breathing rhythm and widen his eyes slightly.

In fact, Fox's chairman, Peter . Che Ning had repeatedly informed James. Cameron, there is a cap to the budget that Fox can give.

This is not because Fox has no money on his books or can't find bank loans and Wall Street financing, but because they can't afford the negative consequences of a project that is too grand to fail.

Thirty years ago Elizabeth. Taylor and Richard. The huge loss caused by "Cleopatra" starring Burton made Fox on the verge of bankruptcy at that time, not only sold 263 acres of location land, but also could not reverse the financial difficulties for a while.

To this day, this once-extravagant film is still the worst box office poison Hollywood has ever lost.