
American Comics: Invasion of the Heavens, Wanda And Gwen Were Shocked

Su Xiu travels to the world of American comics, mixing the worldviews of Marvel and DC, and various villains emerge in endlessly! Terror enveloped the land, but he didn't panic at all! Because he Awakened the ‘Heaven Invasion System’, he can randomly select the natives of this world and go to other worlds to fight. Su Xiu can get a hundredfold increase in the rewards obtained by the superheroes! Iron Man was infected with the T-virus and moved toward glorious flesh-and-blood evolution. Thor Thor, armed with twelve talismans, takes on the eternal Rune King mode. Captain America waved the flag and went to sea, setting off a human rights revolution in the great maritime world and letting freedom dye the sea red. Thanos: How can peace be done this way? Original Beyonder: Warhammer Four Peddlers? O-A-A: I see a higher power! — Su Xiu: You may make a small profit, but I will never lose money! Eh eh eh? How did Spider-man become Gwen? Scarlet Witch, what are you doing here? Feilu girl! ..

Translator_makoto4 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
301 Chs

151 Solar Flare, Corona Bombardment, The Final Outcome! (Please Order The Complete Order)


Invisible energy blooms.

Terrifying nuclear heat reactions continue to erupt in the body.

The calm void around Reina thought it could not bear the power and began to ripple.

at the same time!

The two light eggs composed of brilliance also continued to collapse and condense in her hands.

Infinite brilliance intersects, like two suns rising in the sky.


"What a terrifying energy reaction!"

Tony's pupils shrank, and even as he was fighting fiercely with Magneto, he couldn't help but glance back.

The majestic energy...

The miniature nuclear reactor completely crushed his chest.

"Is this...the light of the sun?"

Wanda couldn't help but look sideways, and the terrifying high-energy reaction made her tremble with fear.


Some also looked down upon the captain who called herself the Queen of the Sun Star.

After all, Reina's previous record was not really good. She was ambushed by Taotie at the beginning, hit by the God-killing Martial, almost received a box lunch, and got GG.

But! Her current performance has completely refreshed everything.

The energy continues to collapse. Even if it has not been compressed to the limit, the power she controls is still heart-stopping. Once it explodes, Wanda feels that even if the crimson power is fully bloomed, she can only withstand one wave at most.

There was a surge in the hearts of the recruiters.

When I was shocked by this terrifying energy.

On the other side!

Rena, who was compressed to the limit, also took action.


"Taste it while it's hot!" Reina said witty words, but she didn't hesitate at all on hand.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

High-energy reactions are constantly blooming in your hands.

All nuclear energy compressed to the limit.

The real energy is comparable to two miniature suns, and the energy at the core has been completely materialized.

After doing her best, Lei did not hesitate.

A wave of both hands.

Just like throwing a shot put, one after another, the bare eggs in the hands were smashed out.


Obviously it is the Taotie main ship that occupies the sky!

17 behemoth Big Mac.

It's hard to crush with just one or two attacks.


The energy defense on his body is not such a good thing.

Pure energy constructs have always been able to affect the whole body with one move, and are most likely to be affected by chains. Previous attacks have proven that pure energy light eggs cannot destroy the energy wall of the opponent's target ship.

Therefore, Rena decisively changed her tactics, not only specifically condensing special light eggs that expanded with nuclear heat, but also changed the target from destruction and annihilation to penetration and penetration.



The egg of light crossed time and space and hit the energy wall, causing a harsh roar when it exploded.

The red sun bloomed, and the energy of the collapse poured out instantly.


But the light of the sun!

The only finished product among the three major god-making projects, and it is the main god representing energy!

The energy wall in front of her was just serving food!



A harsh roar resounded.

As the light egg hit the energy wall, light erupted.


The seemingly impenetrable barrier was suddenly dissolved into a large hole.

The Taotie main ship was firmly guarded.


Appeared in front of everyone, sharing time and space with them.

"Qiangwei, stop hesitation, do it now!"

There was a hint of anxiety in Reina's cold voice.


Next to her, Qiangwei, who was already ready to go, did not show any hesitation. While the energy wall was shrinking and healing, she directly switched time and space and rushed inside, arriving in front of the Taotie main ship, within a short distance.


She could reach out and touch the cold metal coating on the Taotie main ship.

Come to the inner space.

Without any hesitation, Qiangwei immediately mobilized the power of time and space in her body and directly opened the time and space channel.

"The Great Gorge, The Great Gorge"

"Requesting fire! Requesting fire!"

Qiangwei's voice became increasingly urgent and high-pitched. Even she couldn't help but feel nervous during the race against time.

Battle of Tianhe City!

Military Staff Control Center!

[Rose of Time and Space has entered the inner circle of Taotie's firepower]

[Requesting firepower————]

In the empty staff hall, a calm and gentle female voice sounded. It was an intelligent central control system used by the military.


"Saturation strike!"

"Saturation Strike Permitted!"

Gentle and calm responses continued to sound on the internal channel.

Follow the radio waves.

Quickly issue orders towards the center of the Juxia.

"Attention to all units, attention to all units, fire and destroy immediately!"

Dukao raised his head and stared at the large LCD screen in front of him.

The face is illuminated by fluorescent lights.

His brows were serious.

The solemn brows finally loosened a little, but quickly tightened.

the other side!

After receiving the order to go up to the peak, the Grand Canyon fleet group.

The commander showed no hesitation.

It was also at the first opportunity that they ordered the entire army to open fire. Even with the previous defeat, it did not affect their determination.


Giving military orders is your duty!



A missile burst into the air, like a message.


Countless shells shot into the sky.

The raging bombardment is like releasing Fireworks for free.

In less than a blink of an eye, it spread across the entire sky.

Hundreds of groups of forts continued to focus their fire, and various artillery shells were fired intermittently. The barrels were burned red by the overload.

"Tsk tsk~"

"Is it time for me to perform again?"

Tony smacked his lips.

The whole person suddenly became nervous.

Magneto restrained him too badly. The power of the magnetic field rotation was enough to make many machines deviate from their accuracy, but if he had the ability to focus fire and bombardment, he would definitely not intimidate anyone.

Facing Magneto, I was submissive, but facing the main ship, I struck hard?

Tony chuckled.

Directly fill up the focus fire command.

The cold mechanical sound of J.A.R.V.I.S also sounded again.

The different-dimensional mechanical army, under the control of its big data cloud platform, once again bloomed with fire.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The raging firepower is overwhelming!

Passing through Qiangwei's wormhole, he traveled through the void in a blink of an eye and arrived above the Taotie main ship.

this time!

There is no energy wall to block it.

There were no more surprises in the concentrated bombardment.

Missiles... Cannonballs... Armor-piercing bombs... Cloud blast bombs... Massive attacks passed through the wormhole and broke out on the Taotie main ship.

And the Taotie Army.

Obviously they didn't expect that someone could penetrate the energy wall and attack them directly.

The massive amount of artillery shells, Han Tian Chi Di, directly stunned them.


Main ship!

After losing the most powerful protection.

It is obviously impossible to form an effective defense just by relying on the special metal coating on the periphery.


Under the bombardment of artillery shells, explosions occurred everywhere, filling the air with acrid smoke.

With too many components being destroyed.

The main ship, whose power gradually collapsed, could no longer maintain its ferocious posture.



The shrill sound of bagpipes sounded.

The Taotie main ship began to crash downward.

"Damn it!"

"Never let it fall!"

When Tony realized that the situation was not good, his expression suddenly tightened.

Their mission!

It's not just about resisting the Taotie invasion.


In the battle of Tianhe City, protect the city as much as possible.

If such a huge main ship crashes from the sky, the impact on the city below will be absolutely devastating, no less than the direct destruction caused by a large meteorite falling to the ground, as well as the shock and impact of the chain reaction.

The damage caused was unprecedentedly huge amounts.

By then!

Even if Tianhe City is not reduced to ruins, it is probably not much better.

In addition to the damage caused by being forced to fight on the way.

Tony could already predict that the reward would be far lower than they expected.

"don't worry!"

"And I!"

Cyclops' deep voice sounded, with firm determination on his face.

Reach out and touch your forehead lightly.

Remove the scientific auxiliary equipment and completely release the super ability in the body.

[The power of laser]

The combination of super ability and A. level ability redeemed from the system, terrifying power bloomed in his eyes. Cyclops felt in a trance that he had touched an unknown dimension.


A dimension filled with countless scarlet rays of light!


Enlightenment arose in Cyclops's heart, and he quickly identified the source of these energies.

No effort on his part was required.


Grit your teeth and open the invisible door of time and space between dimensions.

There was endless laser energy pouring in from the other end, spraying out crazily along his scarlet eyes.

It's different from other people using Ability.

All Cyclops has to do is open a door.

And his eyes are just bridges, a bridge that carries energy!

Terrifying energy blooms.

It turned into a scarlet dazzling laser light and struck towards the main ship falling in the sky.


They also took action not to be outdone.

Especially Quicksilver.

This guy had already held back a lot of water in advance and raised the water bottle in his hand high.

He! He doesn't have a large-scale attack method, but that doesn't mean that he has nothing to do with this situation. The props he has been waiting for for so long are finally put to use.



The accumulated water turned into a huge wave of water and swept across it, like a floodgate opening. The terrifying impact, in terms of momentum, was not even weaker than the full force explosion of Cyclops.

The only difference is that the level of power is far inferior to that of laser energy.


Under the collective action of the recruiters.

The crisis of the main ship crashing was successfully resolved in this way.


The price is that the originally majestic interstellar battleship 247 has now turned into a tattered shape. In some places, the skeleton can be seen, and the main parts have been basically destroyed.

The main force of the target was annihilated.

Just when Tony and the others were planning to take action to clean up the nearby floating ships and end the battle as soon as possible.


[The Battle of Tianhe City Ends]

[The current main task has been successfully completed]

[Winner: Earth Branch of Super Seminary]


The long-lost mechanical sound rang in my ears.

Tony felt that the time and space around him suddenly stagnated, as if entering some kind of slow motion.

on the system panel.

Lines of golden text also popped up.

[End of main mission]

[Battle settlement in progress——]

[List refresh has been suspended————]


"Really, is it really over?"

Hawkeye murmured in a low voice, somewhat unexpected at this result.

Didn't you just kill a main ship? It seems that the Taotie Legion has not been completely eliminated. How can it be determined as a victory?


The key to the Tianhe City battle is just this main ship?

"Is the settlement bad? What else is there to think about? 11

Looking at the Avengers alliance members who were still struggling with the war situation, Quicksilver couldn't help but complain.


Is a pure pragmatist.

No matter what, as long as the system says it's over, it's over. Just follow the system master and drink soup!


"We are the final winners, what else is there to worry about?"

Quicksilver pouted.

There was a bit of joy on his face.

Thanks to his timely action, he smashed the water scoop, releasing all the water accumulated inside, and launched a fierce attack on the crashed main ship in the sky. At the last moment, he scored a point.


If the meritorious service is calculated according to the preservation of Tianhe City.

Then he will definitely get a lot of rewards for his brilliant strokes. He is serious about fishing in troubled waters!

Just as Quicksilver was thinking secretly, he smiled as if he had succeeded in stealing the chicken.


The familiar mechanical sound finally sounded again.

The cold tone, to Quicksilver, is no less than the sound of nature.


[List settlement completed]

[Congratulations to the recruiter Quicksilver, ranking fifth on the list

[Because the recruiter's camp won the victory, Kamigawa War Armor version 2.0 has removed restrictions and can be used freely]

[The remaining rewards are being calculated...].