
Am I going insane?

Bow, lesser mortal, and behold the vast chasm that separates us. Your feeble existence pales in comparison to my power. I am the darkness that engulfs you, the one who towers above your insignificance.

kingshideaterIV · อื่นๆ
4 Chs

am I actually insane?

<p><br/> <br/> Once upon a time, in a small fishing town, there lived a man named Tom. He was known as the town's biggest fisherman and had a reputation for catching the largest and most unusual fish.<br/><br/>One day, while strolling by the docks, Tom saw a group of dead fish floating on the surface of the water. He couldn't believe his eyes and burst out laughing. "Look at these silly creatures, imagine dying in the water. Ha!" he exclaimed, unable to control his laughter.<br/><br/>But little did Tom know, these dead fish were no ordinary creatures. They were cursed by an ancient mermaid who was seeking revenge on the town for destroying her home. The mermaid's curse caused the dead fish to come back to life and seek revenge on anyone who mocked them.<br/><br/>As Tom continued to laugh, the dead fish suddenly started to move and swim towards him. Tom's laughter turned into screams as the fish surrounded him, their lifeless eyes staring at him with malice. "What's happening?" Tom cried out in horror.<br/><br/>But then, in a bizarre turn of events, one of the fish started to dance and sing a silly song. The other fish joined in, creating a comical scene that made Tom burst out laughing again. "This can't be real, I must be dreaming," he thought to himself.<br/><br/>But as the laughter died down, the fish's expressions turned sinister once again. They started to chase Tom, who was now running for his life. He could hear their eerie laughter echoing through the empty streets as they closed in on him.<br/><br/>Just when Tom thought it was the end, he stumbled upon a bucket of water nearby. Without thinking, he threw the water at the fish, and to his surprise, they immediately turned back into lifeless creatures.<br/><br/>Panting and out of breath, Tom looked around and saw that the town was back to its normal state. He couldn't believe what had just happened and quickly made his way back to his home, vowing never to laugh at dead fish again.<br/><br/>From that day on, Tom learned to respect all creatures, dead or alive, and never mocked them again. But every now and then, he couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of those silly, yet terrifying fish.</p>