
Am I even an Extra Character?

"I got sucked in an academy like game?" That was the message that was in front of me in a holographic view, normally I would be happy but. "I don't even know the story!"

AquaFan · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Absolutely Smashing

"Hey Old Man."

[ Stop calling me Old Man. ]

"Then turn into a sexy busty female."

[ No. ]

"Guess I'll call you Old Man."

[ I have a name you know. ]

"I don't care."

[ If I turn into a sexy busty female will you call me by my name? ]

"I changed my mind, stay as an Old Man, do you understand Vargon the last dragon?"

[ ... ]

"Good, You are formless right? You can either be any weapon so long as I have the Mana to maintain you externally?"

[ Yes, but I've always maintained myself to be a sword because that's what everyone likes apparently even when I hinted at them that I was formless. ]

"I thought you were just a sword too."

[ Wait you mean you didn't know I could change form? ]


[ You just guessed? ]


[ ... ]

"Well anyway Vargon I just guessed since if you were just a sword you would have stayed as a sword and not as a tattoo that I have to cover."

[ What would you like me to do. ]

"Do I have to tell you what weapon I'd like you to become."

[ Not necessarily you just have to send me a thought and I'd know instantly. ]

"Then can you cover my entire body like an armor?"

[ I could but you would need an extrem- right I forgot you have divine power as well, then it is entirely possible for how long I don't know. ]

"That's good enough for me."

[ But don't forget, I too have my limits. ]

"I know and I have to break my limits"

[ That's the real hard part. ]

"Time and money will take care of that, thanks for informing me Old Man Vargon."

[ Pathetic Kid. ]

With that Vargon left me as we had conversed in my room, it was just a guess since I felt it earlier that he wasn't just a sword, I then took a glove and placed it on my hand to hide the tattoo, though no one has noticed I don't want others to notice

It's a new day, today will be sparring class, the most anticipated of all the students, I do dislike this part since there are ranks assigned already but its such a hassle to go through.

As I was going Joo-hyun was already there, no talk was needed as we immediately proceeded to the cafeteria, no small talk was needed, as we sat down a few minutes in the trio of Mino, Eunbi and Soobin joined in.

The three of them just greeted us and I greeted them back, Joo-hyun on the other hand just looked at them and nodded, an improvement I guess, I just listened and nodded at their words.

And perhaps as planned Joo-hyun went first and I followed after, but unlike yesterday, the three of them followed us immediately as well.

'Are we a clique now!?'

I just shook my head, we then went to the classroom and waited, and what awaited us there was an announcement that once everybody had gathered we were to go to the arena for the practical lessons.

"We should just go."

"But the instructions?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess."

"Let's go then."

I immediately stood up and this time Joo-hyun followed after me, with the two of us leaving everyone followed behind, but I'm not sure if everyone was here though?

Eventually when we arrived Professor Eunkyung was there.

"Alright everyone go change your clothes over there, your standard academy issued training clothes will be on the assigned locked based on your ranking, of course male and female are separated."

As we all went to change into our academy issued training clothes that were to be distributed today, I just stood there in place, in fact I received mine ahead of time when I first moved into my suite.

And I now know how to use the watch my father gave me effectively.

"What are you doing Student Sunwoo."

"Just changing my clothes."

As the Hologram on the watch appeared, I selected the clothes and they immediately appeared on my body, to Professor Eunkyung she nodded to the other who haven't left yet they were amazed.

"So this this is what I heard the Yoo Company was working on."

"Yes, currently its a one of one."

"Oh, well I have a suggestion."

"What is it professor?"

"Are you prepared to take on everyone in the class?"


"I'll give you more points."


"I'll excuse you for a week."

"I just want to have a normal practice."




After ten more minutes of waiting everyone was already back, Joo-hyun stood next to me, Professor Eunkyung nodded and began counting.

"First Pair, Yoo Sunwoo and Jung Joo-hyun."

We immediately stood there and waited, Joo-hyun had the academy's uniform along with the others, she had daggers on her waist and tied up her hair.

"Next pair, congratulations on facing the number one ranked student and the seventh ranked student."

Everyone heard our ranks, it wasn't a surprise that Joo-hyun was on the lower side since her skills mostly focused on supporting.

"Kang Mino and your pair Han Seungwoo."

Mino gulped, he had a giant sword or claymore and his partner Han Seungwoo had a bow and arrow, they immediately stood on the other side.

Seungwoo looked like a generic background character, well there were no notable features other than his hair was black and he had an average build but he did look agile.

"Your weapons ready them."

Normally I would have used a sword but let's fool everyone that I use a spear, using Vargon a red spear, that somehow looked like a trident.

A lot of murmurs then began as it materialized on my right hand.

[ A Majestic appearance for a majestic being. ]

'I wanted a spear not a trident.'

[ Three tips is better than one ]


"Sunwoo, what shall we do."

"You're the support and mastermind between us you decide."

"It looks like this is just a standard spar, the professor does not want to simulate an environment, in this case its best for you to go alone while I remain alone here and not be a nuisance."

"Good call."

I immediately stood closer to the center while the Mino and his partner that I'll soon forget came as well.

"What about student Joo-hyun?"

"It's a strategy."

"Alright shake hands and move a few feet after then once the timer ends above the board you can start."


We then moved back, I looked around, this arena was big, something like a how a football stadium would be like but three to four times bigger due to the fact that this place held battles constantly.

When the timer hit zero, none of us moved, we all just stood there because.

"We give up."

The two of them said at the same time as they laid their weapons on the ground, I then immediately went down the arena, Joo-hyun immediately followed.

"That was anti-climactic, moving on."

Before the Professor could continue, a guy raised his hand, he had silver hair, he looked rough, well to be precise he looked liked a thug with a scar on his cheek.

"I'd like to battle him, him getting top one is suspicious and baseless in my eyes, I've seen everyone's battle during the assessments here but not him."

"Our ranks were given to use fairly under the assessment of the professors of the academy, I'm sure Sunwoo was assessed properly."

Oh it looks like this guy should be Soobin's rival or something, and what did I do to piss him off?

Professor Eunkyung looked at me and I nodded

"Alright I accept."

"I thought you were hiding behind your boyfriend."

Before Soobin could say anything, I sized the guy up, I looked at his nameplate

Han Taehyun, I'll make this brat pay.