
Ch 2: isn’t that a portal from sci-fi movies?

As the timer was reaching 0

I thought the world was going to end and I would die having

Accomplished nothing.

But what was this,


After reaching 0 the timer vanished.

And a message popped up where the clock was,

Which said:

[congratulation tower download is complete]

'What the actual f**k!'

The news anchors were lost for words.

I mean how would they even describe this situation,

First the timer and now this message what did this all mean.

What tower!?

What download!?

All of us had the same doubt.

And it was then,

The BB started splitting apart,

No, looking closely it wasn't splitting apart but it started reorganizing itself.

It slowly but surely formed a ring like structure

Which could be seen from the ground without any zoom camera or telescope

It was humongous.

Then a sparkling blue light started filling it.

People couldn't process what was happening then some guy on the internet said:

"Doesn't it look like a portal, like in those sci-fi movies."

Well, we were about to find out,

As some sort of wind started coming out from that portal(?)

It was like a wave of energy which distorted the balance of earth,

And the whole earth had an earthquake of a high magnitude.

And then again something else started coming out of there which looked like

A base of a building which from the huge base and those unknown messages looked like a tower and it was heading down to earth from the portal,

Location was somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

As it was trying to settle down

The base transformed into a large drill and

started spinning making a hole to settle in,

the tower made its place in the earth.

As it sank down it didn't look as large as it first was,

The tower now looked like a flat island in Pacific Ocean.

Now the portal which was previously a black ball

And now a ring,

Started Projecting messages one after another,

[tower transfer and attachment complete]

[integrating the earth and the TOWER]




[integration complete]

[TOWER OS installation complete]

[sending invites to potential challengers]

Then it suddenly disappeared with a flash.

And what I saw in front of me was a game like system screen.

Which said:

[congratulations you have chosen]

[would you like to enter the tower]


Surprised I asked my father if he can also see this weird screen,

But in reply he said

"My son, have you finally gone insane after witnessing all this?"

'So only I can see this.'


After the disappearance of the portal

World was still in chaos as a lot happened in the last 24 hours.

Which couldn't be explained with human logic.

After recovering a bit from shock, the news channels

Started reporting again about situation even though they didn't really knew what was going on

"We will be trying our best to find the cause and reason of disappearance of the portal and what's that tower,

Until then please stay in your house and...….."

the reporters became startled at the sudden surge of reports.

After Trying to get his mind together, he spoke.

"Citizens we have received numerous reports of people disappearing after witnessing hallucinations of a game like invitations we advise you to immediately contact emergency services if see such hallucinations."

"I repeat if you see any type of hallucinations, please contact emergency units."

{current num. of missing people: ~17686}


As I watched the news, I thought to myself

'isn't it like the story of that manhwa I read not long ago.'

'Where the mc gets transferred to a tower and then becomes too overpowered.'

'Well, he was alone but, in my case, it looks like a lot of people got the message.'

'I mean isn't 17000 a bit too much for isekai standards.'

'And why would they accept the notification right away'

'We don't even know what's on that side'

'What should I do, it can go 2 ways if I accept it

1= I become too op and badass

2=I get shit scared after going there and then I don't find shelter and food

And die of either starvation or get eaten by something.'

'And as weak as I am of right now the option 2 has a greater chance of happening'

After watching and reading so much anime and manga

I thought of many possibilities of what would happen after I enter

The tower.

and in those possibilities a chance of me surviving were pretty low.

I thought for a while and made my decision.


meanwhile num. of missing people went up.

{people missing: 19999}


I told my parents

"I'm going to work somewhere and live alone, Don't look for me."

i thought they would hug me and cry but to my surprise my mother replied

"Do whatever you want but come home once in a while."

And my father said.

"You aren't going to sell drugs, right?"

these weren't the reactions i was expecting but it is good that it went this way.

before going they gave me some money, 100USD to be exact

'huh that's all i get, well whatever'

As it could be the last time I see my parents, I gave them a hug.

My eyes shed te…I mean sweat came out of my eyes again.

I packed bags to make my lie look a bit real.

Here I was at the door of the house I grew up in.

My plan was to get to some shady alley and then accept the invitation.

So, as I was about to leave.

A girl living in the neighborhood who looked very beautiful and happened to be my old high school classmate came up to me

And spoke

"I know it's a bit sudden as the world can end any minute now but I had to say something."

"Ok… but be quick I have to be somewhere."

"Well, I kind of have a crush on you, would you go out with me."

"Ok is that all" I said and walked a few steps and then I realized what had she said.


'Wait a minute did she just ask me out, this beautiful girl asked me out

It's a dream right.'

At that time the portal and tower looked more real to me than a girl asking me out.

"ahm could you repeat what you just said."

"Eh… oh I'm asking if you will go out with me"

'I didn't hear it wrong she did ask me out.'

'Going to the tower? becoming strong? who am I kidding,

What am I a main character? I should just stay here and live my life'

'Tower can wait I can go later or maybe I shouldn't go at all'

'Yeah, what was I thinking, doing this? f**k tower I'm staying'

"So do you accept my proposal or not?"

"Heck yeah I accept"


And the scene before my eyes changed

The open street before me changed into a dark shady hall with huge pillars

The beautiful girl before me changed into what appeared to be a Goblin in a suit.

And then the goblin spoke

"Welcome to the tower CHALLENGER, would you like to practice first or challenge the tower right away"

He asked me a very important question but

I was lost in thought as my plan got f**ked

My plan now went sideways

'I got transferred right in front of my house'

'What would my mother and father think'

'and that girl.....'




{people missing: 20000}


[Ch. 2 ~fin~]