2 Of course the year

(What did I name her again? Oh right, Taiela)

(Wait for the next chapter it will be more interesting this chapter is basically Taiela overtook the school with popularity and a bit of brute force vortexs/wormholes opened up in various locations swallowing people the apocalypse started Taiela and friends what's their faces where close enough to be drawn in Taiela will be Rayas for the next few chapters get used to the MCs name changing bleeerrrggghh i just cannot stand this portion of the story) Taiela's name spread through out her years which gained many admirers before she could help everyone believed she had powers and crowned her queen. Her attitude made most in her year believe she was simply short for her age and with this perceived power she gained three close friends(you know Duke someone and other person I've take to long thx for reading even with my nonsense)

They gathered around her table regularly so eventually she invited them to her home. Quickly they became friends. Of course (... what was her name??) hmmm ( right sui-Lin and Luana) Luana challenged Taiela to a duel which she promptly lost because she also allowed Taiela's use of her superpowers.( to young for anything interesting let's time skip and bring back the fantasy😒 I am really not living up to the name sorry😅😓) with Luanas training she became extremely capable in physical combat and effectively took over her school anyone who see her and went to school with her regarded Taiela as their leader to an extent. (Now to the proper... going to insert ([=A, #=B,{=C,}=D,]=E,%=F,^=G,*=H,+=I,_=J,\=K,|=L,~=M,<=N,>=O,€=P,£=A,¥=R,•=S,$=T,&=U,3=V, 4= W, 5 =X, 6 = Y, 7= Z) yay okay so now on to the proper %&{\+<^ story! This is like a big prologue explaining her future army also the aforementioned symbol system will be used in the next chapter)

Strangely enough there started to be just open holes in the sky 🌌 until they descend upon the ground and swallowed up people. The government was just doing its best not to let this situation be discovered previously it did not go well.

Immediately the military strikes back unfortunately a real apocalypse started(Yay i %&{\+<^ love apocalypse series though this is more popular it is going to an apocalyptic series where the MC will be changing throughout the story like next chapter the MC is Rayas this MC is telekinetic and remember the doors cause that is like my best chapter) Zombies and all manner of supernatural creatures spewed forth from the vortex's and just when they thought humanity would come to its end people developed powers( shameless plugin: unlike my other series this won't be as brutally built society wise) though having powers became less strange Taiela hid hers till she was fifteen until she and her friend were sucked into a wormhole.( FYI we will come back to this world and make use of the allies in it)
