
Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Alex, a young man with ambition but unfortunate life. He grew up as an orphan and from a very young age, learned to stand on his own feet. Barely making a living by searching through the dumpsite for things that could be sold. One day, when he came back home from the dumpsite, Alex decided to rest on the new sofa that he got from the dumpsite just the other day. But unexpectedly something magical happened to him. A stone inlaid on the sofa suddenly brought him to an alternate dimension! And there, Alex rise started, controlling the luck of the world. Everything runs through his favor. Whenever a problem comes up, it gets solve unknowingly. When he lacks money, gold suddenly fell down from the sky. Opening a treasure chest will always give great rewards. Lottery is nonsense, he will win no matter what. When a strong monster is about to kill him, it will trip on a rock and have its head explode, dying by itself. That's how against the sky he is! From then on, Alex became known as 'Fortune', the one who controls luck!

YouthGod · แฟนตาซี
259 Chs

Mutated Dungeon Master Core

"Would you like some skewers, kid?"

Hearing the question of the vendor, Alex nodded his head while his eyes didn't get away from the meat in the grill.

"Good, this is very cheap, only 12 bronze coins." The vendor happily said.

Alex finally turned his eyes away from the grill and looked at the vendor.

Scratching his head, Alex said, "Bronze coins? I don't think I ha–"

As he was speaking, Alex suddenly paused.

The reason for that is, out of nowhere, two transparent screens appeared in front of his eyes.

With just a glance Alex understood what it was.

"So this is an inventory and the other one is my personal stats?" Alex said, touching his chin thoughtfully.

That's right, the screen that appeared in front of Alex is the character inventory and character info screens.

Just like in games, the inventory is a 10 by 10 grid and each slot in the inventory can hold 99 of the same item.

Then, at the top of the inventory is where his money can be seen.

Right now, there's 1 Gold coin, 1 Silver coin, and 10 Bronze coins in it.

On the other hand, the character info screen shows the equipment Alex currently has, the amount of money that he has, and of course, his character attributes.

"Well, let's take a look at my character first."

Saying that, Alex turned around and walked away from the skewer stall.

"Boy, where are you going? Aren't you gonna buy skewers? Boy, boy!"

Behind him, the vendor called out to him a few times but Alex seems to not have heard any of it.

Leaving the skewer stall, Alex walked to a bench near the fountain called the fountain of cupid by some of the couples nearby.

Without paying attention to the couples acting lovey dovey near him, Alex thoughtfully looked at his inventory.

"I wonder what this is."

Alex muttered as he look at the only item that is in his inventory.

When the screens appeared earlier, Alex immediately noticed that in his inventory, there was actually an item that he didn't know about.

It appears to be a black rock in a square shape.

Curious, Alex took out the item from his inventory with his thoughts.

The next moment, the black rock disappeared from his inventory and appeared on his hand.

Looking at it curiously, Alex said, "Hmm, I wonder what this is, it looks familiar but I can't remember where I saw it."

When Alex tried to look at the item description, there was only one line there that says,

[Put a drop of blood to view information.]

Alex found it weird.

"Why is it that even viewing the item's info needs something like a drop of blood?"

In the end, Alex still decided to do as the item says.

He bit the tip of his finger and squeezed a drop of blood onto the black rock.

Like a sponge, the black rock absorbed the blood.

The next moment, the black rock shone with dim light and started floating slowly.

Without waiting for Alex to react, the black rock suddenly flew towards him and went through his forehead!

The light on Alex's eyes seemed to dim at this time and he fell into a daze.

Inside his head, some information that Alex did not know before appeared out of nowhere.

After almost an hour passed, Alex finally regained his consciousness.

Alex blinked a few times before a word came out of his mouth.


Holding a skewer on his hand that he bought with the money he found in his inventory, Alex walked around the town while thinking about the information he got from the black rock earlier.

"So that is to say, this place I am in right now is a world called Altera in a dimension different from the one my Earth was in." Muttering that, Alex let out a helpless sigh at the bizarre situation he found himself in.

"All of this because of that black rock, huh…"

The black rock, which Alex's learned to be called, [Dungeon Master's Core], is actually a very important part of a Dungeon Master.

In this world of Altera, Dungeons exist where danger and riches come hand in hand.

Dungeons are full of dangerous monsters and a lot of people die inside these dungeons daily.

But even though it is dangerous, there are still a lot of people who enter dungeons on a regular basis all because of the promise riches inside the dungeon.

Just like land and houses, dungeons also have their own owners.

And those owners are called 'Dungeon Masters'!

The number of Dungeon Masters are very few and can be counted in two hands.

That is because of the [Dungeon Master's Core].

[Dungeon Master's Core] is an item borne by the universe to pick someone worthy of becoming a Dungeon Master and fused with them.

Once fused, there's no more going back.

Just like what happened to Alex.

"The Dungeon Master's Core that fused with me is a mutated one." Alex said, "I just hope it's not a bad thing." 

Alex sighed and opened his status panel.

[Name: Zero]

[Class: Assassin > Dungeon Master]

[Level: 1]

[Talent: Fortune's Embodiment]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 100/100]

[Strength: 10]

[Constitution: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Charisma: 10]

Looking at his own character panel, Alex fell into contemplation.

While touching his chin, Alex glanced at the new class he got before his eyes moved to the talent section.

"It's great that I have talent. Based on the information that I got earlier, there's only a few people with talent in this world."

"For me to have one as well, I'm quite lucky!" Alex said with a smile.

Looking at his talent, Alex focused his eyes on it to see more details.

[Fortune's Embodiment]

[Rank: S (Growth)]

[Introduction: You are not lucky, you're fortune itself. You bring luck to those you like and misfortune to those you hate. Fortune is under your control.]

[Details: Use Luck Points to enter 'Fortune' state and things will always be in your favor.]

[Luck Points: 100]

Alex read the description of his talent but didn't get much information.

But when he saw the rank of his own talent, even Alex wasn't able to remain calm.

Unconsciously, he blurted, "I have an S rank talent!?"

Just when he said that, he immediately noticed that the people around looked at him weirdly.

Realizing his mistake, Alex looked at them embarrassedly before running off somewhere.