
New Beginning or Tragic Start


That was the last thing I heard before I left the range of linking capabilities. I shouldn't have left Augustus back there alone, but I know what happens if we both got caught. I shutter and land a few miles north of where we were. Shifting to normal I frown noticing a small burn on my shoulder. Fixing my shirt, I cover it, while walking forward. To kill my boredom I speak to my dragon on what to do next.

'We need a shelter before we do anything else.'

'That is right. I can not sense any nearby, although, there seems there are creatures ahead. I feel no threat from them.'

I frown slightly and look towards a cluttered area of trees. I can see a glimpse of a cabin between the thicket.

'Is it really best to trust a place so close to where we were attacked?'

Glacier sighs softly before growling. 'The boy'

looking up I see the man from before. He stomps over branches and leaves as if they were nothing, yet I hear no sound from a single foot fall. I watch as he makes a beeline to the cabin ahead of me. Softly growling I follow him. "Hey, you."

He jumps slightly and darkly growls looking at me. I notice claws extend from his hand and glance at them curiously. His body remains tense as I storm closer. It was his fault we got caught. If he wouldn't have attacked Augustus while we tried crossing we would've been out of here by now. I growl softly as I shove him backwards roughly.

"Because of you, they took him. If you would've just let us through-"

I get caught off as he pins me by my throat. I can feel his nails scrap my tender flesh as he presses down slowly. His body is extremely hot compared to mine, it's uncomfortable. I kick him in the stomach. The only reaction he gives is applying more pressure cutting my airway completely. I claw at his hand glaring at him. Suddenly he speaks, "If you dumb-ass lizards would've payed closer attention to what's around you, there wouldn't be a problem. Don't blame me for your stupidity and lack of attention."

His voice was dark, a growl clearly laced within his word. He glares at me sending a shiver down my spine. His aura was raging with anger and danger. I lay still shaking slightly. He smirks at my reaction. It becomes harder to breathe and I struggle to keep my eyes open.

"Caesar let's go. She doesn't like it when we're late."

The man above me, who I suppose is named Caesar, stands reluctantly. I cough and curl into my self greedily gathering the air my lungs screamed for so badly. I glance to the man above me who watches, his eyes holding a look of amusement and something I haven't seen before, something.. darker, almost menacing.

"Come on Caesar, bring her if you want. We can't waste any more time."

Caesar smiles at the sound. My eyes go wide and quickly sit up still panting. I notice a younger and shorter boy behind him. They look exactly alike aside from their heights. Standing I make a run for it but am grabbed by the back of my neck and forced to the ground once more. A dark menacing growl coming from behind me. "Bad choice kid."

I growl and kick at him trying to get him off but his claws dig into my neck making me whine in pain. He growls lowly and forces me to stand by yanking me up. My hair getting caught in the mix despite it being held up high. He yanks roughly pulling my hair with a tug. I whine and lean towards him to get some form of release and pressure.

"Move it lizard"

I growls softly at him as he shoves me forward. Stumbling I stop and stare at the smaller male with a glare. He watches me with no emotion upon his face or in his eyes. I glance around for any possible escape route.

'It would be much easier if we were able to shift again.' Glacier says to me.

I frown 'You know we can't Glacier..We'll get out of this. Just be patient okay?'

She growls softly at me as I look around again. The taller male, Caesar walks to the cabin and grabs a bag before throwing it over his shoulder. The younger male does the same leaving me alone. I watch them as I slowly step back, neither one paying any mind to me.

'This is too easy Akiera, Do not let your guard down. I don't trust their scents'

I turn and quickly run for it only for my body to not move. I look down trying to move but nothing does. I growl softly as the younger male picks me up. He holds his fingers above a spot behind me ear and growls darkly, yet not as menacing as his twin. "You're just making it worse for yourself."

I go quiet tensing. "Now stop causing problems before you regret it more than you do now."

I glance at him growling slightly. His eyes watching me as if daring me to move again. When I don't he smirks and let's go removing his hands from me. "Good girl."

I growl softly at him before glaring at him and his twin. "Max, let's go. Now."

The man next to me, max, looks to his brother before yanking my hand and throwing me on to his shoulder. I growl and kick at him only for him to dig his nails into my thigh. Wincing I stop and glare at him. With a soft growl I stop moving and speak to Glacier.

'What the hell did I do to deserve this..'

' You decided to confront a man I have been trying to warn you about. You are alone for this Akiera. I can no long assist you.'

I frown and look over Max's shoulder. A portal has opened ahead of us. I tense and claw Max. I've never been through a portal before. I watch as Max glances to me and smiles. He retracts his claws from my thigh and links to me. His voice low yet seemingly comfortable

'Don't move and you'll be okay. It's not that bad.'

I frown not knowing if I can trust him but having nothing else to do I obey what he says. With that we walk through and my world goes black.