
Alpha Culinary Love

In a world where omegas are at the top of the social hierarchy, Lee Jiyeon, a female chef from the 21st century, finds herself transmigrated into the body of a poor Alpha girl in a world ruled by omegaverse dynamics. Upon awakening, Jiyeon discovers she has not only inherited the Alpha body but also a marriage contract with the tyrant Yura, making matters more complicated. In this new world, Jiyeon's culinary skills are not just a passion but a valuable asset. She gains a Culinary System that helps her rise from rags to riches.

popo9074 · LGBT+
162 Chs

My first quest

At that moment, just as I finished signing the marriage contract, a notification from the system appeared before me.

[Congratulations, host. Your marriage contract has been successfully completed. As per the terms of the contract, you are now married to Yura,] the notification read.

Yura. So that was her name. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of spending the rest of my life bound to someone I barely knew.

But before I could dwell on it further, the system continued.

[In addition to the marriage contract, you have also unlocked the Culinary System. This system will assist you in honing your culinary skills and navigating this new world. Good luck, host.]

With that, the notification disappeared, leaving me to grapple with the reality of my situation. Married to a woman I barely knew, in a world I didn't understand, with nothing but my culinary skills to guide me.

After I signed the paper, Yura took my hand and led me out of the restaurant. She escorted me into a waiting luxury car, and we drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau. There was a small queue, and we waited for a few minutes before our turn came.

The procedures went by in a blur, and before I knew it, we were standing in front of an official, exchanging vows. In just a few seconds, we were married by law.

As the realization sank in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. Was this really happening? Had I just married someone I barely knew in a world I didn't understand?

But there was no time to dwell on it. Yura was already leading me out of the bureau and back into the waiting car.

As we sat in the car, Yura turned to me, her expression unreadable. 

"I think it's best if we lay down some ground rules," she said, her voice cool and composed.

"Our marriage is a contract, valid for four years. After that, we will divorce. During this time, we will live separately, each in our own rooms. I will provide you with one million each month for your expenses. We will act like a couple in public, but at home, we will be strangers. You are not to interfere with my life in any way. I don't care what you do, as long as you don't get involved with anyone else or cheat on me."

I was taken aback by her blunt honesty, but at least now I knew where I stood. It was strange, to say the least, but it was better than the uncertainty I had been feeling.

"Okay," I said, nodding. "I understand."

Yura nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response.

"From today onwards, you will be living with me," she continued, her tone leaving no room for argument.

As the car pulled up to a large, imposing mansion, I couldn't help but wonder what other surprises this new life had in store for me. 

As we entered the mansion, I was struck by its grandeur. The marble floors gleamed under the soft glow of the chandeliers, and the air was filled with the scent of expensive perfume.

Yura led me through the vast corridors until we reached a set of double doors. She pushed them open, revealing a spacious living room decorated in a modern minimalist style.

"This will be your room," she said, gesturing towards a door at the end of the hallway. "You can make yourself at home here."

I nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This was all so new to me, and I couldn't help but wonder how I would adjust to this strange new life.

"Thank you," I said, offering her a small smile.

Yura nodded, her expression unreadable.

"I'll have someone bring your things up," she said before turning and walking away.

I lay down on the bed, feeling the weight of the day's events finally catching up to me. With a sigh, I closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

"System," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Instantly, the familiar notification appeared before me.

"Welcome back, host. How can I assist you?" the system's voice rang out.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts.

"Can you explain everything to me again? How did I die? Why am I here? And who is Yura?" I asked, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

The system remained silent for a moment before responding.

[Host, you died in your previous world due to a tragic accident. As for why you are here, I have reincarnated you into this world as part of a special program. As for Yura, she is your contracted partner for the duration of your stay in this world. She is an Omega woman, a cold CEO, very rich, and you are lucky to have been able to marry her.]

"What? Omega, you mean like in those omegaverse novels? And what am I then?" I asked, surprised.

[Yes, exactly,] the system confirmed. [In this world, omegas are at the top of the social hierarchy, followed by alphas like yourself, and then betas. As for your role, you are also an alpha.]

I took a moment to process this information. Omegaverse dynamics? Contracted partner? It all sounded like something out of a fantasy novel.

"So, what exactly is my role as an alpha in this world?" I asked, feeling a sense of unease creeping over me.

[As an alpha, you still hold a position of power and influence, and your primary role is to impregnate omega individuals. However, alphas are extremely rare, and there are more omegas in this world. Alphas are seen as tools for human reproduction. Surprisingly, people prefer being omega over alpha,] the system explained. [Your marriage to Yura is part of the program to help you navigate this world and gain a better understanding of its dynamics.]

I frowned, feeling a sense of frustration building within me. None of this made any sense. How was I supposed to navigate this new world when I barely understood the rules?

"And what about my culinary skills?" I asked, remembering the Culinary System the notification had mentioned earlier.

[Your culinary skills are still a valuable asset in this world,] the system confirmed. [With the Culinary System, you will be able to hone your skills even further and use them to your advantage.]

I sighed, feeling slightly reassured but still overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

[A new mission is available: Cook dinner for your wife. Rewards: A restaurant, +5 favorability with Yura]