
Alpha's Pregnant Omega

After living in hellish prison for 16 years, you're finally rescued. But what do you do when you soon realize that there is now a thread, a connection to the warden you've escaped from? BLURB: He could clearly see the way the water droplets ran down her back. The brown curls, almost black due to being wet, stuck to it, gave such an alluring contrast to her skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She turned, causing her ample breast to come into view. A single droplet hung precariously from a pebbled nipple. Was his eyesight always this sharp? It appeared like a pearl, begging to be licked away. He groaned as he could almost taste the cool freshness on his tongue before it was replaced with the heat of her flushed skin. Unzipping his jeans caused his member spring forth, drenched in the constant precum that flowed. Just the thought of sucking on her breast made him groan in frustrated desperation. He buried his face between the fleshly orbs. Biting and licking, he was pleased to see his marks on her skin. A fierce desire to possess came over him and even his wolf growled at the feeling. How is it that she smells even better that the soap she just used? Other Omegas used the same kind, yet their smell would cause his stomach to feel upset. Inhaling again, he pinning her against a tree. The same tree he was hiding behind before. Lifting her up, he devoured her lips while wrapping her long legs around his waist. Slightly bending his knees, he entered her in one deep thrust. She was hot and tight. So tight that if it wasn't for her juices, he wouldn't be able to move. Gripping himself tighter, his imagination became wild. Just thinking about her breathy moans or her screams of pleasure caused a shudder to pass through him as he came into the tissue he had thoughtfully grabbed. Why, why not just take what he so obviously wants? What's stopping him? If it were anyone else, he would have slacked his lust, had some fun, and moved on. The fact that this question ran through his mind without an answer was the reason for his pain.

Kelenne · สมัยใหม่
83 Chs

Chapter 36

When Trishann heard those words, her heart began to race even as sweat broke out on her brow. Was it cancer, or another tragic disease? Both Dr. Lorenzo and Nicole had strange looks on their faces. They seemed to be more wary of Bradley's response than her, the patient. It didn't help when Bradley growled for them to "spit it out already."

Taking a deep breath, Lorenzo began his clinic evaluation and conclusion. "We were well aware of Trishanna's health when she arrived. Her health has improved greatly thanks to regular meals and the supplements I recommend. She even managed to gain a bit of weight, bringing her BMI to a healthy level." Bradley nodded. Even he saw how much better she's become. "We ran tests on her blood. So far everything is within the normal range."

"Thank goodness," Bradley said while kissing Trishanna's hair. "But if everything is alright, what caused her to get sick just now?" Lorenzo glanced at his wife. He wasn't sure how his Alpha would take what he is about to share, but as a doctor, he knew it was important for both of them to know. Taking a deep breath, he could feel Nicole's love and encouragement flowing through their bond. "Well, the thing is that we ran a full blood test on Trishanna, and there was one thing that stood out. Her estrogen levels are higher, and we also found hCG as well."

"What does that mean? Is it something bad?" Bradley was beginning to worry again and he held Trishanna closer as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he didn't. "Actually Alpha, this is a good thing for the Luna. It shows that the fetus is developing normally." Trishanna was at first shocked, then confused. "What do you mean by a fetus? Is it what I think it is?" Bradley looked between Lorenzo, Nicole, and Trishanna. He felt like he was the only one not following along. "Lorenzo, can you speak in English, please."

Nicole sensing the distress her mate was in, stepped to Bradley. "What my adorable and dorky mate is trying to say, and failing miserably, is that your Luna is having a baby." It took a while for that to sink in. Trishanna was the first to understand what they were saying, and soon tears streaked down her face. Her sobbing grew and that shook Bradley out of the shock he was in. His Luna was expecting a pup, one that he had no part in creating. A swirl of emotions raced through him. How? When? Who?... No, he knows exactly who. His wolf was growling in his mind, demanding blood, but the sound of Trishanna's sobs brought him to the present. Cradling her in his arms, he wasn't even aware that Lorenzo and Nicole slipped out to give them a chance to talk.

Trishanna was devastated. It was like she was now living a continuation of her nightmare. She buried her face in Bradley's chest, desperately needing his comfort while afraid that it would be for the last time. I mean, who would want a knocked-up, orphaned omega? She wished that she could have linked Sammy as she was sure that they would be sent packing that same day. But, would he go with her? It looked like he found someone special and she would be cruel to separate them now since it's not his problem. Taking one last whiff of Bradley's scent. Trishanna squared her shoulders. Maybe she could humble herself and return to Bloodmoon but the thought made her stomach upset. It was time to face the man holding her so tenderly and say goodbye.

Bradley comforted Trishanna as best as he could. His mind swirled with thoughts that he couldn't even begin to sort, but one thing he knew for sure was that it didn't change his feelings or desire to make Trishanna his Luna. Feeling her inhale deeply, he knew that it was going to be an intense conversation. Trishanna pulled away, and he wiped the last few tears from her cheeks. Just as he was about to reassure her, she beat him to the punch.

"Alpha Bradley, I'm so sorry that this happened. I really had no idea, or else I would not have rejected my last pack. Thank you for your time and for allowing me to stay but I guess I should return back to Bloodmoon. I could only hope that Alpha James takes me back. I just hope that if my friend wishes to stay you allow him. Once again thank you." At first, Bradley was so shocked by what he heard, that Trishanna was able to escape from his limp embrace and hopped off the bed, heading for the door. The sound of the lock turning jolted him and with three long strides, he slammed the door shut before she could escape.

Pinning her front to the cold metal, he tried to calm his wolf by taking in her scent, but now he was livid for another reason. How dare his mate tried to leave him, and on top of that, to return to that jerk. He wrested control from his human counterpart and spun Trishanna around. Pressing his body against hers, he wrapped one hand around her neck. Using his thumb, he forced her to look at him. "Mine," he growled. "You are my mate, my Luna, and because of this you are carrying MY pup." Trishanna's eyes grew wide at his declaration. "You need to be punished, little mate." and with that, he swooped in for a kiss.

It was the first time that they kissed since Bradley wanted to take things slow, but his wolf was never fond of that approach. He was ready to claim her from the start and never understood why he couldn't. Yet now he was glad that he waited because this was the sweetest taste he's ever had. It was like the rush he got when chasing prey but better. He felt like he was flying free, yet drowning in the purest honey at the same time. He never wanted the kiss to end, yet it ended too soon.

Ahhh..... finally their first kiss. Are things finally heating up?

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