
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

This book is based on a seasonal Fantasy Season 1 Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time, he was known to be a merciless and ruthless Alpha of his time. But what happens when he found his mate? What happens when Laila discovers more about this mysterious Alpha? Season 2 Here, we have Liam Greyold, said to be the most handsome and strongest Alpha of his time, he happens to fall for Lily Cavan, who happens to be his Mate but rejected him because of the unfinished battle between the Werewolves, Witches and Foxes.. Read to discover more fantasies...

Royal_Anna · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

Chapter 48 Trust issues

(Trust issues)

Flake's POV

I boarded a taxi to The glossy restaurant,I really need to see my baby again. I missed him and 3 days seems like 3 years to me, I was anxious and at same time excited. Anxious that I'll get to meet Clint again and excited that Laila is finally pregnant and expecting a child soon. Both my friends are gonna be mothers as I am, I really can't express how emotional I am right now.

"Glossy restaurant ma'am." The driver stated and I hopped off the taxi and paid him. I hesitantly entered the restaurant, I sighted charlie, I walked towards her. Thank goodness she's here I don't really know how to deal with this situation alone

"Charlie," I called and she smiled walking towards me

"Flake.. I've been expecting you." She stated and I chuckled

"I have good news, but first, I need to get Gray." I said to her and she nodded

We walked into the restaurant and my eyes searched for Gray

"Ma," he waved at me and my eyes teared up instantly

"Honey." I ran to him and hugged him tightly, I've really missed him and I won't let him leave me anymore

"Are you okay honey? Are you hurt? Are you hungry?" I asked touching his face and everywhere. He looks healthy and more handsome than I last saw him. He's wearing new clothes and his scent was same as that of... Clint, I sighed

"You alone?" I asked trying to confirm my thoughts, I pray it's a *yes.*

"Nope, I'm here with my parents," he said and my breath hitched, charlie patted my shoulder

"Who told you he's your pa Gray?" Charlie asked

"I'm not a kid to fool Lady, everything about him smells like me, he's my pa and that's why ma asked me to stay away from him. Am I right ma?" Gray stated with anger and I just stared at him, not knowing what to say, after all I went through and all what clint could do was to steal my son away from me?

"I understand honey, you shouldn't have a ma like me, I did horrible things and even made you ran away." I sniffed back the tears threatening to fall, I must act strong, I'm no weakling

"No ma.." He started

"You know what?" I cut him off "I'm leaving you, you can stay with your pa for all I care but, I'm never gonna come back and you'll never see me again!" I yelled angrily and turned to leave when his small hands hugged me from behind

"Ma, ma please don't leave me, I can't take it if you leave ma, I want both of you, I don't want to be a bastard, I want to have friends and family." Gray said and I felt something wet on my clothes, Wait, he's crying? Oh no, I made him cry, he hardly cries and whenever he does, he'll fall sick

"Please don't cry Gray." I knelt down to his level and hugged him tight, I swallowed back the tears that were about to fall, I've always been a strong mother for him no matter what

"It's okay Gray, please don't cry." A thick voice stated and I looked up to see clint, my blood rushed Memories of the past rushed in at their own free will and those doors I shut in the past were opened. He carried Gray, his eyes never left mine

"Give me my son." I ordered and his wolf whimpered, I don't care about the both of them, they hurt me right?

"Can't you forgive me? You can slap me, curse me, insult me do whatever you want to me, but please forgive me." He pleaded as he knelt down. I was surprised, Clinton never felt remorse and he would never bow or kneel for anyone.

"Ma, please forgive him, he's a changed person now, please." Gray pleaded and I hissed, I hate this sort of drama, where the villain gets to change and ask for forgiveness. I scoffed and looked straight at him.

"How sure are you that he's changed? A devil never changes remember?" I said, Clint stood up with remorse written all over his face.

"Give me a chance, I'll prove myself to you, I promise." Clint pleaded and I shook my head in disapproval

"I won't even consider that." I said

"Gray let's go, if not, you can stay with him for the mean time until I get my lawyer." I retorted with discernment

"Just give me a chance okay? I know I made a grievious mistake and it's haunting me till date... I will make it up to you, just understand me..." I heard a thud sound and I discovered it was Gray

"Gray's fainted!" Charlie announced and I rushed towards him

"Gray, Gray." Clint called, Clint looks scared and devastated as i am right now, he carried Gray in his hands

"Gray, honey, please wake up, I promise you I will do whatever you ask of me..." I pleaded in tears, we all rushed to the nearest hospital, the doctor asked us to wait outside, I was scared as hell... I paced back and forth in anticipation as I sobbed, Clint ran his fingers down his hair

"If anything happens to Gray, I won't forgive you...." My voice were choking in tears, I know he was scared too but I was beyond scared, it really hurts me that my son fainted for the first time. Charlie consoled me but deep down, I was empty.

"He'll be fine Flake, just believe that." I was quivering in fear,

"The doctor is not yet out, you sure it's not serious?" I asked

"Gray is a strong leader, nothing will happen to him." Clint assured

"Speaking of the devil.." I muttered with hatred and he sighed

"I and Gray just wanted to surprise you, Gray had suggested that I... I apologize to you and I truly love you both, had I known you were pregnant, I wouldn't had let you suffer, you ran away and I had no clue where you went." He stated calmly

"When you raped a woman, what did you expect, don't claim the good guy here, I hate to remember that okay!" I hollered and he stared at me

"I love you Flake, I can't get enough of you, what should I do? Consider yourself in my place." He pleaded

"I won't rape a woman I love." I stated almost in a whisper

"I was in Rut for crying out loud!"

He yelled his eyes reddened "What I did was not in my control, I'm a  werewolf and being with my mate in one room was hard." He defended

"Why didn't you tell me you're a werewolf? I could had abstained from you." I asked and his wolf whimpered his expression softened

"Please don't say that again, it hurts." He pleaded as he wiped his face with his palm, he walked to Gray's theatre and sat on the bench. He's suffering just as I planned but not what I want, for some reason I felt hurt.

"I have to go Flake, I have a very important meeting." Charlie said as I nodded, she hugged me

"Go to him, if you truly love Gray." She advised and waved at me as she left. I walked to him, deep down there's a truth I don't want to reveal, I walked towards him and sat close to him. He was crying, I swear I saw a tear that he wiped immediately, acting tough huh?

"I love you Flake, I tried running away from the truth but... I can't run anymore, if you're a werewolf you'll understand." He smiled and nodded

"Well no problem if you don't, I'll leave tomorrow, your life can return back to normal and I'll never show my face again." He stated with seriousness and I sighed

"You don't have to leave, Gray truly loves you, you're the first person he's ever defended. Leaving him now... Will look unfair." I said and he nodded with a sad smile.

"Sir, ma'am, come with me." The doctor said and we hurriedly rushed to her office, she studied us for a moment and sighed as she handed me a brown envelope which I collected...