57 monk zhao

as soon as they entered the office room , the door was closed by the guards and jungkook sat down on his seat then followed by taehyung and the monk.

jungkook looked towards the monk and he totally identified him as the one he saw in his dream but showed no reaction Infront of yuna incase to make her worry about him.

jungkook :" do I know him ? "

jungkook started the conversation asking taehyung ...

taehyung :" no... you wouldn't know him ... let me introduce him to you...

this is monk Zhao ... "

he pointed towards the monk sitting besides him..

" he is a disciple of the last monk incharge in the time of our parents reign and he just came back from his long meditation from the mountains as they have some important information regarding yuna and the things going on right now "

jungkook :" hmmm!!! I even have to say something to you too .. I think you should start first ... "

he looked towards the monk.

monk :" I know what you want to ask me about I even have a answer for your questions that you need but we should first look at the important Matter here right now... "

he looked at both the alphas sitting Infront of him ... to which jungkook slightly nodded but taehyung had a curious and confused look on his face.

monk Zhao was a disciple child of the great and high ranked monk , monk ling ...

he worked with the monks in the most hard times even during the war between the vampires and the werewolves and achieved a lot higher rank and position from his hardwork.

he was dressed in a lose white robe with gray linings in the seams , a light brown amulet that had a Cresent light blue diamond in the middle which had a lone wolf howling at the moon inside it.

he wore wooden flat sleepers and carried an alms bowl and a water stainer.

calm and auramatic a monk should be....
