

Rai just kept putting pressure on the wound ,but the blood kept on flowing. He luckily found an old med kit. The kit was rusted and only had a few supplies left in it. Rai grabs a package of bandages. It might not be the best thing to stop the blood but it works. He sits down leaning against a shelf. He is dizzy and his head is pounding. He can no longer hold his eyes open.


Rai wakes up to a loud thud. He grabs the shot gun and slowly walks to the front of the store. His heart is racing and his body is shaking. "What could it be"? Rai points the gun without looking. Nya starts giggling. "you look funny"! She's says while laughing. Rai is angry but mostly relieved. He grabs the backpack and Nya's hand. He sticks the shot gun on his back using the string from his hospital gown to hold it up. Rai really wants to change his clothes. They start heading down the road.


They've been walking for about a mile, Nya is on Rai's back because she got tired. He spots a huge map down the street. The map shows that there is a department store another mile North. Nya needs a break and frankly so does Rai, so they rest in an old semi truck. Rai has been feeling nauseous and cold since last night but he trys to not think about it. He looks over at Nya she's asleep on his lap. He knows they can't stay in the semi so he picks her up and Carry's her all the way to the department store. Nya looks up at Rai and smiles. Rai puts Nya down beside him. He cautiously walks into the store. It looks clear but there is blood everywhere. Rai spots some pants but he will have to try them on. He has lost a lot of weight since before everything happened. How did this happen anyway? Did a mad scientist create this decease? How does the decease work any way? These thoughts flood his mind but before he can think of another question his head starts spinning. In the mist of his confusion he doesn't notice a creature behind him, it grabs his shoulder and bites a chunk off. Luckily Rai swings the creature around and throws it into a shelf. The creature's head is trapped under a shelf so it can't move. Rai kicks the shelf and it crushes the creature's head. Rai is dazed. I'm going to die. This is it. What will happen to Nya? How long does it take to turn? Bad thoughts cloud his judgement. He grabs the shot gun and points it at his head, he puts his finger on the trigger and boom! Rai wakes up shaking drenched in sweat. Nya is lying beside him. He is laying on the ground of the department store. His shoulder is fine,but his hand is now a grey color. The same grey color as the creatures.
