
75. Chapter 75

The wetness was the first thing that Nicole felt when she woke the next morning, with her eyes still shut Nicole laying on her side facing Waverly’s side of the bed, buries her head into her pillow as she released a groan. This didn’t stop the pestering kisses from their task of waking her from a deep sleep, but when Nicole felt tiny little fingers playing with her baby whiskers hair, which made the Sheriff fling her eyes wide open. With a smile on her face, Waverly tenderly stares at her wife, while nuzzling into Nicole’s chest was Padma while Jagna was tucked in behind Nicole and playing with her Mummy’s hair. “Morning sweetie. I’ve held them off for as long as I could, but these two just had to have some Mummy time. They take after their Mama. After you’ve had some time together, I need you to get dressed for a day in the outdoors. All the others are out with Doc and Wynonna seeing to the horses and cows, and just so you know, Wynonna is waiting to go and have pancakes for breakfast.” Waverly leans forward and connects their lips.

“I can get used to waking up to this. What time is it?” Nicole has been able to grab hold of Jagna and pull her around into a tight hug, before switching to Padma. Both girls giggle as they try to wrestle with their Mummy. “It’s just after 9.” Waverly lays down next to Nicole and watched her wife tickle their girls until they begged for her to stop. Padma and Jagna crumbled next to their Mummy and took up their positions, tucked under Nicole’s arms and resting their heads on her chest.

Smiling to herself as she had her baby girls and wife in bed with her, Nicole realized just how grateful Waverly for giving them a family. A family that loves her and looks to her to provide them protection and a sense of safety, but most of all they look to Nicole for the love that she brings to their lives every day, and they give her love in return. Something that Nicole had always been wanting from her parents and friends when she was younger, but she never received the love she needed from either until she met and fell in love with Waverly. With Waverly, not only did Nicole find her true mate and real love, but she also gained a Sister in the form of Wynonna and brothers in the form of Doc, Dolls, and Jeremy, and friends in the shape of Emily and Louise. Her babies also gained a grandparent in the form of Randy Nedley, who was more of a father to Nicole than her former boss. When Nicole looked back over her life, she knew that she had been blessed more than she could ever imagine.

Turning towards Waverly, Nicole rested her chin on top of Padma’s head, “Have you rung the hospital? Did they have a good night?” Knowing that her wife would have already rung the hospital, Nicole just wanted to know what they said about their fragile babies.

“Yes, they are all doing really well. The nurse told me that they are going to try and put them into little vests because their skin is starting to be less delicate. If they do well with the vests, then we can bring them in some blankets to tuck them in.” Waverly looks anxiously at her hand that was playing with Nicole’s shirt.

“Baby, what’s on your mind?” Nicole moves one hand off the back of Padma’s back and reaches out to hold Waverly’s hand.

“It’s just the thought of our babies being cold, and we can’t do anything about it. I know you don’t get as cold as me, but all our babies have been like me. They’ve all needed extra blankets even when they were tiny babies, and our babies are lying in those cribs with the only thing keeping them warm, is a healing light.” Waverly stops as she can feel herself becoming emotional, looking into Nicole’s eyes, the brunette allows herself to show her wife the tears welling within her eyes.

Squeezing her wife’s hand, “Shhh, knowing these little ones’ Mama, they are going to love it when the nurses dress them in those vests. And that just means we can look for some knitted blankets to wrap them up in. Maybe we can have a look today at some time.”

“Wait, I think that Mama Earp kept all of our blankets which she brought us all home from the hospital. I’ll ask Wynonna to have a look in Mama’s memories chest that’s in the attic. And if they take to the vests, we can pick up some unicorn printed vests for them to wear in the NICU.” With a glint of joy in her eyes, Waverly leaps on the bed to bring her legs under her body. The sight melted Nicole’s heart as for the first time in the past week, she was looking at the Waverly that she fell in love with all those years ago.

Later that day after both families had eaten an equal amount of vegan and non-vegan pancakes at one of the local dinners in Purgatory, Waverly and Doc parked their vehicles in the car parking area of a local walking track. Nicole observed as to where they were and began to smile and admired her beautiful wife, as Waverly turned around, “Nicolas and Alberto, I don’t want you running off ahead. You are going to have to wait till your Mummy and I get your sister’s into their stroller.”

It had been over six years since Nicole and Waverly first found this walking track and secluded pool with a beautiful waterfall. Nicole’s thoughts drift off to the day not that long after when they had made love for the first time and exchanged mating marks. That day it was warm, and they had not planned on stumbling onto the swimming hole, with waters that beckoned them to strip off all of their clothes and slip into the cooling waters. During their time that day, Nicole, and Waverly made love several times beneath the flow of water that fell from the waterfall and beat down onto their naked bodies.

Being brought back to reality Nicole heard Waverly call, “Nicole, I need your help with the twin’s stroller.” Climbing out and making her way around to the back of the vehicle, Nicole lifted and set up the twin’s stroller, before helping with strapping in the twin girls into their spots. Nicole and Waverly grabbed the bags they brought with them, filled with the pup’s swimming costumes and towels, Nicole made sure that she took control of the food hamper Waverly had prepared while she was still asleep earlier in the morning. As they headed off along the walking track, it was not long before Winona and Walden called out, “Mummy, we hear the waterfall.” Nicole oversaw the pushing of the stroller, which meant that Waverly and Wynonna had to reign in the eager pups from running off towards the water. All the way towards the waterfall, Nicole and Doc could hear the grumbling from Wynonna, as she complained about having to spend her day off on some walk-through nature.

“If it wasn’t for Waverly bribing Wynonna with her Vegan potato salad, Wynonna would still be back at home in bed.” Doc smirked as he helped with carrying the various bags.

“Don’t worry, I’ve had to promise that Wynonna and I would go out for a drink next week, that’s if everything with the triplets goes to plan.” Nicole was thankful that they had chosen a stroller that had been designed to tackle rough paths, such as the one they were walking on.

Before Waverly and her pups rounded the bend in the path, they heard the thundering of the waterfall, as the water hit the smooth surface of the water below. Nicolas and Alice chased each other to be the first to reach the edge of the water pool, with Alberto and Henry close behind. Once all the children had reached the water’s edge, Waverly and Wynonna smiled as they watched the children begin to take off their shoes and socks, before dipping the tips of their toes into the cool waters. As soon as they felt the coolness of the water, Alice and Winona screeched, “AAAHHH.” And then stomped further into the water until they were called back by Waverly, “Alice and Winona, STOP NOW.”

With a pout plastered upon their face and looking up at the younger brunette through their eyelashes, both girls stopped in their steps before making their way back to the shore. Waverly was not angry with the little girls, she just wanted them to change into their swimmers before they went into the water. Nicole parked the stroller just a short way off the track and under a shady tree, she had to wrestle with the two girls as they couldn’t wait to get to be with their siblings. Even though the girls were walking quite well now, Nicole was concerned that Padma and Jagna would find the rocky shore more challenging. Keeping watch over the pair, Nicole followed them closely behind, just so if they fell, she would be there to help them up and comfort them when it was needed. Even on her day off Sheriff Nicole Earp-Haught was still on alert and willing to assist and protect her charges, and today and forever her chargers were her and Waverly’s children. A role that Nicole loved and valued above her position as the Sheriff of Purgatory.


Nicole and Doc reminded the pups of the dangers that can lurch beneath the water, and that they were only allowed to go into the water with an adult. With a quick change into their swimmers, all of them walk into the pristine blue water that flowed from the majestic waterfall. Above their heads stood a rock face from which the waterfall poured over and crashed down into the water pool below with such a force. Nicolas, Alberto, and Alice began to pester Doc and Nicole, “Can we go and get under the waterfall? Please.” And to add extra pressure Alice wrapped her arms around her Daddy’s neck and rested her head on his shoulder, as she peered up at her Dad Alice fluttered her eyelids as her bottom lip began to droop into a pout. Looking over at the Sheriff, Doc knew he was unable to say ‘no’ to his daughter when she looked at him like that.

“I think it would be alright. We’ll come with you to make sure that you're safe.” Doc replies to which Alice, Nicolas, and Alberto all jumped in the water, causing water to splash onto their younger siblings. Bach frowned and instead of making a scene, he splashed his brothers and cousin back. This started all the siblings to begin a splashing competition, of which the younger siblings won.

“If you're all finished splashing each other, I thought we were going to swim over to the waterfall? It would be best to go before your Mum, eats all your Aunt Waverly’s potato salad.” Doc smirked. And without anything more to be said, the little group headed off towards the waterfall. Nicole and Doc found that as they got closer to the base of the waterfall, the current was strong, and they reached out and pulled their pups along with them. The water was heavy and forceful as it fell on the skin of the pups, making it hard for them to open their eyes, but they loved the feeling of the water belting onto the top of their heads. Nicolas, Alberto, and Alice were able to swim behind the waterfall and found a rock ledge, upon which they climbed up onto and sat and peered through the water and commented about how the water made their Mummy and Dad looked strange. Their time exploring the rock ledge was cut short, as Waverly called out, “Lunchtime.”

After reaching the edge of the water pool, Nicole and Doc helped their pups to dry off with their towels, before they could make their way over to Waverly, Wynonna, and the other pups. Waverly had made sure that she had packed enough food that included both vegan and non-vegan food. Helping herself to a large serving of potato salad, Wynonna found a place to sit upon a rock nearby and begin to devour her plate of food. Nicole found a spot beside her wife and once everyone had been served, the redhead leaned over and whispered into her wife’s ear, “Remember the first time we came here?”

Turning so that she could look directly into Nicole’s eyes, Waverly playfully smiles and tucks her chin into her chest, as if she was bashful. “How could I ever forget. I don’t think there’s any spot where we didn’t make love that day. Someday we’re going to have to come back for a repeat performance.” With a wiggle of her eyebrows, Waverly leaned in to connect their lips.“Urg, can you please not, I’m trying to eat over here.” Wynonna groans as she flicks some of her potato salad at her sister. “Now look at what you’ve made me do. I’ve just wasted my potato salad.” Wynonna grumbles as she stands and huffs while walking over to the container of potato salad, and helping herself to another large helping, before returning to her spot on the rock.

Chuckling to themselves before Waverly leaned into Nicole, “Should we tell her that the rock she’s sitting on was where you bend me over and took and knotted me from behind, all those years ago.” Waverly raises her eyebrows as Nicole smirks, “I don’t think that would be a good idea, or we’ll never hear the end of it.”

Once finishing their lunch, Waverly suggested that they take a short walk to burn off their lunch and in a way try to tire out the excitable older pup’s, while Nicole stayed behind to take care of Padma and Jagna, who were already rubbing their eyes with the back of their hands. As the group left along a walking track that branched off from one side of the water pool, leading them towards the top of the waterfall. Nicole laid down on a stretched-out blanket under the shade of a large tree, while Padma and Jagna made themselves comfortable on both sides of Nicole’s chest and snuggled into her sides, before resting their heads on the redhead’s chest. It wasn’t long before Nicole heard the tell-tale signs that indicated that her baby girls had fallen asleep, as they made the tiny whimpers while their bodies got that much heavier upon her chest. With a full tummy and the warmth of the sun, Nicole draped her long arms over the backs of her sleeping daughters, before being lured into a slumber of her very own.

Along with the track Doc pointed out the different signs that indicated the type of plants to avoid and the ones that they could eat if they were ever lost in the wild. Crouching down in the middle of the track, Doc pointed at the dirt on the ground and explained how to recognize the different footprints and as to which animals they belonged to. Alice, Henry, Nicolas, and Alberto became very excited when Doc showed them the footprints of a Black bear. Waverly was not so keen as she was not wanting her pups to become a meal for the bear.

“From the look of the print, the bear passed through here about a two or three days ago. It would be long gone by now. Just to be safe, I’ll take the lead and keep a close watch out for any signs of the bear. It’s a good thing that I brought along with me, my trusty pistols.” Doc rests both hands on the buts of both pistols, which sat in their holsters that hung off Doc’s hips.

Upon reaching the top of the waterfall, all the pups were surprised to find that there was another small water pool that flowed over a rock ledge. With tiny hands holding their parents, they all walked into the pool's cool waters but a distance from the rock ledge. Waverly, Wynonna, and Doc refused to let go of the tiny hands that clung to them until they were a safe distance from the edge and the water current wasn’t so strong. It was there that the older of the pups decided that they wanted to change into their wolf forms, as soon as they had shifted, the small wolves began to bound around in the water. Splashing and swatting the water with their paws, Waverly and Wynonna watched on with pride.

“Wyn and Waverly, are you able to watch these, while I go and show our little wolves how to catch some fish?” Doc smiles as Waverly and Wynonna nod in approval. Doc heads over towards the trees that lined the edge of the water before he slipped behind the tree trunks to remove his clothes and then shift into his wolf form. His strong black fur wolf slowly strolled towards the smaller wolves, once reaching the small pack, the smaller wolves approached the Alpha and submitted by lowering the heads and allowing Doc to lick their nuzzles.

Doc spent some time showing the smaller wolves how to use their front paws to scoop up an unsuspecting fish from beneath their haven in the water. Watching all of the pup wolves try to scoop up a fish, Doc’s chest filled with pride while Waverly took a video of all the pup’s, mainly to show Nicole, but also to keep for when her babies would no longer be little and she wanted to have memories of moments like this. Only when all the wolf pup’s had caught a fish and then released the innocent animal back gently into the water, Waverly and Wynonna suggested that they should be heading back, as Wynonna and Doc were going to take all the pup’s back to the homestead, while Nicole and Waverly headed to the hospital to check in on their other pup’s progress.

Upon approaching the area where Nicole, Jagna, and the Padma were, Waverly couldn’t stop her heart from melting at the sight of the three individuals sound asleep in each other’s arms. The brunette didn’t want to disturb them, but they needed to make a move before it got too late in the day. Walden and Bach were the ones that caused the sleeping beauties to awaken, as they came charging and calling out, “Mummy, MUMMY wake up. We swam in the pool up on top of the waterfall.”

Quickly packing up and heading back to the vehicles, Nicole pushed a stroller that was carrying all the bags, while Padma and Jagna walked holding the sides of the stroller. As they regained their energy from their sleep, Waverly thought it would be best that the little girls walk back. When they reached the different automobiles, Nicole and Doc handed each other the keys to the vehicles, before heading off back into town. Wynonna and Doc were going to take the pups for some ice cream, before heading back to the homestead. Waverly checked her phone to see if there had been any calls from the hospital, but she wasn’t sure if she should be glad or worried when she saw that there were none.

Nicole pulled Doc’s truck into the carpark of the hospital and sitting in the cabin before getting out, Waverly grabbed Nicole’s hand and squeezed it, “Do you think they're alright? There have been no calls from the nurses or doctors.” With an anxious tone to her voice, Waverly couldn’t hide her concerns from Nicole.

“Baby, if the hospital hasn’t called, then we can take that to mean that they are alright. We’re going to check on them, give them a hug and a kiss and find out how they went with their vests. Then when we get back to the homestead, you and Wynonna can look for those blankets, but right now I need you to stay with me as we head in to see our babies. Waverly, I love you for giving me today, I really needed to spend the day with you and our other pups.” Nicole leaned over the console and kissed Waverly passionately before heading to see their babies.

Walking into the NICU ward, the pair found a nurse holding little Lucas against her chest while she gently patted his vest-covered back. Noticing the Earp-Haught parents standing beside her, the nurse said, “I thought you both were not going to come in today?”

“When you said that you were going to see how they would take to wearing a vest, I wanted to see how they went, and we were in town.” Waverly looked like she was about to rip her son from the nurse’s hold. Nicole could see the tension in her wife’s stiff body beside her, so the redhead reached over and touched Waverly’s shoulder as if to indicate that she needed to calm down and relax. It worked as Nicole could feel under her touch, the brunette’s muscles begin to release the tension and Waverly’s breathing had returned to normal. The nurse handed over Lucas to Waverly, who had lowered her gown and placed the little human form onto her naked chest.

For the next hour, Waverly and Nicole held their children and talked with the nurse, who told the pair how well the pups took to wearing the vests. This showed that their skin had developed with more fat under their skin, proving that they were flourishing and growing according to their developmental stage.

Leaving the hospital filled with joy-filled hearts and a sense of a weight being lifted off their shoulders, Nicole and Waverly stopped off at the store to pick up some groceries for the other pup’s, where Nicole sneaked into the shopping cart several bags of marshmallows so that they could roast them by the fire. At the checkout Waverly looked at the bags of marshmallows and raised her eyebrow, Nicole piped up, “I thought what better way to finish such a great day, than with roasting marshmallows by the firepit.”

Later that night after everyone had bellies full of tasty toasted marshmallows and tucked in bed for the night, Nicole rolled over and wrapped her arms around Waverly and held her tight against her. Waverly and Wynonna had located the three baby blankets and the younger Earp put them in for a wash and now they were hanging beside the fire in the living room. Tomorrow they would take them into the hospital to wrap them around their little girls and boy, and that they would know just how much they are loved by their parents and siblings. Until then the only sounds that could be heard with the walls of the Earp-Haught household were the sweet sounds of little whimpers and the odd snore, as they all slept peacefully.